Melania trump, pro-choicer.

Melania Trump made an extraordinary declaration in an eagerly awaited memoir to be published a month from election day: she is a passionate supporter of a woman’s right to control her own body – including the right to abortion.

“It is imperative to guarantee that women have autonomy in deciding their preference of having children, based on their own convictions, free from any intervention or pressure from the government,” the Republican nominee’s wife writes, amid a campaign in which Donald Trump’s threats to women’s reproductive rights have played a central role.

“Why should anyone other than the woman herself have the power to determine what she does with her own body? A woman’s fundamental right of individual liberty, to her own life, grants her the authority to terminate her pregnancy if she wishes.

“Restricting a woman’s right to choose whether to terminate an unwanted pregnancy is the same as denying her control over her own body. I have carried this belief with me throughout my entire adult life.”

You suppose trump knew that was in there? And ya gotta wonder what the campaign is thinking about this as well.

But good on here for finally showing us she has at least one independent thought.

Unless it was just overlooked while she plagiarized other authors for her book.

It would have been better if she admitted she is voting for Harris.
Hillary is a woman with class?

No, hence the statement about Melania.
Melania is really a man, original name was Mr. Lania, the leftists press keep lying that she's a "woman", that's an insult to Trump and all his forty seven children. I hope to hell that Mr. Lecter wins and fixes our country.
Oh look, a typical non sequitur and half truth from ThisIsMe.

Must be a day that ends in "y".

The odd thing is her throwing shade on accomplishments her husband brags about on the campaign trail. One month before his election.

As has now been said to you four times.
Who cares? All she did was voice her own opinion..that’s not throwing shade on anything, that’s just how SHE feels..

As has now been said to YOU 4 times.
So back to my question, where do you both place your choice, before or after?


Since you don't seem to know I'll answer for you:


There are far fewer pregnancies when the choice not to conceive is made BEFORE sex involving penetration and ejaculation unprotected within the vagina.

Oddly, there are also much fewer abortions when you make your choice at the right time.

Weird, huh
So back to my question, where do you both place your choice, before or after?


Since you don't seem to know I'll answer for you:


There are far fewer pregnancies when the choice not to conceive is made BEFORE sex involving penetration and ejaculation unprotected within the vagina.

Oddly, there are also much fewer abortions when you make your choice at the right time.

Weird, huh
Then go counsel.people.

Surely you understand that's not a compelling reason to enforce your personal abortion fetish at the end of a gun.

Then go counsel.people.

Surely you understand that's not a compelling reason to enforce your personal abortion fetish at the end of a gun.


No need, it's called, "Very basic sex education".
So back to my question, where do you both place your choice, before or after?


Since you don't seem to know I'll answer for you:


There are far fewer pregnancies when the choice not to conceive is made BEFORE sex involving penetration and ejaculation unprotected within the vagina.

Oddly, there are also much fewer abortions when you make your choice at the right time.

Weird, huh
People, especially poor people, are gonna fuck.
nfbw 241024 Vmtpcz00329

Big tent.

See: nfbw 241023 Vrftma01700
See: nfbw 241023 Vrftma01679

adv669 adv523

Rawley said:
unassailable fact

i. Mashmont Mar’23 Syowts: Abortion is first and foremost about taking the life of a living developing human being. mshmnt 230309 Sypwts00388

Ii. NotfooledbyW Mar’23 Vrvwgo: {reply to Sypwts00388} That is correct Saint Mashmont. •€• nfbw 230309 Vrvwgo07492

iii. Rawley Oct’24 Srftma: {teply to 1679}. "terminates her own pregnancy' Does your use of that euphemism somehow shield you from the unassailable fact that she is taking a life? rwly 241023 Srftma01683

iv. NotfooledbyW Oct’24 Vrftma: No! I have always been clear that terminating one’s own pregnancy is taking a life. nfbw 241023 Vrftma01700

v. NotfooledbyW Oct’23 Vmtpcz: You were asked this question Saint Rawley;

When a woman terminates her own pregnancy within a few weeks of learning she is pregnant using the abortion pill in the privacy of her home, how are you harmed?

You can answer it here.

nfbw 241024 Vmtpcz00329
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When a woman terminates her own pregnancy within a few weeks of learning she is pregnant using the abortion pill in the privacy of her home, how are you harmed?
Answered already. The same way you are injured when your neighbor drowns her child in the privacy of her home.
Answered alread
How are you harmed is the answer I’m looking for when this happens:

When a woman terminates her own pregnancy within a few weeks of learning she is pregnant using the abortion pill in the privacy of her home, how are you harmed?
in Ohio terminate ones on pregnancy is a constitutional right.

drowning your child, live birth requirement is a crime in Ohio. I am sure..

Is it legal when a neighbor drowns her child in the privacy of her home and she will not be prosecuted?
How are you harmed is the answer I’m looking for when this happens:

When a woman terminates her own pregnancy within a few weeks of learning she is pregnant using the abortion pill in the privacy of her home, how are you harmed?
Is it legal when a neighbor drowns her child in the privacy of her home and she will not be prosecuted?
You didn't ask if it was legal, you asked how I am harmed. I am harmed in the same way you are when your neighbor drowns her child in the privacy of her home.
You didn't ask if it was legal, you asked how I am harmed. I am harmed in the same way you are when your neighbor drowns her child in the privacy of her home.

As I explained to you, Saint Rawley, I am not harmed if the woman who drowns her child, who has met a live birth requirement, is apprehended and prosecuted, and made to pay for her crime or found to be mentally unfit.

I cannot be harmed in the same way that you are.

So please explain to me how you are harmed when a medical procedure that is legal in Ohio is part of the Ohio Constitution and the woman does it.

