MEMO‭ ‬To:‭ ‬Paul Ryan‭ ‬FROM:‭ ‬Motivated Republicans‭ ‬SUBJECT:‭ ‬Social Security‭


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Mr.‭ ‬Ryan,‭ ‬do you recall your on-camera smile when you were told that well over‭ ‬20‭ ‬million Americans will lose healthcare insurance when Obamacare is repealed‭? ‬Party leadership would do well to remind you how your expression showed you were quite pleased at the thought,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬how you received very little criticism for showing that pleasure.‭ ‬This is a very good sign.

Currently,‭ ‬Republicans have the opportunity to use the repeal of Obamacare as a litmus test to see how the voters react to the loss of what has become,‭ ‬unfortunately,‭ ‬a very popular program among the public.‭ ‬The Republican Party can then measure the intensity and duration of any negative public reaction.‭ ‬Whatever the reaction,‭ ‬the GOP leadership can be certain it will be short lived considering the extremely limited memories of the American people.‭

Once the shock of repeal is over,‭ ‬the Republican controlled congress must then act quickly to implement the following plan successfully.‭ ‬Quick action and passage of this legislation will have all blame falling on the imbecile Trump.‭

With Trump as an easy scapegoat,‭ ‬the time has come to end Social Security,‭ ‬having nearly‭ ‬$3‭ ‬trillion in the SS Trust Fund.‭ ‬For decades the Republican leadership has thinly veiled their disgust for the way this money is wasted on the elderly and disabled recipients.‭ ‬Also,‭ ‬we as a political party,‭ ‬owe it to our billionaire benefactors to pass legislation that makes it legal to use this great sum of ready cash to fund further tax cuts for our large political donors.

Decades of experience have assured us that GOP policies can increasingly steal from average citizens with little or no backlash from our ill informed,‭ ‬conservative voting base‭ (‬in fact,‭ ‬they will defend all Republican policies for the confiscation of the SS Trust Fund,‭ ‬believing,‭ ‬of course,‭ ‬that the resulting tax cuts will create jobs.‭ ‬The vast majority of them defend all tax cuts that benefit only the top‭ ‬0.1%‭)‬.‭ ‬Even if there is some complaining from the loyal base,‭ ‬such complaints can be quickly quelled by diverting attention to abortion,‭ ‬the threat of Islamic terrorism,‭ ‬or citing any other issue that provokes their anger,‭ ‬fear,‭ ‬and/or paranoia.‭

As we’ve learned from past policy implementation,‭ ‬a small portion of congressional Democrats will offer only token opposition to our stealing from average citizens.‭ ‬They will do this so as to placate their constituencies.‭ ‬Most will simply be absent at the time of the vote.‭ ‬This leaves only the Democrats‭’ ‬voters to object,‭ ‬and their objections will inspire even more support for ending Social Security from our ill informed,‭ ‬conservative voting base.‭

Of course,‭ ‬the Republican leadership understands that,‭ ‬like the repeal of Obamacare,‭ ‬ending SS will cause the deaths of many insignificant citizens,‭ ‬and millions of elderly and disabled will become homeless due to their total loss of income,‭ ‬which could bring an uproar from the media.‭ ‬Fortunately,‭ ‬our usual propaganda outlets will convince our ill informed,‭ ‬conservative voting base that these faceless millions have only themselves to blame.‭

However,‭ ‬we are safe in our disregard for those who do not have a home to sell to replace their SS income or do not have family to take them in.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬F*CK‭’ ‬EM.‭ ‬Given the Republicans‭’ ‬many years of successful efforts cultivating fragmentation and hatred among the U.S.‭ ‬public,‭ ‬today,‭ ‬most conservatives do not care about anyone but themselves.

With the expected success of Obamacare repeal,‭ ‬GOP leadership is certain the elimination of Social Security‭ (‬and Medicare shortly after‭) ‬will cause no appreciable loss of voter support for the Republican Party.‭ ‬In fact,‭ ‬the Democrats will likely lose more voters than the GOP for their inaction in permitting the elimination of Social Security.‭ ‬So this will be a win,win for the Republicans.

