Mexifornia spends $25 Billion a year on illegal Mexicans...Now they’re begging for $1 trillion from Trump


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
MEXIFORNIA can any good real American support this bullshit?
The corrupt, treasonous filth of Mexifornia spends taxpayer cash on their criminal pet humans from another country then comes begging for more to throw at them.
The backlash is growing. Libtardo arrogance prevents them from seeing it coming. When you see people like Musk telling them to go pound sand it should be a warming to them but they just won't get the message.

No we aren't going to give them a $1200 check. And Republicans are already hanging that turd around their necks.
There is no backlash until Trump sends in the US military and via force of arms, subjugates California to the will of the American people, eliminating every fascist in its state government out of hand! I am dead fucking serious, not a fucking penny to that shithole, not a fucking single penny until every illegal is evicted or dead, and all US laws firmly enforced....
As usual Deep Blue states like Mexifornia, Illinois, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Michigan have been all running in the red and on the verge of default. It's not new that they've turned to the federal gov't to bail them out.
All you have to do is view Moody's low credit rating of Blue States and cities.
So! Calimex can wallow in its own pig sty and suffer the consequences of their actions. The travail of liberalism in all its splendor comes begging for relief ,way too funny. can any good real American support this bullshit?
The corrupt, treasonous filth of Mexifornia spends taxpayer cash on their criminal pet humans from another country then comes begging for more to throw at them.
we have had to bail out NY at least once before
corruption is very expensive can any good real American support this bullshit?
The corrupt, treasonous filth of Mexifornia spends taxpayer cash on their criminal pet humans from another country then comes begging for more to throw at them.
..some governments spend $$$$$ like it grows on trees ...... they are double fked since there are less jobs and more workers
There is no backlash until Trump sends in the US military and via force of arms, subjugates California to the will of the American people, eliminating every fascist in its state government out of hand! I am dead fucking serious, not a fucking penny to that shithole, not a fucking single penny until every illegal is evicted or dead, and all US laws firmly enforced....

That won't happen. From what I understand the people of Mexifornia are trying to recall Newsom and Garcetti at the same time.

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If not for the Trump economy leading up to the virus outbreak California would have declared bankruptcy years ago....Brown almost sunk CA into the sea....a sea of debt...Newsome hasn't helped to stop the bleeding at all and now Corona will finish the state off....declaring bankruptcy is California's only hope....Newsome had better stop thinking about new cases of corona and start thinking about people losing their livelihood forever....CA is tourism can't stay closed....
If not for the Trump economy leading up to the virus outbreak California would have declared bankruptcy years ago....Brown almost sunk CA into the sea....a sea of debt...Newsome hasn't helped to stop the bleeding at all and now Corona will finish the state off....declaring bankruptcy is California's only hope....Newsome had better stop thinking about new cases of corona and start thinking about people losing their livelihood forever....CA is tourism can't stay closed....
Actually, the Blue states like Commiefornia and NY CAN'T declare bankruptcy...

“There are two reasons why state governments currently cannot use the federal bankruptcy system to reorganize their debt. First, the federal bankruptcy code does not allow—and has never allowed—state governments to declare bankruptcy...

“The second reason stems from the U.S. Constitution. The contracts clause of the U.S. Constitution prohibits state governments from ‘impairing the obligation of contracts.’ As originally understood and enforced, this clause prohibited state legislatures from passing any laws to relieve either private debt or the state government's own debt. Beginning in 1934, however, the Supreme Court began to interpret the contracts clause more flexibly and not as an absolute bar to state debt relief laws. Even under the flexible modern approach, however, the Supreme Court in 1977 reiterated that ‘a state cannot refuse to meet its legitimate financial obligations simply because it would prefer to spend the money (on something else.)...

Another thing you have to look at is the fact that, if the Democrats keep insisting that states that have been fiscally responsible have to bail out a few states that have thrown away money like drunken sailors, those states will rebel, and the Democrats will permanently lose any power on the national level...

So, if the Blue states want to throw their money away on horseshit, the voters there can just get used to the idea of their taxes going up, while their services get cut...

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