Mexican embassies in US destroyed by American patriots!

I wouldn't call them "patriots". I'd call them "vandals".
I, too, often wake up with a raging hard-on after dreaming of further alienating our country from so many countries that we have worked for decades to be allies with.
I, too, often wake up with a raging hard-on after dreaming of further alienating our country from so many countries that we have worked for decades to be allies with.

For an ally, Mexico sure took a long siesta during the wars of the 20th century.
They don't believe in FAIR immigration. Since they represent less than 2% of the world population, what gives them the right to flood the US with Mexicans? Is that fair?
I'm curious. What is it you have against Mexicans?

Are you sure Bullfighter's disdain is caused by Mexicans? Or could it be the domino effect these Illegals are causing to our economy by flooding our prisons, hospitals, and schools? Or the lack of care these invaders are showing towards our laws...
Mexicans are like cockroaches. Once they get into your house, it's pretty darned hard to get rid of them.
I'm curious. What is it you have against Mexicans?

Are you sure Bullfighter's disdain is caused by Mexicans? Or could it be the domino effect these Illegals are causing to our economy by flooding our prisons, hospitals, and schools? Or the lack of care these invaders are showing towards our laws...

or.........could it be that their organizations suck up all the money that was intended to educate America's poor?

All 3 stories appeared in the Chicago Sun-Times.
Do you think the education budget is a little unequal?

Chicago Public Schools could face $975 million hole

February 25, 2010


To get ahead of what could be a $975 million deficit next school year, Chicago Public School officials Thursday announced 500 central office and citywide job cuts — and three weeks of furlough days for those left behind.

Chicago Schools CEO Ron Huberman and his fiscal leaders sketched out the CPS game plan for a "very, very challenging fiscal situation this year and next," and said they would need help from teachers and other unions to avoid "devastating effects" on school children.

With no new funding from Springfield, CPS officials said, they project a $700 million deficit next year. But with Gov. Quinn's proposed 15 percent cut in state education funding, that deficit could balloon to $975 million.

Schools to take wallop in 2011 state budget

15% cuts starting in July still expected to leave Illinois in red

February 25, 2010


SPRINGFIELD -- Without an infusion of cash, Gov. Quinn plans to slash more than $2 billion from next year's state budget and make already cash-strapped public school systems across Illinois bear the brunt of that cutting, his budget director confirmed Wednesday.

Budget data that the Quinn administration posted online showed elementary and secondary education facing a possible 15 percent cut in state payments during the fiscal year that starts July 1. Schools are expected to lose $920 million from current funding levels.

School districts throughout the state have been reeling by stalled aid payments from Springfield that have left school systems no choice but to lay off teachers and contemplate deep program cuts.

"These are not just efficiency cuts," said David Vaught, the state's budget director. "They affect real services to real people in communities across the state."

Even with those cuts, the state would still face an $11.5 billion deficit, Vaught said.

Quinn, who failed last year to push through a state income tax hike, remains committed to doing that this spring, which the administration believes would soften some of the looming budgetary pain.

"I don't think his support has wavered, and I think that is a necessary step," Vaught said, though he refused to say whether the governor might embrace a temporary income tax increase.

House Speaker Michael Madigan did not emerge as a cheerleader of any sort for an election year income-tax hike, telling reporters he has discussed that matter privately with the governor and "I'm not going to make public statements about that."

However, Madigan stressed that no tax hike can pass without support from House and Senate Republicans, whom he characterized as "non-participating dropouts" for refusing to entertain any revenue increases.

More details on Quinn's spending plan will surface when he delivers his budget address March 10. On Wednesday, he set up a Web site to collect input on how the fiscal 2011 budget should look. The Web site's address is : Welcome.

BUT........Not for everyone!

Latino group awarded $3.4M to fund health career program

February 26, 2010


The Illinois Dept. of Labor has awarded the National Council of La Raza a $3.4 million award to invest in health services training for high-need Latino communities in Chicago

The money will fund the Carreras en Salud program, which provides low-income, low-skilled Latinos with a structured but flexible career pathway to nursing and health occupations, according to a release from the NCLR.

Carreras en Salud offers integrated services to overcome barriers to employment and career advancement, such as job training, career counseling and assistance in job placement, the release said.

The program represents a workforce parternship betwen NCLR and its Chicago-based affiliates, the Instituto del Progreso Latino, Association House of Chicago and Humboldt Park Vocational Education Center, the release said.

Services will be easily accessible, as all three partners are located in Latino communities -- HPVEC and AHC in the Humboldt Park area, and Instituto del Progreso Latino in the Pilsen neighborhood.

NCLR is the largest national Latino civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States, the release said
Welcome to America!!!
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Originally posted by Nate
Or the lack of care these invaders are showing towards our laws...

Why should Mexicans care to respect american laws when America herself does not care to enforce them?

Why should they respect the laws of a country that was the first one to SET A BAD EXAMPLE by flooding Mexico with thousands of illegal immigrants swallowing half of the country in the process?

And speaking of landgrabs most of them probably think the only thing illegal living in what they call US occupied mexican provinces is you and your white ass...
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Originally posted by WillowTree
Jose can you see what a douchebag you bee?

Eres un gatito muy hermosito e por eso seras muy bien esmagadito.

You're a pretty cute kitten so I just can't resist squeezing you to death. :D
Why should they respect the laws of a country that was the first one to SET A BAD EXAMPLE by flooding Mexico with thousands of illegal immigrants swallowing half of the country in the process?

Let's see, Mexico invites Americans to immigrate to Mexico, then takes away all the rights they promised them, then butchers them when they defend the land, then cries like a baby when the Americans kick them out.

That's the history of Texas!
José;2446201 said:
Originally posted by Nate
Or the lack of care these invaders are showing towards our laws...

Why should Mexicans care to respect american laws when America herself does not care to enforce them?

Why should they respect the laws of a country that was the first one to SET A BAD EXAMPLE by flooding Mexico with thousands of illegal immigrants swallowing half of the country in the process?

And speaking of landgrabs most of them probably think the only thing illegal living in what they call US occupied mexican provinces is you and your white ass...

Ok Jose out of idle curiosity, let's say this land that was "stolen" from Mexico was all of a sudden given back. Do you think that land would become a Utopia for your Hispanic brothers and sisters or would it become another cess pit due to drug violence and Government incopetence?
These invaders are not coming over here to reclaim land that once belonged to their people, they're over here to reap the benefits of a civilized society illegally.
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