Michael Flynn FINALLY a Getting Break

Finally it looks like poor Michael Flynn is closer to being exonerated. Sure, he has pleaded guilty twice about lying to the FBI on his dealings with a foreign power, but c’mon; it’s not like he did anything serious like pass a counterfeit $20 bill or fall asleep in a parking lot.

Stephan J. Gozdecki, Plano

This letter was spot on...
So, if you plead guilty to avoid the financial ruin of your children, are you really guilty of anything other than caring?
He pled guilty to protect his son because his son was guilty of the same crimes.

The FBI was not threatening him with anything other than justice.

Next lie please
FLynn didn’t lie. I hope your kids get life based on a liar like you spouting shit. Your next pile of bullshit is?
Finally it looks like poor Michael Flynn is closer to being exonerated. Sure, he has pleaded guilty twice about lying to the FBI on his dealings with a foreign power, but c’mon; it’s not like he did anything serious like pass a counterfeit $20 bill or fall asleep in a parking lot.

Stephan J. Gozdecki, Plano

This letter was spot on...
I am so proud that you support terrorizing innocent loved ones so someone pleads guilty with a gun to their head. I hope your most cherished loved one has their life ripped apart because of libturd lies.
I bet you cry and scream loudly “FAKE NEWS” when media outlet makes an error or exaggerate in their report or whenTrump claims it isn’t true but in fact it’s right. But when someone lies under oath, it is apparently OK, because they are connected with pathological documented liar. Dotard Judas Trump. And you think you have credibility Think again.
99.99% of people would get thrown in jail if they lied under oath and had no connection to Mr. Corruption (Trump)..
Finally it looks like poor Michael Flynn is closer to being exonerated. Sure, he has pleaded guilty twice about lying to the FBI on his dealings with a foreign power, but c’mon; it’s not like he did anything serious like pass a counterfeit $20 bill or fall asleep in a parking lot.

Stephan J. Gozdecki, Plano

This letter was spot on...
So, if you plead guilty to avoid the financial ruin of your children, are you really guilty of anything other than caring?
He pled guilty to protect his son because his son was guilty of the same crimes.

The FBI was not threatening him with anything other than justice.

Next lie please
FLynn didn’t lie. I hope your kids get life based on a liar like you spouting shit. Your next pile of bullshit is?
Finally it looks like poor Michael Flynn is closer to being exonerated. Sure, he has pleaded guilty twice about lying to the FBI on his dealings with a foreign power, but c’mon; it’s not like he did anything serious like pass a counterfeit $20 bill or fall asleep in a parking lot.

Stephan J. Gozdecki, Plano

This letter was spot on...
So, if you plead guilty to avoid the financial ruin of your children, are you really guilty of anything other than caring?
He lied. There is no dispute on that.
Set up by dirty cops.........politically motivated...........no dispute on that.
If there is any justice left in this country the dirty gang of FBI Traitors will rot in prison for the rest of their lives.........

But the establishment and it's abuse will not have it........too many corrupt ones so called serving this country............oops........i need to fix that..........serving themselves...........

Those dirty scumbags from the FBI will eventually pay.........maybe not on earth.........but in HELL where they are going.
Finally it looks like poor Michael Flynn is closer to being exonerated. Sure, he has pleaded guilty twice about lying to the FBI on his dealings with a foreign power, but c’mon; it’s not like he did anything serious like pass a counterfeit $20 bill or fall asleep in a parking lot.

Stephan J. Gozdecki, Plano

This letter was spot on...
So, if you plead guilty to avoid the financial ruin of your children, are you really guilty of anything other than caring?
He pled guilty to protect his son because his son was guilty of the same crimes.

The FBI was not threatening him with anything other than justice.

Next lie please
Liar. The FBI was trying to bankrupt him and his family. His son, much like him, committed no crime. But you are okay with the Federal government trying to destroy an innocent man. You're Fucking piece of work.
Finally it looks like poor Michael Flynn is closer to being exonerated. Sure, he has pleaded guilty twice about lying to the FBI on his dealings with a foreign power, but c’mon; it’s not like he did anything serious like pass a counterfeit $20 bill or fall asleep in a parking lot.

Stephan J. Gozdecki, Plano

This letter was spot on...
So, if you plead guilty to avoid the financial ruin of your children, are you really guilty of anything other than caring?
He pled guilty to protect his son because his son was guilty of the same crimes.

The FBI was not threatening him with anything other than justice.

