Meghan Markle: 'I Started To Understand What It Was Like To Be Treated Like A Black Woman' When I Began Dating Prince Harry‘

By treated like a black woman does she mean the 500k baby shower, 400k designer wedding dress given to her by the Queen of England, the multi million dollar wedding at a castle to a hot prince, or the multi million dollar house in California? If this is her racism struggle, I need to know where I can sign up!
Living on the stage and special. A harried prince who may have looked for a way out with a dominating harlot who in the rea world would lead to an impoverished existence.
no at least kim was willing to screw her way to the top...i doubt harry gets any..and she doesnt work at all
A pretty, spoiled rich WHITE woman who isn't even black passing.

She inherited all the WHITE genes. Too bad. She wants to be seen as black
Well, one has to consider that not only is she sort-of a "person of color," but she is also a "commoner," who supported herself in a rather vulgar "profession." In the U.S., we might call this, metaphorically, "three strikes." You're out.

You marry into a family of snobs, in a country that exalts snobbery, and you are surprised to be treated as a outsider? Not very logical.

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