Michael Brown was 148 feet from Wilson as he was shot to death

They SAY they clearly saw the incident. Others have stated that there was witness intimidation and threats to those whose accounts agreed with the officer's. All of these things had to be taken into account by the grand jury. Tell us, which seat did you have when they were given the case?

There were those who claimed to be witnesses when pressed about it said they weren't there.

That's my point. Anyone can claim they were an eyewitness to something, but when their testimony conflicts with the physical evidence, you have to question their claims. Some claimed Brown was shot from behind. He wasn't. Some claimed he was kneeling when he was shot. He wasn't. Some are claiming he had his hands up in surrender. He didn't.
You say he wasn't kneeling when he was shot... how do you know that? The last four shots including two to the chest and two to the head. What you think he wasn't going down to his knees before that last shot? lol yeah he died standing straight up with two bullets in his head... Please ignore the scrapes on his knees on the concrete.

If he was kneeling when he was shot and the forensic evidence showed that, there is no way the GJ would not have indicted. And no, he wasn't standing straight up, he was leaning forward, running toward the bullet.
falling on his knees, scrapping them and because his hands were down validates they were not up as he was facing the officer. So much stupid from these scapegoat nutjobs. they just keep getting hit wth stupid, ask RKMBrown. He's friggn king of getting swatted with the stupid.
I see, so you are saying if he put his hands up, he would have been unable to drop his hands as he fell to the ground. Were you born a moron, or did it take years of training?
Only proves that you know NOTHING about forensic science moron.
Educate yourself.

We had this discussion before and the "science" was suspect.

No it isn't moron.

Crime labs around the world use it to solve crimes. Colleges teach it.

You're simply an idiot.

"science doesn't say what I want it to? Science is wrong"

dumb shit.

You are stupid to assume I meant all forensic science. Of course, I meant the particular interpretation that supposedly proved he did not have his hands up when he was shot.

Shut the fuck up with you're "you're too stupid bullshit" sonny. On THIS particular subject, I doubt many on this board are more qualified than a 20 + year veteran MP who has worked thousands of cases.

In EVERY case I ever worked eyewitness testimony was supplemental to evidence PERIOD.

As for the physical evidence, each piece much be compared to the rest to get a complete picture. When the ME says "he didn't have his hands up when shot" you can take that to the bank.
Yeah if the ME said that. But that's not what he said. You are taking the ME out of context. If you shoot me in the head while my "hands are up" how is the ME gonna prove from the head wounds that my hands were down? Just because the shots to his arm were not "while" his hands were up does not mean they were never up nor does it mean they were not up before he was shot, nor does it mean they were not up for the last four final shots to the chest and head.

Actually Mike, they CAN tell from a head shot wound whether a guy's hands were up when he was shot. When you raise your arms above your head it slightly changes the angle of your head , those slight angles can be used to compute where a shot would have had to come from.

Conversely, if you know where the shot came from (this is where the locaton of the shells comes into play) you can backtrack and use angles to determine whether it is possible that a suspect was shot under certain circumstances.

For example. If I'm 6' tall and firing at you from 50' away and you are also 6' tall , we know at what angle the bullet would have to be traveling to hit you from where I fired, we could then do some math and figure out if the holes in your body match those angles.

It wasn't guess work the ME used to determine that Brown's hands weren't raised when he was shot.
They SAY they clearly saw the incident. Others have stated that there was witness intimidation and threats to those whose accounts agreed with the officer's. All of these things had to be taken into account by the grand jury. Tell us, which seat did you have when they were given the case?

There were those who claimed to be witnesses when pressed about it said they weren't there.

That's my point. Anyone can claim they were an eyewitness to something, but when their testimony conflicts with the physical evidence, you have to question their claims. Some claimed Brown was shot from behind. He wasn't. Some claimed he was kneeling when he was shot. He wasn't. Some are claiming he had his hands up in surrender. He didn't.
You say he wasn't kneeling when he was shot... how do you know that? The last four shots including two to the chest and two to the head. What you think he wasn't going down to his knees before that last shot? lol yeah he died standing straight up with two bullets in his head... Please ignore the scrapes on his knees on the concrete.

If he was kneeling when he was shot and the forensic evidence showed that, there is no way the GJ would not have indicted. And no, he wasn't standing straight up, he was leaning forward, running toward the bullet.
Leaning forward... you mean like someone would be if they were kneeling down falling to the ground? Face it, the last two shots to his head was an Execution.

