Melania trump, pro-choicer.

NotfooledbyW said: THE FETUS is on the human life continuum and by virtue of being both an individual living human organism as well as a dependent part of its mother’s body, every fetus coming into existence is protected by the same right to life as its mother
you could have stopped at human life/child,,

all that other stuff sounds like youre trying to lie about something,,

why is it with democrats if theyre not trying to have sex with children they want to kill them??
No it isnt. While rare they still do late term abortions. About 13k of them last year. Did the Federal Government forget to prosecute 13k federal felonies last year?

No matter how you want to spin it, it is a federal law regulating abortions.

Neither did Roe. Roe based it's ruling around privacy not some Constitutional right to abortion. We don't know how the court would rule since no case where the Federal Government passed a law banning or legally enshrining abortion at the federal level has been brought before SCOTUS.

They may find some Constitutional issue but they clearly stated they were not ruling that the federal government could not pass laws concerning abortion.

It's why Trump is regularly asked if he would sign one.
Life was better pre-COVID and pre-stimulus checks. We didn’t even get COVID checks(income restrictions) and my life was better.
How could you not get covid stimulus checks? Oh, never mind, you are high income!


Yes higher income households did do fairly well under trump before covid....but that is 9% only, of the Country...

Please consider that....
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Absolutely true. But until everyone becomes responsible, mind your own fucking business. Bible worldview tyrant.

Gfy. How's that you tired old fuck wit? Mind your own fuckin business and stop being ok with murdering the most innocent of all.

What'd you do? Pay a few bucks to avoid responsibility or is this another of your leftist ideology? Too many males on the abortion band wagon
sounds like youre trying to lie about something,,
Break it down. What specifically is a lie when you say “sounds like“ it conveys to me that you have not truly identified a lie that we can objectively discuss on this USMB forum Human beings to get as close to the truth as humanly possible.

I await your specifics.
Break it down. What specifically is a lie when you say “sounds like“ it conveys to me that you have not truly identified a lie that we can objectively discuss on this USMB forum Human beings to get as close to the truth as humanly possible.

I await your specifics.
but what is it about democrats that makes them want to fuck or kill little children??
Gfy. How's that you tired old fuck wit? Mind your own fuckin business and stop being ok with murdering the most innocent of all.

What'd you do? Pay a few bucks to avoid responsibility or is this another of your leftist ideology? Too many males on the abortion band wagon
I am not Republican Herschel Walker.

In the early 70s in my early 20s, I parented two daughters and after the second was born understanding that my wife could not take the pill I decided to get a vasectomy so I could continue enjoying one of the greatest pleasures in life without having to worry about putting my wife through another pregnancy and having another child.

According to the six corrupted Catholics on the Supreme Court I am a sinner. I say fuck them. Get their supreme noses out of my supreme business and every woman who lives in this great country of ours. let them be free.
I am not Republican Herschel Walker.

In the early 70s in my early 20s, I parented two daughters and after the second was born understanding that my wife could not take the pill I decided to get a vasectomy so I could continue enjoying one of the greatest pleasures in life without having to worry about putting my wife through another pregnancy and having another child.

According to the six corrupted Catholics on the Supreme Court I am a sinner. I say fuck them. Get their supreme noses out of my supreme business and every woman who lives in this great country of ours. let them be free.

Whatever. I don't care. If anyone and I mean anyone doesn't want a child it can be prevented with responsibility except in a very low percentage of cases

Get around that and stop thinking you're on top of the game
No matter how you want to spin it, it is a federal law regulating abortions.
It's regulating a specific medical procedure. It hasnt stopped a single abortion just the way in which they are done. Also has anyone brought a case before the SCOTUS challenging the Constitutionality of that law?
They may find some Constitutional issue but they clearly stated they were not ruling that the federal government could not pass laws concerning abortion.
Because that was not the issue being put before them. They had no ability to rule on that question.
It's why Trump is regularly asked if he would sign one.

Trump is asked that question because the left wants to use that issue to rile up its base. It's the reason there is no nor will there ever be a federal law allow or banning abortion. It would remove the issue as a way to stoke irrational fear in single issue voters.
It's regulating a specific medical procedure. It hasnt stopped a single abortion just the way in which they are done. Also has anyone brought a case before the SCOTUS challenging the Constitutionality of that law?

