Meloxicam don’t work

Isn't working for you for your current condition.

Maybe you need something stronger? Or perhaps a different approach entirely to the pain you are suffering?
I have a friend who had a couple back surgeries that didn't help. He went through a few pharmaceuticals that also didn't work. He still complains of pain every once in awhile. He started taking a yoga class. According to him that activity helps him deal with his pain. Maybe it would work for you, worth a try.

Edited because I forgot to ask whyintheholyhell did you post this in history forum?
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I think people need to avoid opioids if they can at all help it. Taking them for a short while after surgery or for severe pain is one thing. But taking them chronically is bad news, and doctors don't want to write the scrips nowadays even when warranted because of the extra surveillance they give them. Drug stores have been sued as well for issuing "too much".

Try to see what they can do for you, maybe some PT instead.

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