As a final note,‭ ‬the GOP can expect employers big and small to show our party their gratitude for ending SS.‭ ‬They will no longer be forced to pay their percentage,‭ ‬while at the same time they can explain to their workers that the employee portion of F.I.C.A.,‭ ‬formerly withheld from payroll checks,‭ ‬will also revert to the employer.‭ ‬After all,‭ ‬businesses deserve that money more than the overpaid workers.‭ ‬Those workers who do not like it can quit,‭ ‬employees are easily replaced.‭

Mr.‭ ‬Ryan,‭ ‬do you recall your on-camera smile when you were told that well over‭ ‬20‭ ‬million Americans will lose healthcare insurance when Obamacare is repealed‭? ‬Party leadership would do well to remind you how your expression showed you were quite pleased at the thought,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬how you received very little criticism for showing that pleasure.‭ ‬This is a very good sign.

Currently,‭ ‬Republicans have the opportunity to use the repeal of Obamacare as a litmus test to see how the voters react to the loss of what has become,‭ ‬unfortunately,‭ ‬a very popular program among the public.‭ ‬The Republican Party can then measure the intensity and duration of any negative public reaction.‭ ‬Whatever the reaction,‭ ‬the GOP leadership can be certain it will be short lived considering the extremely limited memories of the American people.‭

Once the shock of repeal is over,‭ ‬the Republican controlled congress must then act quickly to implement the following plan successfully.‭ ‬Quick action and passage of this legislation will have all blame falling on the imbecile Trump.‭

With Trump as an easy scapegoat,‭ ‬the time has come to end Social Security,‭ ‬having nearly‭ ‬$3‭ ‬trillion in the SS Trust Fund.‭ ‬For decades the Republican leadership has thinly veiled their disgust for the way this money is wasted on the elderly and disabled recipients.‭ ‬Also,‭ ‬we as a political party,‭ ‬owe it to our billionaire benefactors to pass legislation that makes it legal to use this great sum of ready cash to fund further tax cuts for our large political donors.

Decades of experience have assured us that GOP policies can increasingly steal from average citizens with little or no backlash from our ill informed,‭ ‬conservative voting base‭ (‬in fact,‭ ‬they will defend all Republican policies for the confiscation of the SS Trust Fund,‭ ‬believing,‭ ‬of course,‭ ‬that the resulting tax cuts will create jobs.‭ ‬The vast majority of them defend all tax cuts that benefit only the top‭ ‬0.1%‭)‬.‭ ‬Even if there is some complaining from the loyal base,‭ ‬such complaints can be quickly quelled by diverting attention to abortion,‭ ‬the threat of Islamic terrorism,‭ ‬or citing any other issue that provokes their anger,‭ ‬fear,‭ ‬and/or paranoia.‭

As we’ve learned from past policy implementation,‭ ‬a small portion of congressional Democrats will offer only token opposition to our stealing from average citizens.‭ ‬They will do this so as to placate their constituencies.‭ ‬Most will simply be absent at the time of the vote.‭ ‬This leaves only the Democrats‭’ ‬voters to object,‭ ‬and their objections will inspire even more support for ending Social Security from our ill informed,‭ ‬conservative voting base.‭

Of course,‭ ‬the Republican leadership understands that,‭ ‬like the repeal of Obamacare,‭ ‬ending SS will cause the deaths of many insignificant citizens,‭ ‬and millions of elderly and disabled will become homeless due to their total loss of income,‭ ‬which could bring an uproar from the media.‭ ‬Fortunately,‭ ‬our usual propaganda outlets will convince our ill informed,‭ ‬conservative voting base that these faceless millions have only themselves to blame.‭

However,‭ ‬we are safe in our disregard for those who do not have a home to sell to replace their SS income or do not have family to take them in.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬F*CK‭’ ‬EM.‭ ‬Given the Republicans‭’ ‬many years of successful efforts cultivating fragmentation and hatred among the U.S.‭ ‬public,‭ ‬today,‭ ‬most conservatives do not care about anyone but themselves.

With the expected success of Obamacare repeal,‭ ‬GOP leadership is certain the elimination of Social Security‭ (‬and Medicare shortly after‭) ‬will cause no appreciable loss of voter support for the Republican Party.‭ ‬In fact,‭ ‬the Democrats will likely lose more voters than the GOP for their inaction in permitting the elimination of Social Security.‭ ‬So this will be a win,win for the Republicans.

