Mental case month drags on.Meet the associate pastor at Hope United Methodist Church in Bloomington, Il FUSA

The makeup they wear is completely clownish lookin
Which is appropriate since we live in clown world

What the fuck is wrong with you people

How you know this is straight of the devil?

Within one minute this person take the very Cross of Christ and makes it about "queer". "Transposes" the Cross of Christ with the "queer experience".

No. It's not about you. Or your sexual experience.

It's about Christ. Period, end of story.

Soon Jesus. Please. Soon.
How you know this is straight of the devil?

Within one minute this person take the very Cross of Christ and makes it about "queer". "Transposes" the Cross of Christ with the "queer experience".

No. It's not about you. Or your sexual experience.

It's about Christ. Period, end of story.

Soon Jesus. Please. Soon.

Yes, the Christians who want Jesus to come back to murder everyone so they can prove they were "right".

That's kind of fucked up, yo!

What if you get to the afterlife and find out the Shinto were right?


Damn, Amaterasu looks pissed!

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