They were not. LEOs are trained to fire until the threat is gone PERIOD. The threat is gone when the guy is no longer charging Wilson.
There were those who claimed to be witnesses when pressed about it said they weren't there.

That's my point. Anyone can claim they were an eyewitness to something, but when their testimony conflicts with the physical evidence, you have to question their claims. Some claimed Brown was shot from behind. He wasn't. Some claimed he was kneeling when he was shot. He wasn't. Some are claiming he had his hands up in surrender. He didn't.
You say he wasn't kneeling when he was shot... how do you know that? The last four shots including two to the chest and two to the head. What you think he wasn't going down to his knees before that last shot? lol yeah he died standing straight up with two bullets in his head... Please ignore the scrapes on his knees on the concrete.

If he was kneeling when he was shot and the forensic evidence showed that, there is no way the GJ would not have indicted. And no, he wasn't standing straight up, he was leaning forward, running toward the bullet.
falling on his knees, scrapping them and because his hands were down validates they were not up as he was facing the officer. So much stupid from these scapegoat nutjobs. they just keep getting hit wth stupid, ask RKMBrown. He's friggn king of getting swatted with the stupid.
I see, so you are saying if he put his hands up, he would have been unable to drop his hands as he fell to the ground. Were you born a moron, or did it take years of training?
I'm assuming the headshot was fatal. moving his arms would be impossible after that. How many dead folks you see move? Oh wait, you're just getting whacked with the stupid stick. Ahhhhhhhhh. Also, funny you can't get the whole knee scrape thing. More smacks with the stupid stick. You and that stupid stick. You like that thing I see.
They SAY they clearly saw the incident. Others have stated that there was witness intimidation and threats to those whose accounts agreed with the officer's. All of these things had to be taken into account by the grand jury. Tell us, which seat did you have when they were given the case?

There were those who claimed to be witnesses when pressed about it said they weren't there.

That's my point. Anyone can claim they were an eyewitness to something, but when their testimony conflicts with the physical evidence, you have to question their claims. Some claimed Brown was shot from behind. He wasn't. Some claimed he was kneeling when he was shot. He wasn't. Some are claiming he had his hands up in surrender. He didn't.
You say he wasn't kneeling when he was shot... how do you know that? The last four shots including two to the chest and two to the head. What you think he wasn't going down to his knees before that last shot? lol yeah he died standing straight up with two bullets in his head... Please ignore the scrapes on his knees on the concrete.

If he was kneeling when he was shot and the forensic evidence showed that, there is no way the GJ would not have indicted. And no, he wasn't standing straight up, he was leaning forward, running toward the bullet.
Leaning forward... you mean like someone would be if they were kneeling down falling to the ground? Face it, the last two shots to his head was an Execution.

That's your interpretation. Another is that he was struck while leaning forward, running. I am not aware of any credible witness who said the suspect was shot after stopping and falling to his knees.
There were those who claimed to be witnesses when pressed about it said they weren't there.

That's my point. Anyone can claim they were an eyewitness to something, but when their testimony conflicts with the physical evidence, you have to question their claims. Some claimed Brown was shot from behind. He wasn't. Some claimed he was kneeling when he was shot. He wasn't. Some are claiming he had his hands up in surrender. He didn't.
You say he wasn't kneeling when he was shot... how do you know that? The last four shots including two to the chest and two to the head. What you think he wasn't going down to his knees before that last shot? lol yeah he died standing straight up with two bullets in his head... Please ignore the scrapes on his knees on the concrete.

If he was kneeling when he was shot and the forensic evidence showed that, there is no way the GJ would not have indicted. And no, he wasn't standing straight up, he was leaning forward, running toward the bullet.
Leaning forward... you mean like someone would be if they were kneeling down falling to the ground? Face it, the last two shots to his head was an Execution.

That's your interpretation. Another is that he was struck while leaning forward, running. I am not aware of any credible witness who said the suspect was shot after stopping and falling to his knees.

Quite the opposite in fact. SEVERAL witnesses testified that after being hit a few times Brown stopped and at that point Wilson stopped firing and didn't fire again until Brown resumed charging.
There were those who claimed to be witnesses when pressed about it said they weren't there.