As a final note,‭ ‬the GOP can expect employers big and small to show our party their gratitude for ending SS.‭ ‬They will no longer be forced to pay their percentage,‭ ‬while at the same time they can explain to their workers that the employee portion of F.I.C.A.,‭ ‬formerly withheld from payroll checks,‭ ‬will also revert to the employer.‭ ‬After all,‭ ‬businesses deserve that money more than the overpaid workers.‭ ‬Those workers who do not like it can quit,‭ ‬employees are easily replaced.‭


Damn you're one clueless SOB. There are only 2.5 million that get their insurance through the exchanges, they all hate it. The others are kids on their parents plan till age 26 and people getting expanded medicade for free. So hell yeah, for those people it's popular.

Also there is ZERO cash in the SS trust fund, it's all govt bonds and to cash those bonds out, the government has to borrow the money adding to the debt. So grow up and get a clue, the world as you see it doesn't exist.
Mr.‭ ‬Ryan,‭ ‬do you recall your on-camera smile when you were told that well over‭ ‬20‭ ‬million Americans will lose healthcare insurance when Obamacare is repealed‭? ‬Party leadership would do well to remind you how your expression showed you were quite pleased at the thought,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬how you received very little criticism for showing that pleasure.‭ ‬This is a very good sign.

Currently,‭ ‬Republicans have the opportunity to use the repeal of Obamacare as a litmus test to see how the voters react to the loss of what has become,‭ ‬unfortunately,‭ ‬a very popular program among the public.‭ ‬The Republican Party can then measure the intensity and duration of any negative public reaction.‭ ‬Whatever the reaction,‭ ‬the GOP leadership can be certain it will be short lived considering the extremely limited memories of the American people.‭

Once the shock of repeal is over,‭ ‬the Republican controlled congress must then act quickly to implement the following plan successfully.‭ ‬Quick action and passage of this legislation will have all blame falling on the imbecile Trump.‭

With Trump as an easy scapegoat,‭ ‬the time has come to end Social Security,‭ ‬having nearly‭ ‬$3‭ ‬trillion in the SS Trust Fund.‭ ‬For decades the Republican leadership has thinly veiled their disgust for the way this money is wasted on the elderly and disabled recipients.‭ ‬Also,‭ ‬we as a political party,‭ ‬owe it to our billionaire benefactors to pass legislation that makes it legal to use this great sum of ready cash to fund further tax cuts for our large political donors.

Decades of experience have assured us that GOP policies can increasingly steal from average citizens with little or no backlash from our ill informed,‭ ‬conservative voting base‭ (‬in fact,‭ ‬they will defend all Republican policies for the confiscation of the SS Trust Fund,‭ ‬believing,‭ ‬of course,‭ ‬that the resulting tax cuts will create jobs.‭ ‬The vast majority of them defend all tax cuts that benefit only the top‭ ‬0.1%‭)‬.‭ ‬Even if there is some complaining from the loyal base,‭ ‬such complaints can be quickly quelled by diverting attention to abortion,‭ ‬the threat of Islamic terrorism,‭ ‬or citing any other issue that provokes their anger,‭ ‬fear,‭ ‬and/or paranoia.‭

As we’ve learned from past policy implementation,‭ ‬a small portion of congressional Democrats will offer only token opposition to our stealing from average citizens.‭ ‬They will do this so as to placate their constituencies.‭ ‬Most will simply be absent at the time of the vote.‭ ‬This leaves only the Democrats‭’ ‬voters to object,‭ ‬and their objections will inspire even more support for ending Social Security from our ill informed,‭ ‬conservative voting base.‭

Of course,‭ ‬the Republican leadership understands that,‭ ‬like the repeal of Obamacare,‭ ‬ending SS will cause the deaths of many insignificant citizens,‭ ‬and millions of elderly and disabled will become homeless due to their total loss of income,‭ ‬which could bring an uproar from the media.‭ ‬Fortunately,‭ ‬our usual propaganda outlets will convince our ill informed,‭ ‬conservative voting base that these faceless millions have only themselves to blame.‭

However,‭ ‬we are safe in our disregard for those who do not have a home to sell to replace their SS income or do not have family to take them in.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬F*CK‭’ ‬EM.‭ ‬Given the Republicans‭’ ‬many years of successful efforts cultivating fragmentation and hatred among the U.S.‭ ‬public,‭ ‬today,‭ ‬most conservatives do not care about anyone but themselves.

