Meet the Next Vice-President!

Washington -- The typical American believes in God (92 percent), believes in absolute standards of right and wrong (78 percent), prays at least weekly (75 percent), believes in life after death (74 percent) and believes in sacred scripture as the word of God (63 percent). But that typical American is also tolerant of other peoples’ beliefs and strikingly nondogmatic in the sense of not believing his or her own religion to be the only path to salvation or to have a monopoly on truth.
These findings emerge from a new study by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life.
Survey Finds Americans Are Religious, Tolerant, Nondogmatic

Yes, the fact we still believe in Bronze age stupidity is kind of sad, isn't it?

Then again, fear of your imaginary sky friend is probably the only thing that keeps some of you from being even more mean-spirited than you already are, I guess there's some value to it.

Proverbs 9:10
"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding."
Washington -- The typical American believes in God (92 percent), believes in absolute standards of right and wrong (78 percent), prays at least weekly (75 percent), believes in life after death (74 percent) and believes in sacred scripture as the word of God (63 percent). But that typical American is also tolerant of other peoples’ beliefs and strikingly nondogmatic in the sense of not believing his or her own religion to be the only path to salvation or to have a monopoly on truth.
These findings emerge from a new study by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life.
Survey Finds Americans Are Religious, Tolerant, Nondogmatic

Yes, the fact we still believe in Bronze age stupidity is kind of sad, isn't it?

Then again, fear of your imaginary sky friend is probably the only thing that keeps some of you from being even more mean-spirited than you already are, I guess there's some value to it.

Proverbs 9:10
"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding."

Psalms 137:9
"Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones."
I still say the next Vice-President should be my barber, Earl. He has his shit together, knows everything and gives a great hair cut to boot.

No need for a barber to be Vice President.

According to Democratic Dirt Diggers, Romney is already an accomplished hair cutter.

Well, it's just one more thing that Romney is better at than Obama.

Although, since it has never been documented that Romney bullied girls, it's probably a wash.
Okay, but you see, Imaginary Sky Pixies don't get any votes, not even in Ohio.

MOre to the point, only about 1% actually votes on this issue, and they were going to vote for who they were going to vote for anyway.

Why Obama

Let's pause for a moment to relish the absurdity of your asinine comment.

Are you stating that if a candidate for POTUS said he was a devout atheist, that would not cost him votes, all other things being equal?

I mean, are you a complete dumbass?

We aren't talking about whether he's an atheist or not. We probably wouldn't elect a Jew and Romney's Mormonism is probably going to cost him the election.

The kind of person who hates gays because he thinks God hates gays is the kind of person who was never going to vote for Obama to start with.

"The kind of person who hates gays..."

The Left attempts to cast the argument is pejorative terms, as above....


What about those who simply believe that each state has the right to define marriage, as per Article I, section 8 of the Constitution.

BTW..."Despite what many in the media claim, the American people do not support same-sex marriage. Every time they have voted on marriage—32 states overall—they have voted to preserve traditional marriage."
State by State, Americans Don't Want Gay Marriage | Debate Club | US News Opinion

Yet, Leftists such as you will never consider the wishes of the citizenry. There is always coercion from the Left.
Yes, the fact we still believe in Bronze age stupidity is kind of sad, isn't it?

Then again, fear of your imaginary sky friend is probably the only thing that keeps some of you from being even more mean-spirited than you already are, I guess there's some value to it.

Proverbs 9:10
"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding."

Psalms 137:9
"Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones."

"The devil can cite scripture for his purpose". -
Shakespeare, Merchant of Venice
( Quote Act I, sce. III).
Proverbs 9:10
"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding."

Psalms 137:9
"Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones."

"The devil can cite scripture for his purpose". -
Shakespeare, Merchant of Venice
( Quote Act I, sce. III).

Shame you had to quote deception to poor Joey since he is one of the largest agents provacateur of it on these boards.

Should I Order new hip waders?
Washington -- The typical American believes in God (92 percent), believes in absolute standards of right and wrong (78 percent), prays at least weekly (75 percent), believes in life after death (74 percent) and believes in sacred scripture as the word of God (63 percent). But that typical American is also tolerant of other peoples’ beliefs and strikingly nondogmatic in the sense of not believing his or her own religion to be the only path to salvation or to have a monopoly on truth.
These findings emerge from a new study by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life.
Survey Finds Americans Are Religious, Tolerant, Nondogmatic

Yes, the fact we still believe in Bronze age stupidity is kind of sad, isn't it?

Then again, fear of your imaginary sky friend is probably the only thing that keeps some of you from being even more mean-spirited than you already are, I guess there's some value to it.

Proverbs 9:10
"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding."

Even the Lord doesn't know if this guy is eligible to be the Veep.
"The kind of person who hates gays..."

The Left attempts to cast the argument is pejorative terms, as above....Alinsky?

What about those who simply believe that each state has the right to define marriage, as per Article I, section 8 of the Constitution.

