Meet the Chicago woman who rented hotel rooms for homeless people during polar vortex


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
The Beautiful Pacific Northwest
This is amazing. I know a bunch of people who don't have the wherewithal to organize a trip to an ice cream parlor.

Local businesswoman Candice Payne knew the frigid temperatures were deadly, so she took action.
Feb. 3, 2019, 7:41 AM PST / Source: TODAY

By Ronnie Koenig

Candice Payne, a Chicago real estate broker, is being hailed a hero after helping more than 70 homeless people get out of the blistering cold in Chicago's South Side and into a nearby hotel.

After thinking about the homeless population outside while the city experiences record sub-zero temperatures, she picked up the tab for the rooms, getting help from her friends who shuttled them, Payne said.

"No one wanted them, but one hotel, the Amber Inn, was nice enough to allow me to buy the rooms," Payne today TODAY. With the help of strangers who saw her post on social media, she was able to rent almost 60 rooms for a total of five nights.

Chicago woman rents over 30 hotel rooms for homeless in dangerous cold
You know I heard about this woman on the news the other day. What she did was absolutely wonderful, and I hope that Karma is very good to her for these wonderful acts.
When will the lib scum try to prosecute her?
When will the lib scum try to prosecute her?
This was a kind act by a kind person and only someone as disgusting as yourself would try to make it otherwise.
No, I just watch what filthy democrats do to people who try to help others. I haven't made it into anything. But if you be honest (fat chance) hardly a week goes by without some scum sucking dem trying to prosecute someone for helping others.
There was a call for people to help save feral cats. I would have helped the cats.
She just ruined it for 30 other homeless people who could have worn their neighbors like a tauntaun.
This is amazing. I know a bunch of people who don't have the wherewithal to organize a trip to an ice cream parlor.

Local businesswoman Candice Payne knew the frigid temperatures were deadly, so she took action.
Feb. 3, 2019, 7:41 AM PST / Source: TODAY

By Ronnie Koenig

Candice Payne, a Chicago real estate broker, is being hailed a hero after helping more than 70 homeless people get out of the blistering cold in Chicago's South Side and into a nearby hotel.

After thinking about the homeless population outside while the city experiences record sub-zero temperatures, she picked up the tab for the rooms, getting help from her friends who shuttled them, Payne said.

"No one wanted them, but one hotel, the Amber Inn, was nice enough to allow me to buy the rooms," Payne today TODAY. With the help of strangers who saw her post on social media, she was able to rent almost 60 rooms for a total of five nights.

Chicago woman rents over 30 hotel rooms for homeless in dangerous cold
I understand that Chicago asked its churches to open up for the homeless during this....most didn't.
I just went to the woman's Facebook page.

She is a very conservative capitalist businesswoman who believes in education, working hard to achieve goals, investing her money for the future, supports Law enforcement and is anti drugs.

Wouldn't surprise me if she is a Trump supporter and owns a red MAGA hat. .. :thup:
When will the lib scum try to prosecute her?
This was a kind act by a kind person and only someone as disgusting as yourself would try to make it otherwise.
No, I just watch what filthy democrats do to people who try to help others. I haven't made it into anything. But if you be honest (fat chance) hardly a week goes by without some scum sucking dem trying to prosecute someone for helping others.
Well as you probably know by now, I'm a liberal Democrat and if you check out the first comment here, it's by me and I said she was an angel. Oh, and it's not the Democrats who want to cut food stamps, social security, medicaid and medicare, it's Republicans.
And please give links or verifiable examples to back up what you claim.
One last thing, I donate many items to a church who then distributes them to the homeless. I also knit scarves for them because I was told they like those because they know they are personal. I have also bought shoes, good ones and not those from the Goodwill, and donated them too. I am blessed that I have money and try to help out those less fortunate in any way I can. Many times, I'm even a sucker and give to those standing on the street corners with their signs. I also volunteer with an animal rescue group.
I am not bragging about any of this, just pointing out your false statement. The fact is, many on both sides are kind, caring people who go out of their way to help the less fortunate and this shouldn't be about anything other than a kind person helped those in need. If you can't see that, then I feel sorry for you.
When will the lib scum try to prosecute her?
This was a kind act by a kind person and only someone as disgusting as yourself would try to make it otherwise.
No, I just watch what filthy democrats do to people who try to help others. I haven't made it into anything. But if you be honest (fat chance) hardly a week goes by without some scum sucking dem trying to prosecute someone for helping others.
Well as you probably know by now, I'm a liberal Democrat and if you check out the first comment here, it's by me and I said she was an angel. Oh, and it's not the Democrats who want to cut food stamps, social security, medicaid and medicare, it's Republicans.
And please give links or verifiable examples to back up what you claim.
One last thing, I donate many items to a church who then distributes them to the homeless. I also knit scarves for them because I was told they like those because they know they are personal. I have also bought shoes, good ones and not those from the Goodwill, and donated them too. I am blessed that I have money and try to help out those less fortunate in any way I can. Many times, I'm even a sucker and give to those standing on the street corners with their signs. I also volunteer with an animal rescue group.
I am not bragging about any of this, just pointing out your false statement. The fact is, many on both sides are kind, caring people who go out of their way to help the less fortunate and this shouldn't be about anything other than a kind person helped those in need. If you can't see that, then I feel sorry for you.
There is nothing false in my statement. You can see it on the "news" quite often. I'm sorry you are so stupid that you are in denial about your own kind. I don't normally try to "prove" anything to you idiots because it just makes you spew more garbage.

In Tampa, Food Not Bombs activists arrested for feeding the homeless—again

Is giving food to the homeless illegal in your city too?

Police continue reminding people to not feed homeless, yet do-gooders persist

Now do what you do, spin and twist the facts.
Oh, and it's not the Democrats who want to cut food stamps, social security, medicaid and medicare, it's Republicans.
One side measures success by how many the GOVERNMENT "helps."

Then, there's the other side that measures success by the number of people who DONT NEED "HELP."

Record Food stamps under Obama.

Record EMPLOYMENT under Trump.
This is amazing. I know a bunch of people who don't have the wherewithal to organize a trip to an ice cream parlor.

Local businesswoman Candice Payne knew the frigid temperatures were deadly, so she took action.
Feb. 3, 2019, 7:41 AM PST / Source: TODAY

By Ronnie Koenig

Candice Payne, a Chicago real estate broker, is being hailed a hero after helping more than 70 homeless people get out of the blistering cold in Chicago's South Side and into a nearby hotel.

After thinking about the homeless population outside while the city experiences record sub-zero temperatures, she picked up the tab for the rooms, getting help from her friends who shuttled them, Payne said.

"No one wanted them, but one hotel, the Amber Inn, was nice enough to allow me to buy the rooms," Payne today TODAY. With the help of strangers who saw her post on social media, she was able to rent almost 60 rooms for a total of five nights.

Chicago woman rents over 30 hotel rooms for homeless in dangerous cold
I understand that Chicago asked its churches to open up for the homeless during this....most didn't.
Chicago also asked mosques and temples to help...none did.
This was a kind act by a kind person and only someone as disgusting as yourself would try to make it otherwise.

Kindness never put food on my table or gas in the tank of my car. I don’t give charity and I wouldn’t ever take it from someone else. .

If she has the money to waste on this, good for her; but I’d be willing to bet she’ll be expecting to deduct the amount she spent from next year’s taxes.

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