Michael Flynn FINALLY a Getting Break

Finally it looks like poor Michael Flynn is closer to being exonerated. Sure, he has pleaded guilty twice about lying to the FBI on his dealings with a foreign power, but c’mon; it’s not like he did anything serious like pass a counterfeit $20 bill or fall asleep in a parking lot.

Stephan J. Gozdecki, Plano

This letter was spot on...
So, if you plead guilty to avoid the financial ruin of your children, are you really guilty of anything other than caring?
He lied. There is no dispute on that.
He should never have been interviewed. I hope your most cherished loved one is locked up 30 yrs because of lies.

I hope my corrupt cherished loved is a Trump crony so he gets off Scott free. But you and I both know little guys always have To pay.
Finally it looks like poor Michael Flynn is closer to being exonerated. Sure, he has pleaded guilty twice about lying to the FBI on his dealings with a foreign power, but c’mon; it’s not like he did anything serious like pass a counterfeit $20 bill or fall asleep in a parking lot.

Stephan J. Gozdecki, Plano

This letter was spot on...
So, if you plead guilty to avoid the financial ruin of your children, are you really guilty of anything other than caring?
He lied. There is no dispute on that.

He lied.

Based on what?
Finally it looks like poor Michael Flynn is closer to being exonerated. Sure, he has pleaded guilty twice about lying to the FBI on his dealings with a foreign power, but c’mon; it’s not like he did anything serious like pass a counterfeit $20 bill or fall asleep in a parking lot.

Stephan J. Gozdecki, Plano

This letter was spot on...
So, if you plead guilty to avoid the financial ruin of your children, are you really guilty of anything other than caring?
He lied. There is no dispute on that.

He lied.

Based on what?
That has been rehashed in thread after thread.
Finally it looks like poor Michael Flynn is closer to being exonerated. Sure, he has pleaded guilty twice about lying to the FBI on his dealings with a foreign power, but c’mon; it’s not like he did anything serious like pass a counterfeit $20 bill or fall asleep in a parking lot.

Stephan J. Gozdecki, Plano

This letter was spot on...
So, if you plead guilty to avoid the financial ruin of your children, are you really guilty of anything other than caring?
He lied. There is no dispute on that.
He should never have been interviewed. I hope your most cherished loved one is locked up 30 yrs because of lies.

I hope my corrupt cherished loved is a Trump crony so he gets off Scott free. But you and I both know little guys always have To pay.
Like Manafort, Stone, and possibly Flynn?? Flynn is going to be a multi millionaire for his efforts. I would have had liked the bogus rap for the money and sending a bunch of rat B to the slammer.
Finally it looks like poor Michael Flynn is closer to being exonerated. Sure, he has pleaded guilty twice about lying to the FBI on his dealings with a foreign power, but c’mon; it’s not like he did anything serious like pass a counterfeit $20 bill or fall asleep in a parking lot.

Stephan J. Gozdecki, Plano

This letter was spot on...
So, if you plead guilty to avoid the financial ruin of your children, are you really guilty of anything other than caring?
He lied. There is no dispute on that.

He lied.

Based on what?
That was a perfect brain teaser for the libs.

Anything with a brain smaller than a dog qualifies.
Finally it looks like poor Michael Flynn is closer to being exonerated. Sure, he has pleaded guilty twice about lying to the FBI on his dealings with a foreign power, but c’mon; it’s not like he did anything serious like pass a counterfeit $20 bill or fall asleep in a parking lot.

Stephan J. Gozdecki, Plano

This letter was spot on...
So, if you plead guilty to avoid the financial ruin of your children, are you really guilty of anything other than caring?
He lied. There is no dispute on that.

He lied.

Based on what?
That has been rehashed in thread after thread.

Based on the 302?
Finally it looks like poor Michael Flynn is closer to being exonerated. Sure, he has pleaded guilty twice about lying to the FBI on his dealings with a foreign power, but c’mon; it’s not like he did anything serious like pass a counterfeit $20 bill or fall asleep in a parking lot.

Stephan J. Gozdecki, Plano

This letter was spot on...
So, if you plead guilty to avoid the financial ruin of your children, are you really guilty of anything other than caring?
He lied. There is no dispute on that.
So you are absolutely fine with the FBI lieing to the FISA court. Hillary lied when she said that she had no classified mail on her computer. But since both can lie with impunity but hey someone you don't like lied so hang him. Nothing needs to be equal.