BTW..."Despite what many in the media claim, the American people do not support same-sex marriage. Every time they have voted on marriage—32 states overall—they have voted to preserve traditional marriage."
State by State, Americans Don't Want Gay Marriage | Debate Club | US News Opinion

Yet, Leftists such as you will never consider the wishes of the citizenry. There is always coercion from the Left.

The wishes of the citizenry has to be balanced by the rights of everyone.

Otherwise Democracy just becomes an excercise in two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner.

I wasn't talking about the legal issues at all. I was talking purely about the moral issue.

If you are a well-adjusted straight person, two gays getting married has absolutely no effect on your life whatsoever. Period.

So the only reason to be opposed to the last thing that they haven't won in public opinion yet is hate.

"oooh, please let me have this last little bit of legal discrimination. Please. Pretty Please. My Sky Pixie says so!"

Because everyone agrees that they shouldn't be denied jobs or housing or any other right or privilage you enjoy.
Proverbs 9:10
"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding."

Psalms 137:9
"Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones."

"The devil can cite scripture for his purpose". -
Shakespeare, Merchant of Venice
( Quote Act I, sce. III).

THat's a real nice attempt at a dodge, but you realize it is a dodge, don't you.

The Devil didn't put that horrible verse in the bible, God did. Or someone who thought he was hearing God, but we have medication for that now.

If you are going to cite this bit of savagery as a moral guide, then you should be able to answer for all of it.

We don't execute rape victims for not crying out like the bible says. We don't execute children for mouthing off to their parents or brides for not being virgins on their wedding nights.
at least this guy isnt as stupid as Palin.


But you are.

He/she wishes he/she was as "stupid" as Sarah Palin.

Then he/she would not live in their parents' basement, at their mercy.

If he/she was as "stupid" as Sarah Palin he/she would be a millionaire and an internationally recognized celebrity, who was "stupid" enough to overcome all the hate directed not only at her but at her children, including the Down's Syndrome child, who would have been butchered by any female, convenience and comfort-loving Democratic liberal, pro-choice (i.e. anti-child, pro-abortion) Obama-voter.
"The kind of person who hates gays..."

The Left attempts to cast the argument is pejorative terms, as above....Alinsky?

What about those who simply believe that each state has the right to define marriage, as per Article I, section 8 of the Constitution.

BTW..."Despite what many in the media claim, the American people do not support same-sex marriage. Every time they have voted on marriage—32 states overall—they have voted to preserve traditional marriage."
State by State, Americans Don't Want Gay Marriage | Debate Club | US News Opinion

Yet, Leftists such as you will never consider the wishes of the citizenry. There is always coercion from the Left.

The wishes of the citizenry has to be balanced by the rights of everyone.

Otherwise Democracy just becomes an excercise in two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner.

I wasn't talking about the legal issues at all. I was talking purely about the moral issue.

If you are a well-adjusted straight person, two gays getting married has absolutely no effect on your life whatsoever. Period.

So the only reason to be opposed to the last thing that they haven't won in public opinion yet is hate.

"oooh, please let me have this last little bit of legal discrimination. Please. Pretty Please. My Sky Pixie says so!"

Because everyone agrees that they shouldn't be denied jobs or housing or any other right or privilage you enjoy.

1. "So the only reason to be opposed..."
The assumption in your post, both written and implied, is that you have some knowledge of what every person thinks, and feels.
This is absurd.
The wishes of the elite, and the supposed wishes of the minority in question should not dictate the course of events.

2. If there is a presumption of liberty in the Constitution, if not in the text, it is at least in the reading of the Ninth Amendment. Or, one would have to argue that the original meaning of the Constitution fits more closely with a presumption of serfdom.

The presumption of liberty fits with the Ninth Amendment, which says that the enumeration in the Constitution of certain or specific rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

The liberty of the people can also be inferred from the fact that the powers that serve as the foundation of the Constitution are enumerated and thus limited by implication. And, anything not granted remains a right of the people.
From chapter ten of “Originalism: A Quarter-Century of Debate,’ Steven G. Calabresi
I believe that the definition of marriage would be the right of the people. No state in this country has every voted to change the definition of marriage.

3. We know from the Declaration of Independence that a precept of our order is that it is the people who must consent to governance.
"The kind of person who hates gays..."

The Left attempts to cast the argument is pejorative terms, as above....Alinsky?

What about those who simply believe that each state has the right to define marriage, as per Article I, section 8 of the Constitution.

BTW..."Despite what many in the media claim, the American people do not support same-sex marriage. Every time they have voted on marriage—32 states overall—they have voted to preserve traditional marriage."
State by State, Americans Don't Want Gay Marriage | Debate Club | US News Opinion

Yet, Leftists such as you will never consider the wishes of the citizenry. There is always coercion from the Left.

The wishes of the citizenry has to be balanced by the rights of everyone.

Otherwise Democracy just becomes an excercise in two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner.

I wasn't talking about the legal issues at all. I was talking purely about the moral issue.

If you are a well-adjusted straight person, two gays getting married has absolutely no effect on your life whatsoever. Period.