How are you harmed?
nfbw 241023 Vmtocz00334

i. NotfooledbyW Oct’24 Vrftma: When a woman terminates her own pregnancy within a few weeks of learning she is pregnant using the abortion pill in the privacy of her home, how are you harmed? nfbw 241022 Vrftma01651

ii. Rawley Oct’24 Smtpcz: You didn't ask if it was legal, you asked how I am harmed. rwly 241023 Smtpcz00332

iii. NotfooledbyW Oct’24 Vmtpcz: I asked as noted in paragraph i. “When a woman terminates her own pregnancy within a few weeks of learning she is pregnant using the abortion pill in the privacy of her home, how are you harmed?”

Let me remind you that the abortion pill is legal in the entire United States. so I did ask you about a scenario in which woman terminates her pregnancy through illegal means..

Please answer the question.

nfbw 241023 Vmtocz00334
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No need, it's called, "Very basic sex education".
No, it's your wish to enforce your personal desires for women's bodies at the end of a gun, by making it a law.
nfbw 241024 Vmtpcz0033

incarcerating killers is required fo defend public safety.

i. Rawley Oct’24 Stftma: I am harmed in the same way you are when your neighbor drowns her child in the privacy of her home. rwly 241023 Srftma00333

ii. healthmyths Nov’22 Srvwgo: Question: is "none of anyone else’s business what a woman decides to do with her own body if she had an unwanted pregnancy."... why do almost all states have laws like to drive on roads people have to have a license? To me it's nobody's business that I have a driver's license. So why is driving require the government to authorize me to drive? It's none of their or anyone else's business? hlthmyths 221110 Srvwgo05494

iii.NotfooledbyW Oct’24 Vmtpcz: Public Safety. is an important answer to paragraph ii.

1935: The Texas Department of Public Safety issues free licenses; after two years these expire, and the Texas-sized card (3.25 x 4.25 inches) costs 25 cents. It includes perforated sections for removal by the patrolman after any driving violations.​

1959: After 240 people die on South Dakota's roads, a written exam is implemented in the licensing process. Implied consent is also adopted, clearing the way for field sobriety tests​

There is no harm or threat to public safety when a woman legally terminates her own pregnancy within a few weeks of learning she is pregnant by using the abortion pill in the privacy of her home, Just ask Saint Rawley or any MAGA, or ask Melania and Don Trump.

There is a threat to public safety if a woman is not held accountable in a court of law for homicide or infanticide if she drowns her newborn or any age child under her care while in the privacy of her own home.

Saint Rawley is said to agree with me in paragraph i. that there is no harm to public safety as long as the murderer who drowns a newborn or a child is properly indicted and sentenced to having her liberty taken away in all cases by incarceration.

nfbw 241024 Vmtpcz00336
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As I explained to you, Saint Rawley, I am not harmed if the woman who drowns her child, who has met a live birth requirement, is apprehended and prosecuted, and made to pay for her crime or found to be mentally unfit.

I cannot be harmed in the same way that you are.

So please explain to me how you are harmed when a medical procedure that is legal in Ohio is part of the Ohio Constitution and the woman does it.

How are you harmed?
156,783th and last time. I am harmed in the same way you are when your neighbor drowns her child in the privacy of her home.
156,783th and last time. I am harmed in the same way you are when your neighbor drowns her child in the privacy of her home.
How do you think I am harmed when my neighbor drowns her child in the privacy of her home?

I am ONLY harmed if she has the consent of society to commit infanticide and suffer no loss of liberty because she murdered a fellow citizen or guest in this country who has absolute equal protection under the law to life liberty and happiness for having met a live birth requirement prior to being killed. ignoring every murder leads to chaos under civil order.

I am NOT harmed if she does not have the consent of society to commit infanticide and therefore must suffer the loss of liberty for her crime of murder against a fellow citizen or guest in this country who is supposed to have absolute equal protection under the law to life liberty and happiness for having met a live birth requirement prior to being killed.

No US citizen or guest is harmed when a woman terminates her baby during gestation in the privacy of her own home using the abortion pill because her baby has not yet met a live birth requirement protection under the jurisdiction of the US Constitution and consented by whether people since the filing of this great nation of ours. there is no disruption to civil order if a woman takes a pill or has a surgical procedure in order to terminate her pregnancy as her own choice..

Do you agree with all of the above Saint Rawley?
How do you think I am harmed when my neighbor drowns her child in the privacy of her home?

I am ONLY harmed if she has the consent of society to commit infanticide and suffer no loss of liberty because she murdered a fellow citizen or guest in this country who has absolute equal protection under the law to life liberty and happiness for having met a live birth requirement prior to being killed.

I am NOT harmed if she does not have the consent of society to commit infanticide and therefore must suffer the loss of liberty for her crime of murder against a fellow citizen or guest in this country who is supposed to have absolute equal protection under the law to life liberty and happiness for having met a live birth requirement prior to being killed.

No US citizen or guest is harmed when a woman terminates her baby during gestation in the privacy of her own home using the abortion pill because her baby has not yet met a live birth requirement protection under the jurisdiction of the US Constitution and consented by whether people since the filing of this great nation of ours.

Do you agree with all of the above Saint Rawley?
You poopyhead. I win
You poopyhead. I win
What did you win? You never answered the original question in your own words. your mumbled around the perimeter. That’s intellectual cowardice. So I guess if you’re the champ of intellectual cowardice you certainly do win?

Here’s the question, if you think you have a winning answer, let’s see it.

a. NotfooledbyW Oct’24 Vrftma: When a woman terminates her own pregnancy within a few weeks of learning she is pregnant using the abortion pill in the privacy of her home, how are you harmed? nfbw 241022 Vrftma01651
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