Mercedes Benz gains level 3 autopilot computer driving in Nevada. A first.

I very much look forward to having a self driving vehicle on long trips where I could climb in the back and sleep for a few hours while enroute.

And should your car malfunction and that malfuntion results in an accident with another vehicle, who would be at fault?
Cant wait for this to go main stream. If all the cars were driven by computer we would eliminate traffic, and accidents on highways. Cars could drive 300 mph 1 inch from each other without a problem.

Until a malfunction with the car in front leads to a massive accident because of the line of cars behind it doing 300 mph...
That's exactly correct !
When that occurs it's because some imbecile with a gun is out in the woods violating the law for his/her fun.
Do your homework and find out WHEN nearly all deer collisions occur.
You will find it's hunting season. Hard to believe anyone in their right mind would even question this fact.
Unless they just enjoy murdering so much.

" Most collisions occur from dusk to dawn on high speed rural roads"

All that night hunting going on. Deer move more during October-December due to mating season which causes the uptick in vehicle collisions. Just because hunting season happens (in most states late Nov-Jan) right after mating season doesn't mean the hunting is causing the vehicle/deer interactions. Correlation vs causation.

My property backs up to 45k acres of National Park. If I leave to drive anywhere, I basically have to go through the park to get there. Guess what I see along the road in the park. Deer hit by cars and in numbers that are equal to or greater than anywhere else. Happens all year round but certainly during the fall and spring there's an uptick. Guess what you cant do in the park. Hunt. Anything. Ever. You arent even supposed to be off the paths in the park. I know that's anecdotal but it's true.

Hunting isnt causing deer/vehicle accidents.
Until a malfunction with the car in front leads to a massive accident because of the line of cars behind it doing 300 mph...

Correct. Up north I see these yahoos in 4 wheel drive vehicles off to the side of the road. Sure, a 4 wheel drive can ram through the snow effortlessly, but their brakes work like any other vehicle. When they have to brake quickly because somebody cut in front of them, they slide off the road like anybody else.

" Most collisions occur from dusk to dawn on high speed rural roads"

All that night hunting going on. Deer move more during October-December due to mating season which causes the uptick in vehicle collisions. Just because hunting season happens (in most states late Nov-Jan) right after mating season doesn't mean the hunting is causing the vehicle/deer interactions. Correlation vs causation.

My property backs up to 45k acres of National Park. If I leave to drive anywhere, I basically have to go through the park to get there. Guess what I see along the road in the park. Deer hit by cars and in numbers that are equal to or greater than anywhere else. Happens all year round but certainly during the fall and spring there's an uptick. Guess what you cant do in the park. Hunt. Anything. Ever. You arent even supposed to be off the paths in the park. I know that's anecdotal but it's true.

Hunting isnt causing deer/vehicle accidents.

Propaganda !
Hunters protecting hunters !!
There's BIG MONEY to be made in issuing licenses, gear and guns.

Hunting not causing accidents? The HELL it isn't !

Like I said.....
Let's put YOU out in the woods unarmed....and let loose 10 armed serial killers ......YOU WILL RUN ACROSS ANY ROAD IN YOUR PATH IN A HURRY
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Computers do eventually quit on a person, and I could be wrong, but I wouldn't be surprised if they quit during the most inconvenient times.

God bless you always!!!

You do realize that every time you take to the skies on a commercial plane your life is in the hands of computers?
The pilots these days are moistly for backup but planes can fly to their destinations and land on their own.
Then there's the computers handling ATC, communications etc.

In order to advance as a species we are going to have to rely more and more on technology.
Will there be some mishaps? Sure.
Will it be the rule rather than the exception? probably not. Otherwise there would be no space program for example.
As far as self-driving cars......
I would rather take my chances with that one in a million potential glitch.....

Rather than the millions of drunk and or distracted drivers at one time.
But to each his/her own. You'll have to decide for yourself.
I can't WAIT !!!!
Until a malfunction with the car in front leads to a massive accident because of the line of cars behind it doing 300 mph...
Greater chance of the machine making a mistake or the human? But even if it did it wouldnt matter as long as all the cars are computer driven. Any self driving car network would put essentially all the cars in communication thus eliminating the problems we see currently with humans driving. One car having a malfunction would just be moved to the side and all the cars around it would know it instantaneously was malfunctioning and avoid the issue. Im also sure there wouldnt be any back up systems in a self driven car/network...

My point of them driving that fast that close is that they could without problem not that they would. Likely, while speed limits could be increased mandatory spacing would be built into the program to avoid any such issues.
Propaganda !
Hunters protecting hunters !!
There's BIG MONEY to be made in issuing licenses, gear and guns.

Hunting not causing accidents? The HELL it isn't !

Like I said.....
Let's put YOU out in the woods unarmed....and let loose 10 armed serial killers ......YOU WILL RUN ACROSS ANY ROAD IN YOUR PATH IN A HURRY

You've convinced me with your fact cited arguement..... Oh wait..
Greater chance of the machine making a mistake or the human? But even if it did it wouldnt matter as long as all the cars are computer driven. Any self driving car network would put essentially all the cars in communication thus eliminating the problems we see currently with humans driving. One car having a malfunction would just be moved to the side and all the cars around it would know it instantaneously was malfunctioning and avoid the issue. Im also sure there wouldnt be any back up systems in a self driven car/network...

My point of them driving that fast that close is that they could without problem not that they would. Likely, while speed limits could be increased mandatory spacing would be built into the program to avoid any such issues.

I dunno'. I just don't get it.

I've got my eye on a 2016 Mercedes-Benz AMG GT and, if I buy it, it'll be a good, solid chunk of change.

