Meltdown Alert: Greenland Ice Sheet Nearing the Point of No Return


Diamond Member
Oct 4, 2021
Meltdown Alert: Greenland Ice Sheet Nearing the Point of No Return
By American Geophysical Union April 14, 2023
Once we emit about 1000 gigatons of carbon, much of the massive ice sheet will melt irreversibly. We’ve emitted 500 gigatons so far.

The Greenland Ice Sheet covers 1.7 million square kilometers (660,200 square miles) in the Arctic. If it melts entirely, global sea level would rise about 7 meters (23 feet), but scientists aren’t sure how quickly the ice sheet could melt. Modeling tipping points, which are critical thresholds where a system behavior irreversibly changes, helps researchers find out when that melt might occur.

Based in part on carbon emissions, a new study using simulations identified two tipping points for the Greenland Ice Sheet: releasing 1000 gigatons of carbon into the atmosphere will cause the southern portion of the ice sheet to melt; about 2500 gigatons of carbon means permanent loss of nearly the entire ice sheet.

Having emitted about 500 gigatons of carbon, we’re about halfway to the first tipping point.

“The first tipping point is not far from today’s climate conditions, so we’re in danger of crossing it,” said Dennis Höning, a climate scientist at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research who led the study. “Once we start sliding, we will fall off this cliff and cannot climb back up.”

I think we're fucked. The ocean will likely remove miami and much of florida off the face of the planet within the next hundred years. The conservative gulf states are also fucked. Truly blind people.
Meltdown Alert: Greenland Ice Sheet Nearing the Point of No Return
By American Geophysical Union April 14, 2023

I think we're fucked. The ocean will likely remove miami and much of florida off the face of the planet within the next hundred years. The conservative gulf states are also fucked. Truly blind people.

How much do we need to raise taxes by to fix things?
What ever it takes to keep safe these cities. New orleans invested in levies, dikes and sea walls. It would be the height of idiocy not too.
New Orleans has had levees in place since the early 1700s .. not to appease the super scary, alarmist, climate change activists, but because much of New Orleans sits below sea level (up to 20 feet in some areas).
I think we're fucked. The ocean will likely remove miami and much of florida off the face of the planet within the next hundred years. The conservative gulf states are also fucked. Truly blind people.
Oh no .. the sky is falling! Fortunately, climate change alarmists and advocates say we only have about 8 years left .. No need to waste money if we only have 8 years left ..
Meltdown Alert: Greenland Ice Sheet Nearing the Point of No Return
By American Geophysical Union April 14, 2023

I think we're fucked. The ocean will likely remove miami and much of florida off the face of the planet within the next hundred years. The conservative gulf states are also fucked. Truly blind people.

Arctic ice free

Guam tipped over

Now this??

Where are we on the AOC Death clock? 12 years from Jan 2019...that means we have less that 9 years!
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About frickin' time it melts. This is one of the longest-lasting glacial periods in known geologic history.

It's just in time, as my back doesn't like shoveling so much snow as I used to pretend.
Meltdown Alert: Greenland Ice Sheet Nearing the Point of No Return
By American Geophysical Union April 14, 2023

I think we're fucked. The ocean will likely remove miami and much of florida off the face of the planet within the next hundred years. The conservative gulf states are also fucked. Truly blind people.


Show us a photo of one single landmark that is sinking...

Statue of Liberty = nope
Hawaii 5-0 Beach - nope
Venice = nope

All this "melting" and NOTHING IS SINKING.... hmmmmmm

IQ under 10 you have....
Meltdown Alert: Greenland Ice Sheet Nearing the Point of No Return
By American Geophysical Union April 14, 2023

I think we're fucked. The ocean will likely remove miami and much of florida off the face of the planet within the next hundred years. The conservative gulf states are also fucked. Truly blind people.
Good. Miami is like a fake Cuban cigar. Without the cigar.

Naw. Not all of FL will be removed. They have pine trees growing in many parts, which means its will float. But the rest may turn into a coral reef eventually, which is excellent since the envirobots are programmed to prefer more coral aquatic development.

Seriously, though, I think anyone living at 100 feet above sea level is good to go for another thousand years (50 generations). They will write songs about the heroic people who sacrificed everything to create those coral reefs. 😢
Good. Miami is like a fake Cuban cigar. Without the cigar.

Naw. Not all of FL will be removed. They have pine trees growing in many parts, which means its will float. But the rest may turn into a coral reef eventually, which is excellent since the envirobots are programmed to prefer more coral aquatic development.

Seriously, though, I think anyone living at 100 feet above sea level is good to go for another thousand years (50 generations). They will write songs about the heroic people who sacrificed everything to create those coral reefs. 😢

Why do you think homO and Michael Robinson bought beachfront property on Martha's Vineyard, last hit by Cat 5 gusts in 1938??

Do you think they are one bit scared of rising oceans???


This is one of the longest-lasting glacial periods in known geologic history.

The whole "glacial periods" McBullshit cycles are 100% pure fudged crap.

During the past million years, Greenland froze while North America thawed....

Co2 and Sun eliminated as suspects....
What ever it takes to keep safe these cities. New orleans invested in levies, dikes and sea walls. It would be the height of idiocy not too.
New Orleans invested in casinos before Katrina instead of the sea wall

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