That's my point. Anyone can claim they were an eyewitness to something, but when their testimony conflicts with the physical evidence, you have to question their claims. Some claimed Brown was shot from behind. He wasn't. Some claimed he was kneeling when he was shot. He wasn't. Some are claiming he had his hands up in surrender. He didn't.
You say he wasn't kneeling when he was shot... how do you know that? The last four shots including two to the chest and two to the head. What you think he wasn't going down to his knees before that last shot? lol yeah he died standing straight up with two bullets in his head... Please ignore the scrapes on his knees on the concrete.

If he was kneeling when he was shot and the forensic evidence showed that, there is no way the GJ would not have indicted. And no, he wasn't standing straight up, he was leaning forward, running toward the bullet.
Leaning forward... you mean like someone would be if they were kneeling down falling to the ground? Face it, the last two shots to his head was an Execution.

They were not. LEOs are trained to fire until the threat is gone PERIOD. The threat is gone when the guy is no longer charging Wilson.
You mean LEOs are trained to kill. I thought you said LEOs were trained to apprehend. You trying to say apprehend means wanted dead or alive, dead is better?
That's my point. Anyone can claim they were an eyewitness to something, but when their testimony conflicts with the physical evidence, you have to question their claims. Some claimed Brown was shot from behind. He wasn't. Some claimed he was kneeling when he was shot. He wasn't. Some are claiming he had his hands up in surrender. He didn't.
You say he wasn't kneeling when he was shot... how do you know that? The last four shots including two to the chest and two to the head. What you think he wasn't going down to his knees before that last shot? lol yeah he died standing straight up with two bullets in his head... Please ignore the scrapes on his knees on the concrete.

If he was kneeling when he was shot and the forensic evidence showed that, there is no way the GJ would not have indicted. And no, he wasn't standing straight up, he was leaning forward, running toward the bullet.
Leaning forward... you mean like someone would be if they were kneeling down falling to the ground? Face it, the last two shots to his head was an Execution.

That's your interpretation. Another is that he was struck while leaning forward, running. I am not aware of any credible witness who said the suspect was shot after stopping and falling to his knees.

Quite the opposite in fact. SEVERAL witnesses testified that after being hit a few times Brown stopped and at that point Wilson stopped firing and didn't fire again until Brown resumed charging.
Yeah but for sure he never had his hands up ever!!!!
That's my point. Anyone can claim they were an eyewitness to something, but when their testimony conflicts with the physical evidence, you have to question their claims. Some claimed Brown was shot from behind. He wasn't. Some claimed he was kneeling when he was shot. He wasn't. Some are claiming he had his hands up in surrender. He didn't.
You say he wasn't kneeling when he was shot... how do you know that? The last four shots including two to the chest and two to the head. What you think he wasn't going down to his knees before that last shot? lol yeah he died standing straight up with two bullets in his head... Please ignore the scrapes on his knees on the concrete.

If he was kneeling when he was shot and the forensic evidence showed that, there is no way the GJ would not have indicted. And no, he wasn't standing straight up, he was leaning forward, running toward the bullet.
falling on his knees, scrapping them and because his hands were down validates they were not up as he was facing the officer. So much stupid from these scapegoat nutjobs. they just keep getting hit wth stupid, ask RKMBrown. He's friggn king of getting swatted with the stupid.
I see, so you are saying if he put his hands up, he would have been unable to drop his hands as he fell to the ground. Were you born a moron, or did it take years of training?
I'm assuming the headshot was fatal. moving his arms would be impossible after that. How many dead folks you see move? Oh wait, you're just getting whacked with the stupid stick. Ahhhhhhhhh. Also, funny you can't get the whole knee scrape thing. More smacks with the stupid stick. You and that stupid stick. You like that thing I see.
Yeah cause people can't drop their hands... Once they are up they are stuck there.
You say he wasn't kneeling when he was shot... how do you know that? The last four shots including two to the chest and two to the head. What you think he wasn't going down to his knees before that last shot? lol yeah he died standing straight up with two bullets in his head... Please ignore the scrapes on his knees on the concrete.

If he was kneeling when he was shot and the forensic evidence showed that, there is no way the GJ would not have indicted. And no, he wasn't standing straight up, he was leaning forward, running toward the bullet.
Leaning forward... you mean like someone would be if they were kneeling down falling to the ground? Face it, the last two shots to his head was an Execution.

That's your interpretation. Another is that he was struck while leaning forward, running. I am not aware of any credible witness who said the suspect was shot after stopping and falling to his knees.

