REPORT: Biden wants to give over 1 million illegals ‘legal status’ before the election

It's totally predictable that the Biden politburo would consider illegal acts for political gain. There's little downside when the corrupt minions in the DOJ can be told to sit down and shut up. They will willingly obey.

It's been clear for three years why the Dems / Socialists have been importing illegals. It's all about census data and to import an uneducated, welfare reliant voter class.

It’s being reported that Joe Biden wants to give over 1 million illegal immigrants ‘legal status’ before the election in hopes of benefiting from such a move in November.

A move like this would be a violation of immigration law, which bars anyone who came into the country illegally from obtaining legal status.

Here’s the report from WSJ:
Biden does not have the authority to do this. The Supreme Court already ruled on this issue when Obama tried it. They said no, the president does not have this authority. He will be in violation of a United States Federal law and the Supreme Court if he tries it. This is a classic example of a Dictator
Biden does not have the authority to do this. The Supreme Court already ruled on this issue when Obama tried it. They said no, the president does not have this authority. He will be in violation of a United States Federal law and the Supreme Court if he tries it. This is a classic example of a Dictator

And this is a case of wants versus gets. Biden doesn't get what he wants. Congress gets. This has nothing to do with a dictatorship. It's all about a Democratic Governing. Nothing to see here, move on.
Biden does not have the authority to do this. The Supreme Court already ruled on this issue when Obama tried it. They said no, the president does not have this authority. He will be in violation of a United States Federal law and the Supreme Court if he tries it. This is a classic example of a Dictator
The Supreme Court has ruled onthe illegality of Biden’s student loan debt dump on the taxpayers. That hasn’t stopped the senile Little dictator from continuing that act.

The left is all about being in violation of federal law. Ignoring immigration law and importing criminals and terrorists is against the law, or, perhaps you didn’t know that.
The Supreme Court has ruled onthe illegality of Biden’s student loan debt dump on the taxpayers. That hasn’t stopped the senile Little dictator from continuing that act.

The left is all about being in violation of federal law. Ignoring immigration law and importing criminals and terrorists is against the law, or, perhaps you didn’t know that.
You can stop this hate speech at any time. Biden wants but Congress gives. And any President that doesn't voice his wants wouldn't be worth a tinkers damn.
The Supreme Court has ruled onthe illegality of Biden’s student loan debt dump on the taxpayers. That hasn’t stopped the senile Little dictator from continuing that act.

The left is all about being in violation of federal law. Ignoring immigration law and importing criminals and terrorists is against the law, or, perhaps you didn’t know that.
...and then claiming we are the ones breaking all the laws.
The Supreme Court has ruled onthe illegality of Biden’s student loan debt dump on the taxpayers. That hasn’t stopped the senile Little dictator from continuing that act.

The left is all about being in violation of federal law. Ignoring immigration law and importing criminals and terrorists is against the law, or, perhaps you didn’t know that.
Yeah, we got a Dictator in the White House. He forced the Covid-19 injection and masks. Funny they say Trump is a dictator.
Nope, Joe is the dictator
And this is a case of wants versus gets. Biden doesn't get what he wants. Congress gets. This has nothing to do with a dictatorship. It's all about a Democratic Governing. Nothing to see here, move on.
Use an EO to get what YOU want. (not even sure Biden knows what he wants or who is running this CLOWN show)
Look Trump used EO and the left chanted "Dictator"
You can stop this hate speech at any time. Biden wants but Congress gives. And any President that doesn't voice his wants wouldn't be worth a tinkers damn.
“Hate speech”? Is that because your feelings were hurt? Congress had no part in Biden’s illegal student loan debt dump on the US taxpayer. The senile little dictator did that without authorization from congress.

You can stop the excuses at any time. Take responsibility for Democrat illegalities and the actions of the senile little dictator
Yeah, we got a Dictator in the White House. He forced the Covid-19 injection and masks. Funny they say Trump is a dictator.
Nope, Joe is the dictator

Spanish Flu
Small Pox
and more.

Each time, the Federal Government had to step in and make masks mandantory (Spanish Flu) or force vaccines and Quarantine and Surveillance. In fact, small pox was completely irradicated by those methods and Polo has been severely curtailed as well. You can add the Spanish Flu (influenza) to that list as well.

What would have happened with Influenza had the Governor of Ohio decided to totally ignore the safety measures of Influenza? It would have swept through Ohio with a vengeance. Guess who the Governor was at that time? Governor M. Pence.
It's totally predictable that the Biden politburo would consider illegal acts for political gain. There's little downside when the corrupt minions in the DOJ can be told to sit down and shut up. They will willingly obey.

It's been clear for three years why the Dems / Socialists have been importing illegals. It's all about census data and to import an uneducated, welfare reliant voter class.

It’s being reported that Joe Biden wants to give over 1 million illegal immigrants ‘legal status’ before the election in hopes of benefiting from such a move in November.

A move like this would be a violation of immigration law, which bars anyone who came into the country illegally from obtaining legal status.

Here’s the report from WSJ:
Legal status is not the same as citizenship and one must be a citizen to vote in a federal election.
Spanish Flu
Small Pox
and more.

Each time, the Federal Government had to step in and make masks mandantory (Spanish Flu) or force vaccines and Quarantine and Surveillance. In fact, small pox was completely irradicated by those methods and Polo has been severely curtailed as well. You can add the Spanish Flu (influenza) to that list as well.

What would have happened with Influenza had the Governor of Ohio decided to totally ignore the safety measures of Influenza? It would have swept through Ohio with a vengeance. Guess who the Governor was at that time? Governor M. Pence.
They changed the definition of vaccination to suite their narrative. A vaccination used to mean it STOPS you from getting the disease.
Nope, not anymore. This injection DID NOT STOP THE SPREAD OR STOP ANYONE FROM GETTING COVID-19. Your dear leader told you it did and he lied!

Fuck your lockdowns (this ain't the EU or China) and stick that face diaper up your ass.
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“Hate speech”? Is that because your feelings were hurt? Congress had no part in Biden’s illegal student loan debt dump on the US taxpayer. The senile little dictator did that without authorization from congress.

You can stop the excuses at any time. Take responsibility for Democrat illegalities and the actions of the senile little dictator
Vrenn is a a coward and a pussy. Ignore the comments.
Legal status is not the same as citizenship and one must be a citizen to vote in a federal election.
So your ok with Voter ID to facilitate this ?
This was so obvious all along.

Bring them in, fill their pockets with our money, and then allow them to vote...

Also, expect all Dems who "don't vote" to be "counted" as "voting for Traitor Joe"
Yeah. Ballot Drop off ,Ballot harvesting. Mail out Ballots. And Dem counters. In Florida ,all the crooked Dems were fired. No Florida is a Regular American State.

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