Mexican N.M.Governor Susana Martinez To Endorse Pro-Amnesty Marco Rubio

Maybe he should listen to his constituents more...or they should boot his ass out:

Border Crime Taking A Toll On Residents In Southwest New Mexico, Arizona

"Residents of New Mexico's Bootheel and parts of southern Arizona say human smuggling and drug trafficking is taking its toll on the region."

Rubio is Pro-Amnesty. Rubio himself has said before 'we' can push for amnesty 'we' have to demonstrate to the American people we are doing everything else to end illegal immigration, secure the borders, etc....

Build the Wall.
Secure the Border.
End Sanctuary Cities.
Enforce all existing immigration laws
Then and only then work to grant LEGAL status, not CITIZEN status to illegals who have been here for decades and who have contributed. NO RIGHT TO VOTE for any illegal who has come here by violating our laws! Want to vote? LEAVE. Go back 'home' and apply to come here legally.

Rubio would NEVER buy into THAT plan.
easyt, post Rubio's plan from his website then you have something to say. Right now it is only propaganda.
easyt, post Rubio's plan from his website then you have something to say. Right now it is only propaganda.
By 'It' do you mean what Rubio is spewing? If so...

Agree, Jake. What I posted was right out of Rubio's mouth during a campaign speech, about the need to convince Americans we are working to end illegal immigration before pushing for Amnesty. I don't buy his propaganda, don't support him.
easyt, post Rubio's plan from his website then you have something to say. Right now it is only propaganda.
By 'It' do you mean what Rubio is spewing? If so...

Agree, Jake. What I posted was right out of Rubio's mouth during a campaign speech, about the need to convince Americans we are working to end illegal immigration before pushing for Amnesty. I don't buy his propaganda, don't support him.
Give us a link.
that shouldn't be a surprise. Rubio is another Obama, but Rubio has darker skin.
I didn't want Obama and I don't want some sniveling little man like Rubio for my President
We are talking about NM people. It's not land of the extreme right wingers. Hello.

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