Time to reset nature back to it's original intent... Retake your world.
Men going their own way....
It's time fellas!



I can only imagine what kind of cucks go into that cafe. Well, any of the USMB Assclown Brigade certainly would.

The gender "pay gap" is bullshit. If women did the same work as men while getting paid less, then companies would wire them to do the same work for cheaper.

All these dumb feminist c*nts rant and rave about upper management and CEO pay, but we don't see them marching down the streets demanding that more women be in the dirty shit jobs that men have always done: hard labor, construction, auto repair, military, etc. We don't see the feminists demanding that half of those professions be filled by women. Nope, they just want the easy management jobs above all those men, without ever doing the hard work themselves.
Time to reset nature back to it's original intent... Retake your world.


Stand up, life is too short...especially for you men.

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