I just can't imagine spending that kind of money on a car and then not driving it. If the Benz was self-driving it wouldn't even be on my radar...
Propaganda !
Hunters protecting hunters !!
There's BIG MONEY to be made in issuing licenses, gear and guns.

Hunting not causing accidents? The HELL it isn't !

Like I said.....
Let's put YOU out in the woods unarmed....and let loose 10 armed serial killers ......YOU WILL RUN ACROSS ANY ROAD IN YOUR PATH IN A HURRY

"The uptick in deer-related accidents is caused by increased deer movement. October to early December is the mating season for North American deer, which means November is commonly held as the worst month for deer-car collisions."

"13. It is important to pay special attention during the 6pm and 9pm window as this is when a majority of the deer car accidents occur.

21. It is mating season, not hunting season, that typically causes the most deer to be out on roadways."


1. Deer car accidents statistics reveal that the highest chances for a deer accident are in the fall, between 6 PM and 9 PM, and at dawn.​

(Consumer Reports)

We’ve already mentioned that fall is the season when deer are the most active. But during this season, they’re most active at dawn and in the evening.

"When November comes, deer all across the U.S. start acting a little nuts. This means that one might cross your path - and if you're driving, you need to be prepared.

Every year there are about one million collisions with deer. It's thought that this is partially due to mating season, which typically lasts from October to December or January. And more deer-car collisions occur in November than in any other month.

Dusk and dawn are most risky​

Deer are crepuscular animals, which means they're most active at dawn and dusk, when predators are least likely to be a threat. Take extra caution when driving during these times of day."

Crazy all these sites all saying the same shit and are all apparently hunter propaganda. Even the which you would think wouldnt be. Care to share some sites that claim hunting is the primary reason vs mating/being more active dusk to dawn?
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I dunno'. I just don't get it.

I've got my eye on a 2016 Mercedes-Benz AMG GT and, if I buy it, it'll be a good, solid chunk of change.

I just can't imagine spending that kind of money on a car and then not driving it. If the Benz was self-driving it wouldn't even be on my radar...

A car is a tool. Nothing more. Let's me get from point a to point b very quickly and efficiently without running. Outside of that it's a very large and expensive hunk of metal and plastic. I've never understood people's fascination with driving or why driving car A is more "fun" than car B. If I can get to where I want to go WHEN I want to and not have to drive, Im on board.
I agree they are not trustworthy as of yet. Maybe someday.

As a retired professional driver, I get nervous when another person is driving besides me yet alone be comfortable with a computer doing it. In my silence as a passenger I'm always thinking of what they are doing wrong in their driving: turning on the turn signal too early, hitting their break for no reason, not maintaining a constant speed by speeding up and slowing down, trying to merge on a highway entering at 30 mph under the speed limit; I'm just very critical of people unless they too are a professional driver. We just drive differently than other people.

However when I constantly read these stories in my area about some drunk getting on the wrong side of the highway and hitting another motorist head on at those high speeds, one of the first things I think of is how beneficial an autonomous vehicle would be for such people. Before you get out of your car at the bar, simply punch in the path to get you home on it's GPS, and when you get out of the bar drunk on your ass, hit the button to send the car on it's way safely.

While I do acknowledge my husband is a better driver I like to think of myself as a more cautious driver. I hate driving in rain and curvy roads, especially hilly curvy roads, also not a fan of night driving. Have an on and off fear of hitting a deer, or having a tire blow out. I drive my husband nuts with countless questions like "what happens if you hit the starter button thing while driving", "what's that fire smell"...
While I do acknowledge my husband is a better driver I like to think of myself as a more cautious driver. I hate driving in rain and curvy roads, especially hilly curvy roads, also not a fan of night driving. Have an on and off fear of hitting a deer, or having a tire blow out. I drive my husband nuts with countless questions like "what happens if you hit the starter button thing while driving", "what's that fire smell"...

Doesn't matter how good a driver you are. You arent driving all the cars on the road so you're risk is tied to all the morons, drunks, bad drivers, drivers who didnt get enough sleep etc who you're sharing the road with. Computers don't have that problem. Also, a computer is an infinitely better driver than you. It's reaction times are better, they dont get tired, or distracted. If all cars were self driven they would also know what all the cars around them are doing as well as have instantaneous knowledge of any changes anywhere on their route that could/would affect them. Unlike you.
You do realize that every time you take to the skies on a commercial plane your life is in the hands of computers?
The pilots these days are moistly for backup but planes can fly to their destinations and land on their own.
Then there's the computers handling ATC, communications etc.

In order to advance as a species we are going to have to rely more and more on technology.
Will there be some mishaps? Sure.
Will it be the rule rather than the exception? probably not. Otherwise there would be no space program for example.
I haven't been on a plane since 1991. I am only saying that dumping more responsibility onto the plate of a computer could only make things worse. To me, it might only encourage laziness and in my opinion, laziness and safety should never share the same zip code.

God bless you always!!!

I haven't been on a plane since 1991. I am only saying that dumping more responsibility onto the plate of a computer could only make things worse. To me, it might only encourage laziness and in my opinion, laziness and safety should never share the same zip code.

God bless you always!!!


How many planes crash per year due to computer malfunction/error? How many cars crash per year due to driver (human) error/malfunction?
Correct. Up north I see these yahoos in 4 wheel drive vehicles off to the side of the road. Sure, a 4 wheel drive can ram through the snow effortlessly, but their brakes work like any other vehicle. When they have to brake quickly because somebody cut in front of them, they slide off the road like anybody else.

Is there a greater chance of a human being a moron and driving too fast or too close for conditions or for a computer to do so? Is there a greater chance of the human panicking and doing the wrong thing if and when the car loses traction and starts to skid or the computer? Is there a greater chance of that single accident causing a multiple car crash due to errors made if the human or a computer is driving the cars around the car having the accident?

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