Mexican Citizen Sentenced To 8 Years In Prison For Voter Fraud In TX - YES, She VOTED

I asked you for an example of a position you hold that puts American interests ahead of Mexican interests.

For a start....

NOT giving Mexican Drug Cartels thousands of automatic weapons and grenades
CLOSING the Obama Open Border
ENFORCING US Law...instead of doing what Barry did
STOP releasing violent illegals from jail back into the US populace
ENDING Sanctuary Cities...

That was directed at Danial, the loyal Mexican.

just the clueless and Causeless projecting?

Please do not insult me, I have been quite respectful to you, despite your odd behavior.
not resorting to fallacy is Only odd for the right wing.
well, in that case, my non dope fiend; Mr. Trump got elected by red illegals voting red in low population red States.

"red illegals"? New medications?
only in right wing fantasy, do all illegals vote blue. just medication?

I admit I haven't read these threads often, but are you sure the claim is that ALL illegals vote blue?
No right wingers admit that Mr. Trump got elected by red illegals voting red, in low population red States.

I still don't understand the term "red illegals" nor do you provide any proof that the claim IS that ALL illegals vote blue.
why do you even care?
"red illegals"? New medications?
only in right wing fantasy, do all illegals vote blue. just medication?

I admit I haven't read these threads often, but are you sure the claim is that ALL illegals vote blue?
No right wingers admit that Mr. Trump got elected by red illegals voting red, in low population red States.

I still don't understand the term "red illegals" nor do you provide any proof that the claim IS that ALL illegals vote blue.

Daniel likes to just make up stuff, and will use his own meanings for words, without explanation and act as though you are in the wrong for not just knowing what he meant.

He is very dishonest.

What he is dancing around, is that he is on the side of the illegals, completely, to the point that he is on their side even if Americans are dying.
just right wing projection and resorting to the cognitive dissonance of appealing to the masses instead of reason; even with no drugs involved.
only in right wing fantasy, do all illegals vote blue. just medication?

I admit I haven't read these threads often, but are you sure the claim is that ALL illegals vote blue?
No right wingers admit that Mr. Trump got elected by red illegals voting red, in low population red States.

I still don't understand the term "red illegals" nor do you provide any proof that the claim IS that ALL illegals vote blue.

Daniel likes to just make up stuff, and will use his own meanings for words, without explanation and act as though you are in the wrong for not just knowing what he meant.

He is very dishonest.

What he is dancing around, is that he is on the side of the illegals, completely, to the point that he is on their side even if Americans are dying.

Daniel is a doper. He spends all of his waking time zonked out of his mind on drugs. It is futile to try and make sense of what he posts. It is the meanderings of a madman.
I am not the one who doesn't do drugs, and has nothing but fallacy for his Cause, dear.

only practitioners of the abomination of hypocrisy, don't realize their "altered reality".
Here's the best part, which easyt65 left out: Ortega registered and voted as a REPUBLICAN.


And the last time she voted was in a 2014 Republican primary runoff.

The hunt for the five million illegal Mexican Hillary voters continues...

You claiming this in no way makes it true, Guno.

It's not like you're known for your honesty, Mr. Republican....


It must really hurt your ass that it's true. You poor bastards fall for so many hoaxes that reality is "fake news" to you. :lol:
easytard's fraudster voted Republican. And last voted in a 2014 primary.

The hunt for the five million illegal Mexicans in California who voted for Hillary continues...
Nope. I have debated with you many times, at great length and dug though your bull.

YOu are as I describe.

Give me one example of a policy position you have where you put the interests of Americans ahead of the interests of Mexicans.
dear, you have, nothing but ad hominems. all you have is cognitive dissonance. how, right wing of you.

I believe we should be solving our illegal problem at the federal borders with the federal powers already delegated in our federal Constitution via capitalism, not socialism on a national basis. We should be generating revenue from each and every Person wanting to come to the US.

Why are You cognitively dissonant enough to want to "ditch capitalism" for socialism on a national basis?

An Ad hominem "(of an argument or reaction) directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining."?