Quite the opposite in fact. SEVERAL witnesses testified that after being hit a few times Brown stopped and at that point Wilson stopped firing and didn't fire again until Brown resumed charging.
Yeah but for sure he never had his hands up ever!!!!
You say he wasn't kneeling when he was shot... how do you know that? The last four shots including two to the chest and two to the head. What you think he wasn't going down to his knees before that last shot? lol yeah he died standing straight up with two bullets in his head... Please ignore the scrapes on his knees on the concrete.

If he was kneeling when he was shot and the forensic evidence showed that, there is no way the GJ would not have indicted. And no, he wasn't standing straight up, he was leaning forward, running toward the bullet.
falling on his knees, scrapping them and because his hands were down validates they were not up as he was facing the officer. So much stupid from these scapegoat nutjobs. they just keep getting hit wth stupid, ask RKMBrown. He's friggn king of getting swatted with the stupid.
I see, so you are saying if he put his hands up, he would have been unable to drop his hands as he fell to the ground. Were you born a moron, or did it take years of training?
I'm assuming the headshot was fatal. moving his arms would be impossible after that. How many dead folks you see move? Oh wait, you're just getting whacked with the stupid stick. Ahhhhhhhhh. Also, funny you can't get the whole knee scrape thing. More smacks with the stupid stick. You and that stupid stick. You like that thing I see.
Yeah cause people can't drop their hands... Once they are up they are stuck there.
they are once they're dead. dude, you are just full of stupid. It's amazing to me how much stupid flows from you. it's unreal. I'd think with that much stupid flow, you'd do some research on how corpses can't move. If he was shot with his hands in the air and died with them up, they'd be above his head while his corpse laid on the ground. But you, nope, you think the corpse can move. Got one on video do you?
If he was kneeling when he was shot and the forensic evidence showed that, there is no way the GJ would not have indicted. And no, he wasn't standing straight up, he was leaning forward, running toward the bullet.
falling on his knees, scrapping them and because his hands were down validates they were not up as he was facing the officer. So much stupid from these scapegoat nutjobs. they just keep getting hit wth stupid, ask RKMBrown. He's friggn king of getting swatted with the stupid.
I see, so you are saying if he put his hands up, he would have been unable to drop his hands as he fell to the ground. Were you born a moron, or did it take years of training?
I'm assuming the headshot was fatal. moving his arms would be impossible after that. How many dead folks you see move? Oh wait, you're just getting whacked with the stupid stick. Ahhhhhhhhh. Also, funny you can't get the whole knee scrape thing. More smacks with the stupid stick. You and that stupid stick. You like that thing I see.
Yeah cause people can't drop their hands... Once they are up they are stuck there.
they are once they're dead. dude, you are just full of stupid. It's amazing to me how much stupid flows from you. it's unreal. I'd think with that much stupid flow, you'd do some research on how corpses can't move. If he was shot with his hands in the air and died with them up, they'd be above his head while his corpse laid on the ground. But you, nope, you think the corpse can move. Got one on video do you?
WTF dude you make morons look moronic. No one said Brown was lying on the ground when Wilson put the last two in his head. Is your IQ over 50?
When you raise your arms above your head it slightly changes the angle of your head , those slight angles can be used to compute where a shot would have had to come from.

It isn't nonsense, It's ballistics.

Go ahead, raise your hands above your head and tell me that that doesn't change other aspects of your profile. Of course it does.

Maybe not by much, but we're talking very precise measurements here.

For that matter, the forensic evidence can be used to corroborate witness testimony as to the timeline of each shot as well.

Several people claimed he was already dead when Wilson fired the final two rounds. Easily disproved by showing that Brown was alive when those two rounds struck him

You're obviously a stubborn guy, but come on ALL the forensic evidence agrees with the eyewitnesses who told versions remarkebly close to Wilson's. That should tell you something.

If all the evidence had disputed Wilson's claims then he would have been charged.

