Meeting of the Uninformed Voter Society


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
If you are not just uninformed, but have the correct combination of stupidity and bigotry, then you might just have joined in celebrating one of the most infamous frauds of the century: Tawana Brawley.

1. "Hoaxer Tawana Brawley celebrated in New Jersey fund-raiser

2. Infamous rape hoaxster and court deadbeat Tawana Brawley got rock-star treatment in New Jersey yesterday, posing for photos with dozens of supporters honoring her as a courageous victim of injustice — as they stuffed envelopes full of cash for her

3. ....claim that she was raped by six men was revealed to be a fake 25 years ago — beamed as she and her mother, Glenda, were hailed for surviving society’s “lies since 1987.”

4. “Let’s let this young queen Tawana know we love her to death,” said incendiary former City College professor Leonard Jeffries,....

a. Jeffries has said “rich Jews” financed the slave trade and whites are violent, cruel “ice people.’’

5. is usually held at the Cotton Club in Harlem — but couldn’t be there this year because Glenda Brawley still has a warrant out for her arrest over procedural charges related to the infamous hoax.

6. .... attendees were given envelopes for the Tawana Brawley Defense Fund to help her cover legal costs for the lawsuit she lost to former Dutchess County Prosecutor Steven Pagones, one of the men falsely accused of raping Brawley in 1987.

7. The [New York} Post recently found her living under an assumed name in Virginia, and a court promptly ordered her wages to be garnisheed to start paying back the debt.

8. Found in a trash bag in Dutchess County with slurs scrawled on her body, a 15-year-old Brawley ignited national outrage by claiming she was raped by six men, including Pagones and a cop. A grand jury found the tale to be false."
Tawana Brawley celebrated in New Jersey fund-raiser -

And....for those who don't know about the ruin and calamity this bunch created......

9. "Tawana Brawley is right up there with Boss Tweed, Bernie Madoff, and Lance Armstrong in the public Hall of Shame where buggers belong.....Brawley’s cock-and-bull story made world headlines on Nov. 28, 1987, when front pages screamed that the then-15-year-old was found in upstate New York, smeared with feces and wrapped in a plastic bag, her hair chopped off, her pants singed, and racist slurs scrawled over her body.

a. She claimed she was abducted and raped by a gang of whites, and she fingered the sheriff of Dutchess County and a young assistant district attorney named Steven Pagones among her assailants.

10. The Rev. Al Sharpton — then a pompadoured preacher who fancied himself as a civil-rights champion — drove the Brawley bandwagon all the way to the racial gutter, with a posse of black activist attorneys riding his coattails in glee. They used the case as grist for the political mill long after a grand jury ruled the incident a hoax.

a. Brawley’s whoppers ruined Pagones’s career and marriage, but their reach was far more sinister because they set into motion a chain of racially motivated crimes and incidents that rocked the city from the late 1980s to the early 1990s, rotting the Big Apple to its core, and leaving a foul after-taste for those of us who were here to witness the sour aftermath.

b. The mayhem reached its apex with the murder of Yusuf Hawkins in Bensonhurst, the Central Park jogger wilding case, the Crown Heights riots, and the relentless, months-long boycott of Korean-American grocery stores in Flatbush."
Tawana Brawley can run, but she can?t hide from the truth ? Brooklyn Daily
"Brawley is living under a different name: Tawana Vacenia Thompson Gutierrez in Hopewell, Va. and working as a licensed nurse at The Laurels of Bon Air nursing home. Those wages could now be garnished.

Notably, Pagones is saying that he might waive interest — a huge amount of money — if Brawley “fesses up.” That could be embarrassing for Sharpton and MSNBC.

I must confess that I have little sympathy for Brawley or the others. I feel sorry for 28-year-old Fishkill Police Officer Harry Crist Jr., who committed suicide a week after the false charges were made against him, as well as the rest of these men who were demonized in the relentless press conferences and marches by Sharpton and others."
Twenty-Five Years Later, Tawana Brawley Tracked Down In Virginia And Hit With Roughly $500,000 Bill | JONATHAN TURLEY

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