Next lie please
Liar. The FBI was trying to bankrupt him and his family. His son, much like him, committed no crime. But you are okay with the Federal government trying to destroy an innocent man. You're Fucking piece of work.
Yes, I know that's the story you have been fed by Faux News.

We don't call them that because they are so truthful, you know.
Finally it looks like poor Michael Flynn is closer to being exonerated. Sure, he has pleaded guilty twice about lying to the FBI on his dealings with a foreign power, but c’mon; it’s not like he did anything serious like pass a counterfeit $20 bill or fall asleep in a parking lot.

Stephan J. Gozdecki, Plano

This letter was spot on...
So, if you plead guilty to avoid the financial ruin of your children, are you really guilty of anything other than caring?
He pled guilty to protect his son because his son was guilty of the same crimes.

The FBI was not threatening him with anything other than justice.

Next lie please
Liar. The FBI was trying to bankrupt him and his family. His son, much like him, committed no crime. But you are okay with the Federal government trying to destroy an innocent man. You're Fucking piece of work.
Yes, I know that's the story you have been fed by Faux News.

We don't call them that because they are so truthful, you know.
You actually don't know a thing. You've been fed a lie and because you hate Trump, you chose to believe it, and even now, when the proof is not in dispute, continue on with the lie.

Speaks volumes on the lack of character you exhibit.
Finally it looks like poor Michael Flynn is closer to being exonerated. Sure, he has pleaded guilty twice about lying to the FBI on his dealings with a foreign power, but c’mon; it’s not like he did anything serious like pass a counterfeit $20 bill or fall asleep in a parking lot.

Stephan J. Gozdecki, Plano

This letter was spot on...
So, if you plead guilty to avoid the financial ruin of your children, are you really guilty of anything other than caring?
He pled guilty to protect his son because his son was guilty of the same crimes.

The FBI was not threatening him with anything other than justice.

Next lie please
Liar. The FBI was trying to bankrupt him and his family. His son, much like him, committed no crime. But you are okay with the Federal government trying to destroy an innocent man. You're Fucking piece of work.
Yes, I know that's the story you have been fed by Faux News.

We don't call them that because they are so truthful, you know.
You actually don't know a thing. You've been fed a lie and because you hate Trump, you chose to believe it, and even now, when the proof is not in dispute, continue on with the lie.

Speaks volumes on the lack of character you exhibit.
You are, as usual, both wrong and sadly misinformed. You will eventually have to pull yer head outta the RWNJ circle jerk and rejoin reality.
Finally it looks like poor Michael Flynn is closer to being exonerated. Sure, he has pleaded guilty twice about lying to the FBI on his dealings with a foreign power, but c’mon; it’s not like he did anything serious like pass a counterfeit $20 bill or fall asleep in a parking lot.

Stephan J. Gozdecki, Plano

This letter was spot on...
So, if you plead guilty to avoid the financial ruin of your children, are you really guilty of anything other than caring?
He pled guilty to protect his son because his son was guilty of the same crimes.

The FBI was not threatening him with anything other than justice.

Next lie please
Liar. The FBI was trying to bankrupt him and his family. His son, much like him, committed no crime. But you are okay with the Federal government trying to destroy an innocent man. You're Fucking piece of work.
Yes, I know that's the story you have been fed by Faux News.

We don't call them that because they are so truthful, you know.
You actually don't know a thing. You've been fed a lie and because you hate Trump, you chose to believe it, and even now, when the proof is not in dispute, continue on with the lie.

Speaks volumes on the lack of character you exhibit.
You are, as usual, both wrong and sadly misinformed. You will eventually have to pull yer head outta the RWNJ circle jerk and rejoin reality.
Nope. I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.

In this, you are as brainwashed as the rest and just as full of hate.
Thanks to Trump’s lapdog, William Barr.
The term “rule of law” has been torn to shambles, the only people who aren’t bothered by this travesty are the people of the party who shout “we are patriots“. Those who fought for and died for the America that led America to be great have been betrayed by those who have goose-stepped while Trump has shamed those hero’s.
Finally it looks like poor Michael Flynn is closer to being exonerated. Sure, he has pleaded guilty twice about lying to the FBI on his dealings with a foreign power, but c’mon; it’s not like he did anything serious like pass a counterfeit $20 bill or fall asleep in a parking lot.

Stephan J. Gozdecki, Plano

This letter was spot on...
So, if you plead guilty to avoid the financial ruin of your children, are you really guilty of anything other than caring?
He pled guilty to protect his son because his son was guilty of the same crimes.

