Mercedes Benz gains level 3 autopilot computer driving in Nevada. A first.


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
The first of it's kind to be solid enough to gain approval.
Level 3 is a car that drives itself, but will automatically alert a human sitting in the drivers seat to takeover if certain road conditions etc. are not met.
Designed for real world use, where a driver can go on trips and the car will do most of the highway driving itself without your attention.

Personally I think this is awesome.
Making long drives would be sooooooo much easier and better if you don't have to constantly watch the road and drive. And no doubt will make driving safer.
Easier to get some sleep on long drives? Makes me nervous, like I could be on the road with zombies, dependent on computers, I have known to fail for my safety.

First off, I simply enjoy driving too much to give that task over to the car.

Second, safety is still an issue:

According to the NHTSA, "the agency linked 392 crashes to partial self-driving and driver assistance systems in the 10 months between July 1st, 2021 and May 15th, 2022. About 70 percent of those, 273, were Tesla vehicles using Autopilot or the Full Self-Driving beta."

Five of those accidents were fatal.

NHTSA: 'Self-driving' cars were linked to 392 crashes in 10 months | Engadget

Then there's the question of who's to blame in the case of an accident...
No way I would use this as a driver or passenger. I mostly drive on long trips unless we have to drive the truck or pull a trailer. Even when I'm not driving I'm full alert to the road, I can't sleep, read or play on the phone as a passenger.
No way I would use this as a driver or passenger. I mostly drive on long trips unless we have to drive the truck or pull a trailer. Even when I'm not driving I'm full alert to the road, I can't sleep, read or play on the phone as a passenger.

I agree they are not trustworthy as of yet. Maybe someday.

As a retired professional driver, I get nervous when another person is driving besides me yet alone be comfortable with a computer doing it. In my silence as a passenger I'm always thinking of what they are doing wrong in their driving: turning on the turn signal too early, hitting their break for no reason, not maintaining a constant speed by speeding up and slowing down, trying to merge on a highway entering at 30 mph under the speed limit; I'm just very critical of people unless they too are a professional driver. We just drive differently than other people.

However when I constantly read these stories in my area about some drunk getting on the wrong side of the highway and hitting another motorist head on at those high speeds, one of the first things I think of is how beneficial an autonomous vehicle would be for such people. Before you get out of your car at the bar, simply punch in the path to get you home on it's GPS, and when you get out of the bar drunk on your ass, hit the button to send the car on it's way safely.

First off, I simply enjoy driving too much to give that task over to the car.

Second, safety is still an issue:

According to the NHTSA, "the agency linked 392 crashes to partial self-driving and driver assistance systems in the 10 months between July 1st, 2021 and May 15th, 2022. About 70 percent of those, 273, were Tesla vehicles using Autopilot or the Full Self-Driving beta."

Five of those accidents were fatal.

NHTSA: 'Self-driving' cars were linked to 392 crashes in 10 months | Engadget

Then there's the question of who's to blame in the case of an accident...

The biggest issue with self-driving cars are the cars that are being driven by humans.
Personally I think this is awesome.
Making long drives would be sooooooo much easier and better if you don't have to constantly watch the road and drive. And no doubt will make driving safer.

Cant wait for this to go main stream. If all the cars were driven by computer we would eliminate traffic, and accidents on highways. Cars could drive 300 mph 1 inch from each other without a problem.
Cant wait for this to go main stream. If all the cars were driven by computer we would eliminate traffic, and accidents on highways. Cars could drive 300 mph 1 inch from each other without a problem.

Yeah, I tend to be an early technology embracer.
I very much look forward to having a self driving vehicle on long trips where I could climb in the back and sleep for a few hours while enroute.
I think the roads would be significantly safer if ALL vehicles were self driving by mandate no exceptions outside of first responders.

Computers don't drink and drive.
Computers have vastly faster reaction times.
Computers don't drive distracted (cell phones etc)
Computers don't road rage.

yeah because you never see a deer dead on the side of the road except during hunting season....

That's exactly correct !
When that occurs it's because some imbecile with a gun is out in the woods violating the law for his/her fun.
Do your homework and find out WHEN nearly all deer collisions occur.
You will find it's hunting season. Hard to believe anyone in their right mind would even question this fact.
Unless they just enjoy murdering so much.


AFAIK Microsoft is not in the self driving vehicle game (yet).
If they are or do.....yeah, we could have a problem

Then again...many of those BSOD's can be attributed to HUMAN error once again.
--- Getting computer viruses from going to porn sites etc.....
---- Installing software with bad drivers etc.
---- Spilling drinks food into them.
---- Never cleaning out dust

Besides, even YOU are using one right now regardless ;)
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Yeah, I tend to be an early technology embracer.
I very much look forward to having a self driving vehicle on long trips where I could climb in the back and sleep for a few hours while enroute.
I think the roads would be significantly safer if ALL vehicles were self driving by mandate no exceptions outside of first responders.

Computers don't drink and drive.
Computers have vastly faster reaction times.
Computers don't drive distracted (cell phones etc)
Computers don't road rage.

Computers do eventually quit on a person, and I could be wrong, but I wouldn't be surprised if they quit during the most inconvenient times.

God bless you always!!!

The first of it's kind to be solid enough to gain approval.
Level 3 is a car that drives itself, but will automatically alert a human sitting in the drivers seat to takeover if certain road conditions etc. are not met.
Designed for real world use, where a driver can go on trips and the car will do most of the highway driving itself without your attention.

Great....let's see if that drops the accident rate on State 95.
Computers do eventually quit on a person, and I could be wrong, but I wouldn't be surprised if they quit during the most inconvenient times.

God bless you always!!!


That's one way to look at it. Another way is to face facts that our cars use computer systems now to work. In trucks we have several computers, and they all have to work in sync with each other even in sub zero weather.
Easier to get some sleep on long drives? Makes me nervous, like I could be on the road with zombies, dependent on computers, I have known to fail for my safety.

This will eventually be every car
This will eventually be every car
And the earlier the technology perfects the better.
This Mercedes product is clearly not meant for people to be able to "sleep while their car drives"
It is designed, primarily, to autopilot on open highways in light-medium traffic. This car gas been extensively tested without fail.
The key difference, and why it is the first to get level 3 approval is the car will alert the driver to takeover when it sees certain traffic conditions ahead. No other car does this.

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