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incarcerating killers is required fo defend public safety.
Rawley Oct’24 Stftma: I am harmed in the same way you are when your neighbor drowns her child in the privacy of her home.
rwly 241023 Srftma00333
healthmyths Nov’22 Srvwgo: Question: is "none of anyone else’s business what a woman decides to do with her own body if she had an unwanted pregnancy."... why do almost all states have laws like to drive on roads people have to have a license? To me it's nobody's business that I have a driver's license. So why is driving require the government to authorize me to drive? It's none of their or anyone else's business?
hlthmyths 221110 Srvwgo05494
NotfooledbyW Oct’24 Vmtpcz: Public Safety. is an important answer to paragraph ii.
1935: The Texas Department of Public Safety issues free licenses; after two years these expire, and the Texas-sized card (3.25 x 4.25 inches) costs 25 cents. It includes perforated sections for removal by the patrolman after any driving violations.
1959: After 240 people die on South Dakota's roads, a written exam is implemented in the licensing process. Implied consent is also adopted, clearing the way for field sobriety tests
There is no harm or threat to public safety when a woman legally terminates her own pregnancy within a few weeks of learning she is pregnant by using the abortion pill in the privacy of her home, Just ask Saint
Rawley or any MAGA, or ask Melania and Don Trump.
There is a threat to public safety if a woman is not held accountable in a court of law for homicide or infanticide if she drowns her newborn or any age child under her care while in the privacy of her own home.
Saint Rawley is said to agree with me in paragraph i. that there is no harm to public safety as long as the murderer who drowns a newborn or a child is properly indicted and sentenced to having her liberty taken away in all cases by incarceration.
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