Rittenhouse Family In Dire Straits

Bullshit. If shooting her had deterred the mob or otherwise caused them to stand down or disburse, you’d have a point. But it did not. The mob continued as it was and eventually breached and entered the building.

Good point, they should have shot a lot more of the Nazi bastards.


He looked for no one go murder

Yet he managed to murder two unarmed people.. .
Good point, they should have shot a lot more of the Nazi bastards.

Yet he managed to murder two unarmed people.. .
So much for your earlier claim. You DO advocate sumarily executing those who'se politics you disagree with
Meanwhile, the hits keep coming for Weepy McFlopsweat

Kyle Rittenhouse, acquitted in the August 2020 killing of two men and wounding a third during a tumultuous night of protests in Kenosha, Wisconsin, announced his participation in an upcoming clay shoot tournament in Texas, but the social media post backfired as countless voices warned participants about the danger they might be getting themselves into.

“Get your tickets today!” the 21-year-old gun enthusiast wrote above an image touting the first TXGR Clay Shoot, scheduled for Sept. 12 in Fort Worth.

But social media users had a field day, making sure the world did not forget Rittenhouse’s controversial past.

“It’s gonna be KILLER!” user CoachMike commented on Rittenhouse’s status.“Lemme guess … Clay made you feel ‘threatened’?” asked another user named Hawt Mike.

“Hell no!! I know how you are with guns and crowds. I’ll stay far away, you little freak,” another user wrote.

Others called Rittenhouse a “murderer,” “grifter” and a “fraud,” with some users mocking Rittenhouse with photos showing him breaking down in tears when the jury found him innocent of all charges in 2021 when he was 18.

Many of the comments are laced with profanities and insults and are too extreme to repeat.

Some users also accused Rittenhouse of turning his back on his family while their lives have been uprooted due to the controversy over his acquittal, saying his mother was destitute after she was (incorrectly) accused of driving him across state lines with a loaded assault weapon and depositing him at the scene of the demonstrations where he shot three people in the presence of Kenosha police, who did not arrest him. (Rittenhouse’s gun actually was kept in Kenosha at the home of his sister’s boyfriend’s stepfather. The boyfriend was friendly with Rittenhouse and had bought the gun for him.)
IOW, people online are jerks that should be slapped silly for their insane, incessant attacks on people they've never met.
I'm just amazed at the lengths that the media and the left on message board will go to find something negative to say about a man who - as a minor - had to shoot his way out when surrounded by well-armed pedophiles and drug addicts out to kill him for their percieved political disagreemwnt with him.
Good point, they should have shot a lot more of the Nazi bastards.

Yet he managed to murder two unarmed people.. .
Rittenshouse hit a few of you all, and last i checked one of your brownshirt pals is still dead.
Um, he shot an unarmed homeless man half his size and some kid who wanted to hold him for the police.

Right Wing Heroes, I guess.
He shot a number of demafascist brownshits, that were chasing him down and trying to kill him, many carrying weapons. One of the brownshits had a pistol, another a skateboard that he had hit Rittenshouse with.....you lie....but lying is what brownshirts do.
He shot a number of demafascist brownshits,
No, he shot a homeless person and bystanders who tried to take an active shooter into custody.

that were chasing him down and trying to kill him, many carrying weapons.
because he had just shot someone.

One of the brownshits had a pistol, another a skateboard that he had hit Rittenshouse with.....
Oh, no, not the skateboard... Look out, he's got a skateboard!!!
No, he shot a homeless person and bystanders who tried to take an active shooter into custody.

because he had just shot someone.

Oh, no, not the skateboard... Look out, he's got a skateboard!!!
Once again, like a good demafascist you ignore the facts. The evidence was clearly presented, you simply ignore it to push your death troop mentality
Um, he shot an unarmed homeless man half his size and some kid who wanted to hold him for the police.

Right Wing Heroes, I guess.
Once again you are a filthy fucking liar

The homeless guy was NOT half his size but did attack and try to kill Rittenouse

No one was trying to hold him you stupid liar

You are a fucking coward and fraud. You just hate that no one was allowed to mruder a right wing kid
No, he shot a homeless person and bystanders who tried to take an active shooter into custody.

because he had just shot someone.

Oh, no, not the skateboard... Look out, he's got a skateboard!!!
The homless bastard tried to attack and kill him you dishonest fraud

They were attacking him because he was defending himself

Skateboards can be used to kill someone you ignorant braindead imbecile
The fact is he was a little racist who went down looking for people to shoot and found them.
Racists are people with rights

He had the right to go there and not be attacked

It is not on him that the people he shot, in self defense, tried to kill him first

Sorry you worthless shit but people to not get to murder racisgts with impunity
The mother and sister of Kyle Rittenhouse are asking for money so they don't get evicted from their apartment. Supposedly Kyle won't help out.

"According to Faith Rittenhouse, her brother, who has been touring the country giving speeches with the support of Turning Point USA, has refused to help out his sibling and mother"

"With my brother's unwillingness to provide support or contribute to our family, we've been left to navigate this journey on our own," while pointing out that medical issues have waylaid her from being able to keep a job"

One hell of a kid you raised, Ms. Rittenhouse.

The old saying, "You can choose your friends and not your family". Maybe his brother and mother are assholes so he thinks, "Feck them".
The fact is he was a little racist who went down looking for people to shoot and found them.
The fact is your demafasict brownshirts attempted an insurrection, rioted, looted, firebombed, assaulted and tried to kill.

They got what they deserved
Racists are people with rights

He had the right to go there and not be attacked
Then he should have stayed home in Antioch.

The fact is your demafasict brownshirts attempted an insurrection, rioted, looted, firebombed, assaulted and tried to kill.
No, they were rightfully protesting an act of extreme police misconduct.
Then he should have stayed home in Antioch.

No, they were rightfully protesting an act of extreme police misconduct.

There was no such act of extreme misconduct in Kenosha

He had gthe right to be there and was attacked, he then defended himself

As always you are posting bald faced lies and not opinon

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