With the expected success of Obamacare repeal,‭ ‬GOP leadership is certain the elimination of Social Security‭ (‬and Medicare shortly after‭) ‬will cause no appreciable loss of voter support for the Republican Party.‭ ‬In fact,‭ ‬the Democrats will likely lose more voters than the GOP for their inaction in permitting the elimination of Social Security.‭ ‬So this will be a win,win for the Republicans.

As a final note,‭ ‬the GOP can expect employers big and small to show our party their gratitude for ending SS.‭ ‬They will no longer be forced to pay their percentage,‭ ‬while at the same time they can explain to their workers that the employee portion of F.I.C.A.,‭ ‬formerly withheld from payroll checks,‭ ‬will also revert to the employer.‭ ‬After all,‭ ‬businesses deserve that money more than the overpaid workers.‭ ‬Those workers who do not like it can quit,‭ ‬employees are easily replaced.‭


Damn you're one clueless SOB. There are only 2.5 million that get their insurance through the exchanges, they all hate it. The others are kids on their parents plan till age 26 and people getting expanded medicade for free. So hell yeah, for those people it's popular.

Also there is ZERO cash in the SS trust fund, it's all govt bonds and to cash those bonds out, the government has to borrow the money adding to the debt. So grow up and get a clue, the world as you see it doesn't exist.

The government didn't borrow the money it is the law that the money be invested in US government securities. Bush tried to do something about that and privatize SS. Which would have allowed the money to be put into other securities like the stock market. But everyone crapped their pants at the thought of the government losing control.

The problem with our debt is easy, we spend more then we receive. Even though tax revenue are at historic highs.

As for SS everyone is worried about a system that RIGHT NOW is solvent and looks that way for a good many years. But some tweaks might be in order. What everyone doesn't worry about is welfare. I hear no one ask were is welfare being funded and those on welfare get an annual COLA where as those on SS have been getting zilch. Kinda tells me that investing in the US securities is not a winning proposition. Kinda tells me that a whole lot of folks don't think they are ever going to get old.
Mr.‭ ‬Ryan,‭ ‬do you recall your on-camera smile when you were told that well over‭ ‬20‭ ‬million Americans will lose healthcare insurance when Obamacare is repealed‭? ‬Party leadership would do well to remind you how your expression showed you were quite pleased at the thought,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬how you received very little criticism for showing that pleasure.‭ ‬This is a very good sign.

Currently,‭ ‬Republicans have the opportunity to use the repeal of Obamacare as a litmus test to see how the voters react to the loss of what has become,‭ ‬unfortunately,‭ ‬a very popular program among the public.‭ ‬The Republican Party can then measure the intensity and duration of any negative public reaction.‭ ‬Whatever the reaction,‭ ‬the GOP leadership can be certain it will be short lived considering the extremely limited memories of the American people.‭

Once the shock of repeal is over,‭ ‬the Republican controlled congress must then act quickly to implement the following plan successfully.‭ ‬Quick action and passage of this legislation will have all blame falling on the imbecile Trump.‭

With Trump as an easy scapegoat,‭ ‬the time has come to end Social Security,‭ ‬having nearly‭ ‬$3‭ ‬trillion in the SS Trust Fund.‭ ‬For decades the Republican leadership has thinly veiled their disgust for the way this money is wasted on the elderly and disabled recipients.‭ ‬Also,‭ ‬we as a political party,‭ ‬owe it to our billionaire benefactors to pass legislation that makes it legal to use this great sum of ready cash to fund further tax cuts for our large political donors.