So the only reason to be opposed to the last thing that they haven't won in public opinion yet is hate.

"oooh, please let me have this last little bit of legal discrimination. Please. Pretty Please. My Sky Pixie says so!"

Because everyone agrees that they shouldn't be denied jobs or housing or any other right or privilage you enjoy.

1. "So the only reason to be opposed..."
The assumption in your post, both written and implied, is that you have some knowledge of what every person thinks, and feels.
This is absurd.
The wishes of the elite, and the supposed wishes of the minority in question should not dictate the course of events.

2. If there is a presumption of liberty in the Constitution, if not in the text, it is at least in the reading of the Ninth Amendment. Or, one would have to argue that the original meaning of the Constitution fits more closely with a presumption of serfdom.

The presumption of liberty fits with the Ninth Amendment, which says that the enumeration in the Constitution of certain or specific rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

The liberty of the people can also be inferred from the fact that the powers that serve as the foundation of the Constitution are enumerated and thus limited by implication. And, anything not granted remains a right of the people.
From chapter ten of “Originalism: A Quarter-Century of Debate,’ Steven G. Calabresi
I believe that the definition of marriage would be the right of the people. No state in this country has every voted to change the definition of marriage.

3. We know from the Declaration of Independence that a precept of our order is that it is the people who must consent to governance.

It has gotten to the point of "the people who must be coerced for thier taking of the treasury in order to be convinced."
Psalms 137:9
"Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones."

"The devil can cite scripture for his purpose". -
Shakespeare, Merchant of Venice
( Quote Act I, sce. III).

THat's a real nice attempt at a dodge, but you realize it is a dodge, don't you.

The Devil didn't put that horrible verse in the bible, God did. Or someone who thought he was hearing God, but we have medication for that now.

If you are going to cite this bit of savagery as a moral guide, then you should be able to answer for all of it.

We don't execute rape victims for not crying out like the bible says. We don't execute children for mouthing off to their parents or brides for not being virgins on their wedding nights.

1." If you are going to cite this bit of savagery as a moral guide,..."
THat's a real nice attempt at a dodge, but you realize it is a dodge, don't you.

2. "Or someone who thought he was hearing God,..."
That's a possibility...

3. Of course, the meaning of the Shakespeare quote is that one need not accept every word in the Bible.
You, for example, accept some....

The very concept of all men being created equal stems from the fact that we are all created in God's image.
1. "So the only reason to be opposed..."
The assumption in your post, both written and implied, is that you have some knowledge of what every person thinks, and feels.
This is absurd.
The wishes of the elite, and the supposed wishes of the minority in question should not dictate the course of events.

I've never had a discussion with a gay marriage opponent that didn't eventually devolve down into a screaming scripture contest or graphic and hateful descriptions of male gay sex that bordered on bad slash fiction. If there is a principaled gay marriage opponent out there, I sure as hell haven't met him yet.

NOw, that said, I would rather have gay marriage be legalized by legislation than by judicial fiat, and I've gotten into some very nasty rows with my liberal friends about that contention.
"The devil can cite scripture for his purpose". -
Shakespeare, Merchant of Venice
( Quote Act I, sce. III).

THat's a real nice attempt at a dodge, but you realize it is a dodge, don't you.

The Devil didn't put that horrible verse in the bible, God did. Or someone who thought he was hearing God, but we have medication for that now.

If you are going to cite this bit of savagery as a moral guide, then you should be able to answer for all of it.

We don't execute rape victims for not crying out like the bible says. We don't execute children for mouthing off to their parents or brides for not being virgins on their wedding nights.

1." If you are going to cite this bit of savagery as a moral guide,..."
THat's a real nice attempt at a dodge, but you realize it is a dodge, don't you.

2. "Or someone who thought he was hearing God,..."
That's a possibility...

3. Of course, the meaning of the Shakespeare quote is that one need not accept every word in the Bible.
You, for example, accept some....

The very concept of all men being created equal stems from the fact that we are all created in God's image.

Is this numbering thing some sort of weird OCD I don't know about?

Incidently, I don't accept the bible at all, at least as a moral guide.
1. "So the only reason to be opposed..."
The assumption in your post, both written and implied, is that you have some knowledge of what every person thinks, and feels.
This is absurd.
The wishes of the elite, and the supposed wishes of the minority in question should not dictate the course of events.

I've never had a discussion with a gay marriage opponent that didn't eventually devolve down into a screaming scripture contest or graphic and hateful descriptions of male gay sex that bordered on bad slash fiction. If there is a principaled gay marriage opponent out there, I sure as hell haven't met him yet.

NOw, that said, I would rather have gay marriage be legalized by legislation than by judicial fiat, and I've gotten into some very nasty rows with my liberal friends about that contention.

I'm sure you've had dozens of such discussions....

But somehow, you and the other Liberals have passed judgement to the effect that civil unions, and other accommodations are not acceptable.... you must be correct and everyone else incorrect.

Pretty much the definition of Liberal.

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