Merkel can stop the border crisis within few days just by saying of few words.


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
You're not welcome in Germany and will never receive free housing, welfare benefits and life at expenses German taxpayers until you die!
It would be enough to stop migrants.
But the truth is Merkel and her gang badly need more Muslims to eradicate the German people completely.
So, she continues to blame Lukashenko and Putin, but not herself.

lots of threads on this
EVERY country should stop immigration or at least cut it massively ..stop these ''''''migrant''' crisES...FORCE will be used
You're not welcome in Germany and will never receive free housing, welfare benefits and life at expenses German taxpayers until you die!
It would be enough to stop migrants.
But the truth is Merkel and her gang badly need more Muslims to eradicate the German people completely.
So, she continues to blame Lukashenko and Putin, but not herself.

Wonder what Hitler would have thought
lots of threads on this
EVERY country should stop immigration or at least cut it massively ..stop these ''''''migrant''' crisES...FORCE will be used

In difference to other countries Germany welcomes only:

- Muslims
- Illiterate
- Fundamentalist
- IQ-20 or lower
- at best criminals
- at best lazy
- at best with four wife
Well maybe America should stop messing the Middle East all the time, with invasions and wars and whatnot. Because all these refugees are only streaming here because America totally messed up the region.
"What would Hitler do in this situation?"

That doesn't seem like the best path to follow. lmao

Well it's fashionable among some people to take sides for totalitarian tyrants like Putin these days, and they applaud attempts by a foreign tyranny to obstruct American elections, so Hitler shouldn't be off limits.
As to the topic ... yeah, I wonder if it was smart to limit social welfare and so on to German citizens, only.

The laws that give any legal resident the right on social support stem from times when there were only few immigrants. These laws were not designed for events of mass immigration and may give undesired incentives.

But I don't understand this apocalypticism among some. The number of immigrants has fallen drastically since 2015, not least because Merkel and the EU made many deals with neighboring countries to hold back refugees.

Is that enough? I don't know, especially Turkey can use these deals to blackmail the EU ("you are not nice to us, then we open the borders again"). But for the time being, I don't think that a couple of thousand of refugees more make all the difference.
Well maybe America should stop messing the Middle East all the time, with invasions and wars and whatnot. Because all these refugees are only streaming here because America totally messed up the region.
hahahhahahahhahahahahno we did not mess up the ME
allow me to teach you some history:
..saddam INVADED not one but TWO countries
..muslims murdered more Americans on 9-11 than were killed at Pearl Harbor
etc etc
There are too many words. "Let's divide Poland" would be shorter.
There is no point in that. You can give some chunks to Germany, some small parts to Lithuania and the Czechs, but there will be a significant part that remains a Poland anyway.
Well maybe America should stop messing the Middle East all the time, with invasions and wars and whatnot. Because all these refugees are only streaming here because America totally messed up the region.

America does it because EU lackeys are kissing its ass and swallowing its shit.
Who is your government?
The toilet paper of D.C.
Also, money and oil goes to USA, refugees to stupid Germans.
Because most of them are gullible cowardly idiots!
The entirely world laughed as more as 600 women were raped in Cologne in 2016, so called German 'men' called police only, don't fought for their wives of girlfriends.
Their pants were full of shit
There is no point in that. You can give some chunks to Germany, some small parts to Lithuania and the Czechs, but there will be a significant part that remains a Poland anyway.


who will stay in poor Polska when the country of idiots aka Germany offers them more.
As to the topic ... yeah, I wonder if it was smart to limit social welfare and so on to German citizens, only.

The laws that give any legal resident the right on social support stem from times when there were only few immigrants. These laws were not designed for events of mass immigration and may give undesired incentives.

But I don't understand this apocalypticism among some. The number of immigrants has fallen drastically since 2015, not least because Merkel and the EU made many deals with neighboring countries to hold back refugees.

Is that enough? I don't know, especially Turkey can use these deals to blackmail the EU ("you are not nice to us, then we open the borders again"). But for the time being, I don't think that a couple of thousand of refugees more make all the difference.

Germany attracts freeloaders and welfare bandits only, all skilled workers move to English speaking countries where are more opportunities and less idiotic governments.
The country is done, no one takes it seriously now

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