Melting of Greenland's ice sheets accelerates dramatically

Sure, the climate always has been changing.

No proof that man is the MAJOR driving cause though. Records go back thousands of years that is was much warmer and much cooler at different periods. We all know this. It fluctuates.

Blah blah blah.

It's better to mitigate than fall for global governance.

Historically, rising temperatures (i.e. the Medieval Warming Period) have been very good for humans - which no doubt is why Proggies hate Global Warming.
The 23 feet of sea level rise it would cause you fucking ignoramus

Again s0n....nobody out there is going to bed tonight worrying about the same rising 23 feet.....except the ocd mental cases, of course, who are very few in number.

Go spend a few days on social media in places like FB.....see how many people are talking about the Greenland ice sheet!:iyfyus.jpg::iyfyus.jpg::iyfyus.jpg:
There is no proof of anything in the natural sciences. There is a ton of evidence however. See "The Physical Science Basis" at

That is nothing but OPINION. Do you even know the difference?
The 23 feet of sea level rise it would cause you fucking ignoramus
What do you think Greenland has looked like for most of the past 10,000 years....after all, this temperature reconstruction was made from an ice core taken from Greenland...


Did sea levels rise 23 feet during any of that time? You are nothing but a hand waving hysteric.

I asked about the liner trend, that is shown in the graph, showing it to two prominent scientists at the Boulder Colorado Atmospheric Science Lab. My specific question was, If you were looking at this graph and you saw the liner plot to cooling over all, what suggestions would they make to policy makers? They both answered "buy warmer cloths". Their reasoning, the warm spike is going to be very short before cooling sets in given the cyclical pattern in the graphing. When they learned that this was the Greenland ice core graphing they were stunned. I left them with copies of it.


Some days I love going to school!
The 23 feet of sea level rise it would cause you fucking ignoramus
Hahahaha too funny. Again, you act like the island is on fire and will drop all of its snow at once! Do you really look in a mirror? You laugh when you do I guess.
Tell us how human infrastructure was threatened by that rise over 8,000 years ago?

You are a stupid, lying troll
Tell us how human infrastructure was threatened by that rise over 8,000 years ago?

You are a stupid, lying troll

So how it effects us is now the indicator of whether we caused it or not or whether it is unprecedented in the history of the earth?

And I truly own you now if the best you can do is follow me around mewling troll...troll...troll...
How if affects us now is the measure of how much of a threat it represents.

But it tells us nothing about the cause....If there really is a threat, assumptions and failing models are hardly the way to go about a solution...if you must spend money, the money would be better spent on adaptation...rather than a failing hypothesis driven by politics and money.

You're a stupid, lying troll.

and you have been completely owned if the best you can do is go about mewling troll...troll....troll...
Tell us how human infrastructure was threatened by that rise over 8,000 years ago?

You are a stupid, lying troll

Show us one set of empirical data that support your claim little one.
My claim? Show us extensive coastal infrastructure and high population densities from 8,000 years ago fool.
My claim? Show us extensive coastal infrastructure and high population densities from 8,000 years ago fool.

Yes, YOUR claim. How about you show us one set of empirical data that support your silliness.
When you make clear what it is you're asking for, I might think about making you happy.

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