Advil launches campaign to achieve pain equity and end systemic pain racism

You see Unkotare anywhere here? Its because even though that clown teaches immigrants to speak standardized english [sic] , he knows he stepped in it when he suggested standardized english [sic] was the same as proper english[sic] . My victory is displayed by his continued absence. :itsok: There there.

You know.... unless you want to try your hand at arguing what objective proper English is.... :dunno::laugh:
What the hell are you talking about, fool?
What the hell are you talking about, fool?
I'm talking about the fact that there is no such thing as proper English, just standardized English. Do you want to try and argue otherwise, Mr. English teacher, or is feigned incredulity all you can muster?
So you admit you don't know?
I do know. I made an argument and even provided a link. So far what I've gotten back from you in response is "not uh" though I'm still waiting for an actual counter argument. What I'm waiting for you to explain is your argument for the existence of proper English and of course I don't know what that is, it's your argument, not mine.
No you don't. You simply denied it exists. Given your inability to use English correctly, I'm not surprised.
It's not one me to prove something doesnt exists, that like asking me to prove God doesn't exist, and still I provided an article from a linguistic specialist who argued just that, though it was to another poster so I'll drop that here as well.

The myth of "proper English" | TheArticle
He’s probably googling desperately trying to find something that said anything like what he claimed. Gotta hurt to have your foot stuck that deep in your mouth.
Advil is literally advertising that black people are more vulnerable and fragile than other races, and need their products to deal with pain.

How is that not "racist"?

History of systemic PAIN bias

"The sources of pain bias in the US date back hundreds of years and are deeply rooted in racism. Below are a few historical examples that have directly led to the pain biases seen today...

That’s why Advil, Morehouse School of Medicine (MSM) and BLKHLTH have decided to team up in a mission for pain equity."

Believe My Pain - Addressing Health Inequity in Pain Management & Healthcare | Advil

My god this country is going bat shit crazy with filthy wokeness.
Advil is literally advertising that black people are more vulnerable and fragile than other races, and need their products to deal with pain.

How is that not "racist"?

History of systemic PAIN bias

"The sources of pain bias in the US date back hundreds of years and are deeply rooted in racism. Below are a few historical examples that have directly led to the pain biases seen today...

That’s why Advil, Morehouse School of Medicine (MSM) and BLKHLTH have decided to team up in a mission for pain equity."

Believe My Pain - Addressing Health Inequity in Pain Management & Healthcare | Advil

Advil just wants to make more money.
Hello? Hmmm.....where did he run off to?
I'm still here. So far I haven't seen you make an argument for proper English. What I know is that all languages are entirely made up, so how could one made up way for speaking and writing be more proper, objectively, than any other made up way of speaking? What I don't know and the only thing I've claimed not to know is what the hell your argument for there being proper English is.

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