Decades of experience have assured us that GOP policies can increasingly steal from average citizens with little or no backlash from our ill informed,‭ ‬conservative voting base‭ (‬in fact,‭ ‬they will defend all Republican policies for the confiscation of the SS Trust Fund,‭ ‬believing,‭ ‬of course,‭ ‬that the resulting tax cuts will create jobs.‭ ‬The vast majority of them defend all tax cuts that benefit only the top‭ ‬0.1%‭)‬.‭ ‬Even if there is some complaining from the loyal base,‭ ‬such complaints can be quickly quelled by diverting attention to abortion,‭ ‬the threat of Islamic terrorism,‭ ‬or citing any other issue that provokes their anger,‭ ‬fear,‭ ‬and/or paranoia.‭

As we’ve learned from past policy implementation,‭ ‬a small portion of congressional Democrats will offer only token opposition to our stealing from average citizens.‭ ‬They will do this so as to placate their constituencies.‭ ‬Most will simply be absent at the time of the vote.‭ ‬This leaves only the Democrats‭’ ‬voters to object,‭ ‬and their objections will inspire even more support for ending Social Security from our ill informed,‭ ‬conservative voting base.‭

Of course,‭ ‬the Republican leadership understands that,‭ ‬like the repeal of Obamacare,‭ ‬ending SS will cause the deaths of many insignificant citizens,‭ ‬and millions of elderly and disabled will become homeless due to their total loss of income,‭ ‬which could bring an uproar from the media.‭ ‬Fortunately,‭ ‬our usual propaganda outlets will convince our ill informed,‭ ‬conservative voting base that these faceless millions have only themselves to blame.‭

However,‭ ‬we are safe in our disregard for those who do not have a home to sell to replace their SS income or do not have family to take them in.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬F*CK‭’ ‬EM.‭ ‬Given the Republicans‭’ ‬many years of successful efforts cultivating fragmentation and hatred among the U.S.‭ ‬public,‭ ‬today,‭ ‬most conservatives do not care about anyone but themselves.

With the expected success of Obamacare repeal,‭ ‬GOP leadership is certain the elimination of Social Security‭ (‬and Medicare shortly after‭) ‬will cause no appreciable loss of voter support for the Republican Party.‭ ‬In fact,‭ ‬the Democrats will likely lose more voters than the GOP for their inaction in permitting the elimination of Social Security.‭ ‬So this will be a win,win for the Republicans.

As a final note,‭ ‬the GOP can expect employers big and small to show our party their gratitude for ending SS.‭ ‬They will no longer be forced to pay their percentage,‭ ‬while at the same time they can explain to their workers that the employee portion of F.I.C.A.,‭ ‬formerly withheld from payroll checks,‭ ‬will also revert to the employer.‭ ‬After all,‭ ‬businesses deserve that money more than the overpaid workers.‭ ‬Those workers who do not like it can quit,‭ ‬employees are easily replaced.‭


Damn you're one clueless SOB. There are only 2.5 million that get their insurance through the exchanges, they all hate it. The others are kids on their parents plan till age 26 and people getting expanded medicade for free. So hell yeah, for those people it's popular.

Also there is ZERO cash in the SS trust fund, it's all govt bonds and to cash those bonds out, the government has to borrow the money adding to the debt. So grow up and get a clue, the world as you see it doesn't exist.

The government didn't borrow the money it is the law that the money be invested in US government securities. Bush tried to do something about that and privatize SS. Which would have allowed the money to be put into other securities like the stock market. But everyone crapped their pants at the thought of the government losing control.

The problem with our debt is easy, we spend more then we receive. Even though tax revenue are at historic highs.

As for SS everyone is worried about a system that RIGHT NOW is solvent and looks that way for a good many years. But some tweaks might be in order. What everyone doesn't worry about is welfare. I hear no one ask were is welfare being funded and those on welfare get an annual COLA where as those on SS have been getting zilch. Kinda tells me that investing in the US securities is not a winning proposition. Kinda tells me that a whole lot of folks don't think they are ever going to get old.

I said the government has to borrow the money to cash out the bonds. That is done every year out going SS exceeds its income.
The Republicans could, instead, privatize Social Security. This would hand the billionaires who manipulate Wall Street the entire Trust Fund in cash rather than make them wait to receive it in the form of tax cuts.

Either way, SS recipients will be totally screwed.

A Republican privatization of Social Security is a real possibility

The market doubled since the lunatic leftists failed to move on a great idea. They wanted to keep all for themselves. Greedy little bastards.

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