I have not done that. I have described the foundation of all you positions, thus my comments are directed at your positions, and only touch on you, personally, lightly.

I asked you for an example of a position you hold that puts American interests ahead of Mexican interests. You have not done so.
Only in your right wing imagination. I notice you ignored my solution.

I ignored your lies. YOu have no interests in solving any of "our" problems because you look at the situation with an eye to how to advance Mexican interests, not American's.

I asked you for an example of a position you hold that puts American interests ahead of Mexican interests. You have not done so.
dear, having nothing but fallacy; is simply lying. only the cognitively dissonant, never get it.

I believe we should be solving our illegal problem at the federal borders with the federal powers already delegated in our federal Constitution via capitalism, not socialism on a national basis. We should be generating revenue from each and every Person wanting to come to the US.
Was it you that proposed "a monetary visa"?
Nope. I have debated with you many times, at great length and dug though your bull.

YOu are as I describe.

Give me one example of a policy position you have where you put the interests of Americans ahead of the interests of Mexicans.
dear, you have, nothing but ad hominems. all you have is cognitive dissonance. how, right wing of you.

I believe we should be solving our illegal problem at the federal borders with the federal powers already delegated in our federal Constitution via capitalism, not socialism on a national basis. We should be generating revenue from each and every Person wanting to come to the US.

Why are You cognitively dissonant enough to want to "ditch capitalism" for socialism on a national basis?

An Ad hominem "(of an argument or reaction) directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining."?

I have not done that. I have described the foundation of all you positions, thus my comments are directed at your positions, and only touch on you, personally, lightly.

I asked you for an example of a position you hold that puts American interests ahead of Mexican interests. You have not done so.
Only in your right wing imagination. I notice you ignored my solution.

I ignored your lies. YOu have no interests in solving any of "our" problems because you look at the situation with an eye to how to advance Mexican interests, not American's.

I asked you for an example of a position you hold that puts American interests ahead of Mexican interests. You have not done so.
dear, having nothing but fallacy; is simply lying. only the cognitively dissonant, never get it.

I believe we should be solving our illegal problem at the federal borders with the federal powers already delegated in our federal Constitution via capitalism, not socialism on a national basis. We should be generating revenue from each and every Person wanting to come to the US.

You've demonstrated that that is a lie by refusing to consider any of the negative effects of such policies for Americans, including the rape or murder of American citizens.

You do not want to solve "our" problems. You want to solve the problems of the Mexicans who have trouble accessing the wealth that has been created by America and Americans.
He will not give a clear answer.
That's because there is no clear answer on the news for him to repeat...the media can make bogus claims and then just walk away because there is no rebuttal, but then the parrots try to repeat it elsewhere and they think the obvious answer cannot possibly exist because it would have been on the news.

Mmm, maybe.

BUT, imo, Danial is a loyal Mexican, despite what his papers say and any oaths he might have taken.

To, him it's not what the media tells him, but that his heart is with Mexico and Mexicans. He wants the illegals to be allowed to stay and vote because that would be good for them, and Mexico and Mexicans.
nothing but propaganda and rhetoric instead of valid arguments?

nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics or the law.

There is no propaganda or rhetoric. I am just speaking the truth about you.

YOu are loyal to your ethnic homeland and your ethnic brothers, not to America. You have demonstrated this repeatedly with your complete dismissal of even the lives of American children, as a matter of concern.
You have no truth; Only fallacy.

LOL! For you to accuse anyone of using fallacy. LOL!!!
This is Trump's genius as a huckster. It is his only strength.

He makes a completely ridiculous claim, and then his rube herd does all the heavy lifting for him, trying very hard to prove the lie.

Then Trump, when confronted with his lie, makes the classic argumentum ad populum fallacy argument, "Well, a lot of people believe it."

A lot of people believe it!

As if enough people believing the moon is made of cheese makes it true.

His rubes bleev Trump's fantasies because they want to bleev his bullshit. They BEG to be lied to.

The hunt for Trump's imaginary five million illegal Mexicans who voted for Hillary continues.

