Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all

Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
Around 2000 years ago a man was born in the middle east of parents that were neither elite nor aristocracy. Yet, whether you regard him as a Diety, a prophet, or a very wise man, his teachings have changed the world. When we adhere to what he said, we create a better world. One does not have to be a Christian to appreciate Christ's message.
Jesus wasn't born on the 25th of December.

But happy Xmas to you, too.
Merry Christmas Old Rocks! And to everyone else who sees this! Christmas should bring out the best in all of us! This time of year is considered the season of giving and a time to unite with family and friends. I hope that all of you take part in that : )

Merry Christmas!
Jesus may not have been an elite or part of the aristocracy, but neither was He poor?

Luke 2:7 - And she(Mary) gave birth......and laid Him(Jesus) in a manger, because there was no room, in the inn or hotel...

Jesus wasn't born in a manger, because He was poor? The parents of Jesus had the resources to stay at the inn or hotel, but there was no room?

Matthew 2:11 - Then opening their treasure bags, they(the wisemen) presented to Him(Jesus) gifts - gold, frankincense and myrrh.

As a child, Jesus was given very high value treasure, from more than one bag, which was wealth? What did Jesus and His family do with all that wealth? Did they convert it into money or did they invest it?

Mark 3:14 - Then He(Jesus) appointed twelve....

How did Jesus afford the living and travelling expenses of twelve men plus Himself? How many poor people can afford to take care of thirteen people?

John 13:29 - Judas had the money box....

Why did Jesus need someone to manage His finances, if He had less money? And if Jesus was broke, busted and disgusted, would He need someone to handle His money?

Mark 1:16,20 - ...for they were fishermen...........they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired servants, and went with Him(Jesus).

How did Jesus convince professional fishermen with hired servants, to abandon their business and follow Him? Did Jesus make them a better offer and how did He manage that?

Matthew 9:9 - He(Jesus) saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax office. And He(Jesus) said.....

Jesus was able to get proffesional people in secure jobs, to quit their occupations and work for Him? What incentives or inducements did He offer them?

Dr.Luke -

Among the disciples was Luke, a medical doctor? How did Jesus succeed to hire skilled professionals, without offering them something better than what they had? Were these professionals better off working for Jesus? Why didn't Jesus hire poor people with no jobs, which would have been cheaper?

Mark 4:36 - ...they(the disciples) took Him(Jesus) along in the boat as He was. And other little boats were also with Him.

Did Jesus own or rent these boats and how did He afford that? How many poor people travel with a fleet of boats?

Matthew 27:35 - And when they crucified Him(Jesus), they(the guards) divided and distributed His garments among them by casting lots...

Why did everyone want or fight over the clothes of Jesus, if they weren't worth much and how did Jesus pay for such clothes? And do people fight over the clothes of dead poor people?
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