Because that was not the issue being put before them. They had no ability to rule on that question.

Trump is asked that question because the left wants to use that issue to rile up its base. It's the reason there is no nor will there ever be a federal law allow or banning abortion. It would remove the issue as a way to stoke irrational fear in single issue voters.

Read the courts ruling, not what television, radio, the internet tells you.

“We’re going to come up with a time — and maybe we could bring the country together on that issue,” Trump said while calling into the “Sid & Friends in the Morning” show on WABC.

Trump went on to say: “The number of weeks now, people are agreeing on 15. And I’m thinking in terms of that. And it’ll come out to something that’s very reasonable. But people are really, even hard-liners are agreeing, seems to be, 15 weeks seems to be a number that people are agreeing at.”

Why doesn't Trump understand he can't come up with an "agreement"?

Trump says he will support national ban on abortions around 15 weeks of pregnancy
The difference, of course, is she is a transparently phony grifter just like her husband, and her proclamation coincides with the release of her book, but it is worth noting it is in line with all Republican First Ladies since Betty Ford and Roe v. Wade.

Both of the Bush's, Barbara and Laura, as well as Nancy Reagan, only came clean when they were safely removed from the White House.

Among them, only Betty Ford was willing to say so publicly while in the White House. In a 1975 interview with “60 Minutes,” she called Roe “the best thing in the world” and a “great, great decision,” despite the fact that Gerald Ford opposed abortion and supported a constitutional amendment to ban it.

Then again, the country had never seen a first lady quite like her. After that interview, White House press secretary Ron Nessen told reporters: “The president has long since ceased to be perturbed or surprised by his wife’s remarks.”

Nor would it have mattered if the president had objected. As Betty Ford put it at a women’s conference a couple months after that interview: “Why should my husband’s job or yours prevent us from being ourselves? Being ladylike does not require silence.”

Nancy Reagan, on the other hand, did not declare “I believe in a woman’s choice” until 1994, more than five years after Ronald Reagan left office. But her views were no secret within the upper echelons of her husband’s White House. When I was researching for a biography of her, Reagan White House chief of staff James Baker told me she made sure Ronald Reagan, though an ardent foe of abortion, did not appear in person at the annual March for Life in Washington. Instead, he addressed the marchers over a speaker.

Baker’s successor as chief of staff, Donald Regan, wrote in his own memoir that the first lady once told him, “I don’t give a damn about the right-to-lifers.”

In her later years, Nancy Reagan became a champion of embryonic stem-cell research, which put her at odds with the antiabortion movement and President George W. Bush.

In 1980, when George H.W. Bush joined Reagan’s ticket — and had to reverse his previous support for abortion rights to do so — Barbara Bush struggled with the morality of the issue.

Biographer Susan Page discovered a four-page memo Bush wrote to herself, in which she pondered when the humanity of a fetus begins. “When does the soul enter the body is the #1 question,” she wrote, adding: “If the answer to that question is at conception, then abortion is murder. If the answer to that question is the moment the first breath is taken, then abortion is not murder.”

It was widely assumed during George H.W. Bush’s presidency that the first lady was in favor of abortion rights, but she did not make that public until the 1994 publication of her memoir, in which she wrote that while the number of abortions is “unacceptable,” the decision whether to have one should be “a personal issue — between the mother, father, and doctor.”

Laura Bush, her daughter-in-law, dodged the question of abortion when George W. Bush was running for president in 2000, saying she wasn’t the candidate. But with the publication of her autobiography in 2010, she, too, opened up about her disagreement on the issue with her husband. “I think it’s important that it remain legal, because I think it’s important for people, for medical reasons and other reasons,” she said.

Quit dancing around the issue. The Federal government can still pass abortion laws.

And no, the case you posted did not prompt the law. The law was first introduced back in the 90's.

Yep, they can try, but what constitutional basis would they use? The fact is, Dobbs says there isn't one.

Is Melania ok with delivering the baby and letting it die in a bucket?

Kumstain and her Horse Cum Guzzler are.

They're not the same.

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