Exactly as it should be.
falling on his knees, scrapping them and because his hands were down validates they were not up as he was facing the officer. So much stupid from these scapegoat nutjobs. they just keep getting hit wth stupid, ask RKMBrown. He's friggn king of getting swatted with the stupid.
I see, so you are saying if he put his hands up, he would have been unable to drop his hands as he fell to the ground. Were you born a moron, or did it take years of training?
I'm assuming the headshot was fatal. moving his arms would be impossible after that. How many dead folks you see move? Oh wait, you're just getting whacked with the stupid stick. Ahhhhhhhhh. Also, funny you can't get the whole knee scrape thing. More smacks with the stupid stick. You and that stupid stick. You like that thing I see.
Yeah cause people can't drop their hands... Once they are up they are stuck there.
they are once they're dead. dude, you are just full of stupid. It's amazing to me how much stupid flows from you. it's unreal. I'd think with that much stupid flow, you'd do some research on how corpses can't move. If he was shot with his hands in the air and died with them up, they'd be above his head while his corpse laid on the ground. But you, nope, you think the corpse can move. Got one on video do you?
WTF dude you make morons look moronic. No one said Brown was lying on the ground when Wilson put the last two in his head. Is your IQ over 50?
ahhh, just more stupid flowing. I see you don't take the time to comprehend what a poster writes. Hmmmm, well, I'll give it to you once more: in your post, #634, you stated brown's hands were holding up his pants as is body laid on the ground. That was in response to my post #631. Since we know brown took the fatal shot in the head while upright, means....... he fell to the ground, one, scraping his knees, two, with his hands down holding his pants. Meaning the fatal shot was with his hands down. How do we know this, because dead people don't move their limbs once they are dead. Now, ignore that stupid stick and read.
They were not. LEOs are trained to fire until the threat is gone PERIOD. The threat is gone when the guy is no longer charging Wilson.

Hmmmm. SmarterThanTheAverageBear ...I thought you didn't lie?

Police officers are trained to not shoot an unarmed person.

Speaking of your lies, although Statistikhengst was right in citing the distance from Brown and Wilson, which was from 108ft to 156ft.

They were not. LEOs are trained to fire until the threat is gone PERIOD. The threat is gone when the guy is no longer charging Wilson.

Hmmmm. SmarterThanTheAverageBear ...I thought you didn't lie?

Police officers are trained to not shoot an unarmed person.

Speaking of your lies, although Statistikhengst was right in citing the distance from Brown and Wilson, which was from 108ft to 156ft.

huh? Let's see that evidence.....stupid stick warning!!!!!
They were not. LEOs are trained to fire until the threat is gone PERIOD. The threat is gone when the guy is no longer charging Wilson.

Hmmmm. SmarterThanTheAverageBear ...I thought you didn't lie?

Police officers are trained to not shoot an unarmed person.

Speaking of your lies, although Statistikhengst was right in citing the distance from Brown and Wilson, which was from 108ft to 156ft.

huh? Let's see that evidence.....stupid stick warning!!!!!

They were not. LEOs are trained to fire until the threat is gone PERIOD. The threat is gone when the guy is no longer charging Wilson.

Hmmmm. SmarterThanTheAverageBear ...I thought you didn't lie?

Police officers are trained to not shoot an unarmed person.

Speaking of your lies, although Statistikhengst was right in citing the distance from Brown and Wilson, which was from 108ft to 156ft.


You ignorant moron. That's the distance from Wilson's SUV to Brown, Wilson didn't fire a fucking pistol 148'

And of course where is your link to police being trained not to shoot at unarmed suspects who are charging them?
When you raise your arms above your head it slightly changes the angle of your head , those slight angles can be used to compute where a shot would have had to come from.

It isn't nonsense, It's ballistics.

Go ahead, raise your hands above your head and tell me that that doesn't change other aspects of your profile. Of course it does.

Maybe not by much, but we're talking very precise measurements here.

For that matter, the forensic evidence can be used to corroborate witness testimony as to the timeline of each shot as well.

Several people claimed he was already dead when Wilson fired the final two rounds. Easily disproved by showing that Brown was alive when those two rounds struck him

You're obviously a stubborn guy, but come on ALL the forensic evidence agrees with the eyewitnesses who told versions remarkebly close to Wilson's. That should tell you something.

If all the evidence had disputed Wilson's claims then he would have been charged.

Exactly as it should be.
You are moving the goal posts. I was talking about the head shots, you know the ones to the TOP OF HIS HEAD. Raising your arm does not change the "angle" of the top of your head. Precise measurements my ass :) They were both moving. We're not talking about high speed video tracking of a tennis ball to the lines on a court. We're talking about a bullet to the brain. Not from the front but to the top of his head. For example you shoot someone in the chest they look down to see their new bullet holes and you shoot them in the head when the head lowers for a look see.

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