This whole fantasy was created to divert the rubes' attention away from the undeniable fact the Russians interfered in our election to help Trump get elected.
This is Trump's genius as a huckster. It is his only strength.

He makes a completely ridiculous claim, and then his rube herd does all the heavy lifting for him, trying very hard to prove the lie.

Then Trump, when confronted with his lie, makes the classic argumentum ad populum fallacy argument, "Well, a lot of people believe it."

A lot of people believe it!

As if enough people believing the moon is made of cheese makes it true.

His rubes bleev Trump's fantasies because they want to bleev his bullshit. They BEG to be lied to.

The hunt for Trump's imaginary five million illegal Mexicans who voted for Hillary continues.

This whole fantasy was created to divert the rubes' attention away from the undeniable fact the Russians interfered in our election to help Trump get elected.

Your rudeness and insults are irrelevant other than as evidence that you know you can't make your case without them.

If this woman was not so bat shit stupid that she actively went to election officials and told them that she had illegally voted, she would never had been caught.

So, if she was able to "accidentally" break that law, how hard would it be for people who live here and have a vested interest in staying here to have voted?
Here's the best part, which easyt65 left out: Ortega registered and voted as a REPUBLICAN.


And the last time she voted was in a 2014 Republican primary runoff.

The hunt for the five million illegal Mexican Hillary voters continues...

You claiming this in no way makes it true, Guno.

It's not like you're known for your honesty, Mr. Republican....


It must really hurt your ass that it's true. You poor bastards fall for so many hoaxes that reality is "fake news" to you. :lol:

The next time you tell the truth Guno, will be the first time. :dunno:

You're just a little Soros hate-bot. What you post utterly irrelevant, the same shit rdean and Lakhota spew.
easytard's fraudster voted Republican. And last voted in a 2014 primary.

The hunt for the five million illegal Mexicans in California who voted for Hillary continues...

Election fraud is systematic in the People Republic, little Soros hate-bot.

You know this,. but chose to lie on behalf of your master his part which you serve.
Here's the best part, which easyt65 left out: Ortega registered and voted as a REPUBLICAN.


And the last time she voted was in a 2014 Republican primary runoff.

The hunt for the five million illegal Mexican Hillary voters continues...

You claiming this in no way makes it true, Guno.

It's not like you're known for your honesty, Mr. Republican....


It must really hurt your ass that it's true. You poor bastards fall for so many hoaxes that reality is "fake news" to you. :lol:

The next time you tell the truth Guno, will be the first time. :dunno:

You're just a little Soros hate-bot. What you post utterly irrelevant, the same shit rdean and Lakhota spew.
I see you have ignored all the evidence, retard. Why are you so willfully stupid?

dear, you have, nothing but ad hominems. all you have is cognitive dissonance. how, right wing of you.

I believe we should be solving our illegal problem at the federal borders with the federal powers already delegated in our federal Constitution via capitalism, not socialism on a national basis. We should be generating revenue from each and every Person wanting to come to the US.

Why are You cognitively dissonant enough to want to "ditch capitalism" for socialism on a national basis?

An Ad hominem "(of an argument or reaction) directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining."?

I have not done that. I have described the foundation of all you positions, thus my comments are directed at your positions, and only touch on you, personally, lightly.

I asked you for an example of a position you hold that puts American interests ahead of Mexican interests. You have not done so.
Only in your right wing imagination. I notice you ignored my solution.

I ignored your lies. YOu have no interests in solving any of "our" problems because you look at the situation with an eye to how to advance Mexican interests, not American's.

I asked you for an example of a position you hold that puts American interests ahead of Mexican interests. You have not done so.
dear, having nothing but fallacy; is simply lying. only the cognitively dissonant, never get it.

I believe we should be solving our illegal problem at the federal borders with the federal powers already delegated in our federal Constitution via capitalism, not socialism on a national basis. We should be generating revenue from each and every Person wanting to come to the US.
Was it you that proposed "a monetary visa"?
you don't believe in capitalism?

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