Melania Trump's Steroids Pitch (Dentistry)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a steroids-fable inspired by Jerry Maguire.

Signing off,


"First Lady Melania Trump (according to inside sources in the Hollywood Reporter) has made an official suggestion to movie-producers to make a film about a giant green monster emerging from the 'sea of metaphysics' amidst the sea of professional American athletes using dangerous performance-enhancing steroids. According to this rumor, Mrs. Trump believes that using steroids could not only affect the body/physique but also the human mind itself, giving 'genesis' to some kind of misshapen 'imagination-creature' (albeit metaphysical but very very real!).

Movie-producers are apparently receptive to the idea and have already cast Denzel Washington as MLB player Barry Bonds (Hall of Fame calibre player accused of steroids-use!) and are considering approaching legendary Hollywood film-maker Steven Spielberg to direct the as-of-yet unnamed film. The film will posit the notion that steroids does not simply manipulate muscle biochemistry but also brain biochemistry and hence can spawn a parasitic 'intelligent organism' inside a steroids-using athlete. The athlete would then become not only 'psychologically-addicted' to steroids but also a 'vulnerable puppet-prey' to this hypothetical 'green metaphysics monster' which is now being called the Steroids Serpent.

We all remember the hubbub caused by Orson Welles' War of the Worlds radio broadcast which many Americans believed was a real news story! Well, will this Melania Trump inspired Hollywood film about this hypothetical parasitic alien-like 'metaphysics monster' named Steroids Serpent create real concern among audiences and society critics talking about the negative sociocultural (and medical) effect of illegal steroids-use among athletes in modern times? This would be a real media achievement for First Lady Melania Trump who already has her hands full trying to deal with all the media criticism heaped upon her worried husband, U.S. President Donald Trump. This gossip-reporter (me), for one, is terribly worried that Mrs. Trump is 100% correct about this 'Steroids Monster'!"



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