Mex. Prez issues travel warning to Arizona


Feb 16, 2009
Christopher Weber
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Subscribe :Mexico's government is warning its citizens to carry documentation and be careful when traveling to Arizona after the governor signed a law making it a crime to be in the border state without proper ID.

The Foreign Ministry said the warning Tuesday is for all Mexicans living, studying or planning to travel to Arizona, Bloomberg reported.

"There is an adverse political environment for migrant communities and all Mexican visitors," ministry officials wrote in an e-mailed statement. "It's important to act carefully and respect the local laws."

In Arizona, it is now a state crime not to carry proof of legal immigration status. The law also requires state and local police to ask about a person's immigration status if there is "reasonable suspicion" that he or she is in the country illegally.

On Monday, President Felipe Calderon said Mexicans are "angered and saddened" by the Arizona legislation, which he said "doesn't adequately guarantee respect for people's fundamental rights."

Supporters say the controversial law, signed by Gov. Jan Brewer on Saturday, will reduce crime due to illegal immigration. Opponents say it violates individual rights and promotes discrimination.

Jesus H, Christ, what a load of horse shit. I can't even walk out of my own house without fear I might be harassed by Mexican illegals. They threaten and they harass me personally, and as far as I am concerned, they are violating my human rights, my rights as a American. Is the Mexican government worried about ALL human rights, or just those endangered remittances illegals send back homewards? .It’s funny, Mexico uses extreme force to guard it’s southern border …Nobody says word one about that, though. Don’t illegal immigrants sneaking into Mexico have the same rights illegal sneaking into America have? Or is Mexico a mealy mouthed double talk spouting bunch of hypocrites?
Good for him. He seems to care about his citizens. Well except for making sure they have a decent country to live in, and jobs, and homes.. oh well.. ours doesn't seem to give a shit about US citizens.. so Mexico is one up on us.. innit?
No, He doesn’t care about immigrants, or Mexicans, or humans or fairness or whatever. It must be nice, to defend illegals and not have anything to do with the issue. Some of us don't have that luxury. Ignorance is a luxury I can't afford anymore. You missed the point.
No, He doesn’t care about immigrants, or Mexicans, or humans or fairness or whatever. It must be nice, to defend illegals and not have anything to do with the issue. Some of us don't have that luxury. Ignorance is a luxury I can't afford anymore. You missed the point.

No, I didn't miss the point. I should have issued a sarcasm alert..
Sarcasm aside, you are cute in a wet t-shirt, sweet pea. Let's cut the crap, I live with illegal aliens, you don't, and you condescend to me to know all about the issue. Isn't that what you mean? You Don’t get it, really you don’t. I wish you did.
Sarcasm aside, you are cute in a wet t-shirt, sweet pea. Let's cut the crap, I live with illegal aliens, you don't, and you condescend to me to know all about the issue. Isn't that what you mean? You Don’t get it, really you don’t. I wish you did.

forgetaboutit nitwit. you can't even tell when someone is on your side.. Kerry On..
I must be deluded jerk, I have been dealing with this illegal issue for almost 20 years. This stuff on this board pales in comparison, friend. You are in deep in this internet stuff, friend. Nitwit? Harsh. I am as real and as human as you are. They don't cut me any slack were as you, I can shut off at any moment. They don't give a flying shit one way or the other, perhaps you’re different. But I may be getting a little carried away, forgive an old man. They don’t cut me any slack and I have to bitch somewhere, even if it doesn’t matter.
I must be deluded jerk, I have been dealing with this illegal issue for almost 20 years. This stuff on this board pales in comparison, friend. You are in deep in this internet stuff, friend. Nitwit? Harsh. I am as real and as human as you are. They don't cut me any slack were as you, I can shut off at any moment. They don't give a flying shit one way or the other, perhaps you’re different. But I may be getting a little carried away, forgive an old man. They don’t cut me any slack and I have to bitch somewhere, even if it doesn’t matter.

so you've said about three times. ya got a point?

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