Merrick's feds show up at school boarding meeting in DHS, unmarked cars, and helicopter.

Any time a bunch of Trump retards show up somewhere it's a shitshow. If you asswipes can't behave then go play in traffic.
Of course you will argue that BLM and Antifa riots are basically peaceful demonstrations where everybody behaves.

That was just as much speculation that it was not a DHS helicopter which by agreeing with the OP you actually believed, with no supporting evidence.

At what grade did they forcible hurl you through the school doors, saying, "You are 18. It is time to grow up?"
Dude, you are a moron. Too stupid to know when you were being mocked. Just STFU before you embarrass yourself further.
This doesn't bode well for the school board at all

Fox News: Loudoun docs show sheriff's frustration with school board, treatment of residents.
This is more fake hype and let’s see some parents get arrested en masse because they oppose school board policy. It won’t happen just like all the fake announcements of mass firings and arrests due to refusing vaccine experimentation, Lib loons think we scare as easily and readily as they do into compliance. Bad assumption
And the guy in the helicopter was the janitor running late for work. :cuckoo:
Everything is a conspiracy, right clown? Everybody is watching you retards, your phones are tapped, your house is bugged, there's a tracking device under your car. Now the Feds are doing flybys in copters at school board meetings.

You think people are following you, amirite?

Everything is a conspiracy, right clown? Everybody is watching you retards, your phones are tapped, your house is bugged, there's a tracking device under your car. Now the Feds are doing flybys in copters at school board meetings.

You think people are following you, amirite?

Nope. But you have never been right on anything, so I wouldn’t expect it now, Clown.
Because he's under oath, retard. Not everybody is a lying sack of shit like the orange babboon, Gym Jordan & Lyin Ted Cruz who's the biggest fucking drama queen in the Senate.
Oaths don’t mean squat to libs….Fauci lied under oath, dems refer him to DoJ? No…You filthy fascist bastards lie all the time.
Oaths don’t mean squat to libs….Fauci lied under oath, dems refer him to DoJ? No…You filthy fascist bastards lie all the time.
Fauci did no such thing, you imbecile. But keep repeating talking points fed to your empty head by Dotard's right wing goon squad.

Too stupid to think for yourself? Yep!
Fauci did no such thing, you imbecile. But keep repeating talking points fed to your empty head by Dotard's right wing goon squad.

Too stupid to think for yourself? Yep!
Simply amazing to watch your dystopian lack of knowledge.
Here in America dissent is Verboden!

At least it has been that way ever since the Socialists stole the election.
amen bro

we are not America anymore... People don't seem to get that.. Soemthing has to be done.. Got any suggestions for the little people?
amen bro

we are not America anymore... People don't seem to get that.. Soemthing has to be done.. Got any suggestions for the little people?
We let the bastards get away with stealing the election and now we have to suffer the consequences.

Turning over a couple of benches like was done on January 6th didn't do much, did it? If we don't have the courage to restore the Republic then we will lose it. We have already lost it. The Socialists are turning this country into an authoritative Socialist Shithole and none of us have the courage to stand up to the bastards.

We will have to suffer under our masters just like all weaklings.

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