The FBI was not threatening him with anything other than justice.

Next lie please
Liar. The FBI was trying to bankrupt him and his family. His son, much like him, committed no crime. But you are okay with the Federal government trying to destroy an innocent man. You're Fucking piece of work.
Yes, I know that's the story you have been fed by Faux News.

We don't call them that because they are so truthful, you know.
You actually don't know a thing. You've been fed a lie and because you hate Trump, you chose to believe it, and even now, when the proof is not in dispute, continue on with the lie.

Speaks volumes on the lack of character you exhibit.
You are, as usual, both wrong and sadly misinformed. You will eventually have to pull yer head outta the RWNJ circle jerk and rejoin reality.
Nope. I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.

In this, you are as brainwashed as the rest and just as full of hate.
Nope. You are wrong.

I understand that you can't admit it though.
Finally it looks like poor Michael Flynn is closer to being exonerated. Sure, he has pleaded guilty twice about lying to the FBI on his dealings with a foreign power, but c’mon; it’s not like he did anything serious like pass a counterfeit $20 bill or fall asleep in a parking lot.

Stephan J. Gozdecki, Plano

This letter was spot on...
So, if you plead guilty to avoid the financial ruin of your children, are you really guilty of anything other than caring?
He pled guilty to protect his son because his son was guilty of the same crimes.

The FBI was not threatening him with anything other than justice.

Next lie please
FLynn didn’t lie. I hope your kids get life based on a liar like you spouting shit. Your next pile of bullshit is?
IDIOT! Flynn never lied moron. Said so right in the original 392 that has “gone missing”. Epic fail.
Finally it looks like poor Michael Flynn is closer to being exonerated. Sure, he has pleaded guilty twice about lying to the FBI on his dealings with a foreign power, but c’mon; it’s not like he did anything serious like pass a counterfeit $20 bill or fall asleep in a parking lot.

Stephan J. Gozdecki, Plano

This letter was spot on...
I am so proud that you support terrorizing innocent loved ones so someone pleads guilty with a gun to their head. I hope your most cherished loved one has their life ripped apart because of libturd lies.
I bet you cry and scream loudly “FAKE NEWS” when media outlet makes an error or exaggerate in their report or whenTrump claims it isn’t true but in fact it’s right. But when someone lies under oath, it is apparently OK, because they are connected with pathological documented liar. Dotard Judas Trump. And you think you have credibility Think again.
99.99% of people would get thrown in jail if they lied under oath and had no connection to Mr. Corruption (Trump)..
Boy are you uneducated. Clapper, Comey, Hillary, Holder ALL lied under oath with no penalty because of a connection to a crook named Obama’. Seems you have no credibility or honesty.
Finally it looks like poor Michael Flynn is closer to being exonerated. Sure, he has pleaded guilty twice about lying to the FBI on his dealings with a foreign power, but c’mon; it’s not like he did anything serious like pass a counterfeit $20 bill or fall asleep in a parking lot.

Stephan J. Gozdecki, Plano

This letter was spot on...
So, if you plead guilty to avoid the financial ruin of your children, are you really guilty of anything other than caring?
He pled guilty to protect his son because his son was guilty of the same crimes.

The FBI was not threatening him with anything other than justice.

Next lie please
FLynn didn’t lie. I hope your kids get life based on a liar like you spouting shit. Your next pile of bullshit is?
IDIOT! Flynn never lied moron. Said so right in the original 392 that has “gone missing”. Epic fail.
Well that's a lie.
Finally it looks like poor Michael Flynn is closer to being exonerated. Sure, he has pleaded guilty twice about lying to the FBI on his dealings with a foreign power, but c’mon; it’s not like he did anything serious like pass a counterfeit $20 bill or fall asleep in a parking lot.

Stephan J. Gozdecki, Plano

This letter was spot on...
So, if you plead guilty to avoid the financial ruin of your children, are you really guilty of anything other than caring?
He pled guilty to protect his son because his son was guilty of the same crimes.

The FBI was not threatening him with anything other than justice.

Next lie please
FLynn didn’t lie. I hope your kids get life based on a liar like you spouting shit. Your next pile of bullshit is?
IDIOT! Flynn never lied moron. Said so right in the original 392 that has “gone missing”. Epic fail.
Well that's a lie.
No, YOU are as always an uneducated lying loser with no facts. Cry some more snowflake.

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