It has been dismissed.......now if only the assholes that did this can be brought to justice..........

Civil suits should begin soon..............hope so...............
Actually, we brought the guilty party to justice. You morons just let him go.
Blinded by the right
Revved up like a deuce
Another runner in the night
Blinded by the right

Madman drummer bummers
Donnie wants a hummer
With a teenage diplomat
In the dumps with the mumps
As the adolescent pumps
His way into his hat
With a boulder on my shoulder
Feeling kinda older
I tripped a merry-go-round
With this very unpleasing
Sneezing and wheezing
The calliope crashed to the ground
The calliope crashed to the ground

But they was blinded by the right
Revved up like a deuce
Another runner in the night
Blinded by the right
Revved up like a deuce
Another runner in the night
Blinded by the right
Finally it looks like poor Michael Flynn is closer to being exonerated. Sure, he has pleaded guilty twice about lying to the FBI on his dealings with a foreign power, but c’mon; it’s not like he did anything serious like pass a counterfeit $20 bill or fall asleep in a parking lot.

Stephan J. Gozdecki, Plano

This letter was spot on...
So, if you plead guilty to avoid the financial ruin of your children, are you really guilty of anything other than caring?
He pled guilty to protect his son because his son was guilty of the same crimes.

The FBI was not threatening him with anything other than justice.

Next lie please
Finally it looks like poor Michael Flynn is closer to being exonerated. Sure, he has pleaded guilty twice about lying to the FBI on his dealings with a foreign power, but c’mon; it’s not like he did anything serious like pass a counterfeit $20 bill or fall asleep in a parking lot.

Stephan J. Gozdecki, Plano

This letter was spot on...
I am so proud that you support terrorizing innocent loved ones so someone pleads guilty with a gun to their head. I hope your most cherished loved one has their life ripped apart because of libturd lies.
The kid wasn't innocent. He was involved.
this American hero has been in a grumpy mood too long. finally, justice is served, my friends
Finally it looks like poor Michael Flynn is closer to being exonerated. Sure, he has pleaded guilty twice about lying to the FBI on his dealings with a foreign power, but c’mon; it’s not like he did anything serious like pass a counterfeit $20 bill or fall asleep in a parking lot.

Stephan J. Gozdecki, Plano

This letter was spot on...
I am so proud that you support terrorizing innocent loved ones so someone pleads guilty with a gun to their head. I hope your most cherished loved one has their life ripped apart because of libturd lies.
The kid wasn't innocent. He was involved.
Involved in what???
Blinded by the right
Revved up like a deuce
Another runner in the night
Blinded by the right

Madman drummer bummers
Donnie wants a hummer
With a teenage diplomat
In the dumps with the mumps
As the adolescent pumps
His way into his hat
With a boulder on my shoulder
Feeling kinda older
I tripped a merry-go-round
With this very unpleasing
Sneezing and wheezing
The calliope crashed to the ground
The calliope crashed to the ground

But they was blinded by the right
Revved up like a deuce
Another runner in the night
Blinded by the right
Revved up like a deuce
Another runner in the night
Blinded by the right

Here is a good tool
Finally it looks like poor Michael Flynn is closer to being exonerated. Sure, he has pleaded guilty twice about lying to the FBI on his dealings with a foreign power, but c’mon; it’s not like he did anything serious like pass a counterfeit $20 bill or fall asleep in a parking lot.

Stephan J. Gozdecki, Plano

This letter was spot on...
So, if you plead guilty to avoid the financial ruin of your children, are you really guilty of anything other than caring?
He lied. There is no dispute on that.

Yes there is.

There is no dispute in the mainstream media, and to Fools who trust the mainstream media.

The original notes from the meeting where he SUPPOSEDLY lied are missing. The agents who talked to him said they didn't think he was lying, and based on that, Ccomey, weasel that he is, didn't attempt to prosecute. He testified that there was doubt as to whether he lied---a close question, he said.

It was only when Mueller's Gang took over looking for scalps to justify continuing a fraudulent investigation of our duly elected President, that the came down on Flynn AND his family like a ton of bricks---somewhat like a Black man in a 1960's Mississippi jail might feel when beaten until he confessed to a crime he didn't commit.

What they did to Flynn was first---Entrapment, and then Duress to the point of psychological, emotional, and financial torture---to make him confess to a lie he didn't tell.

You don't have to believe his legal brief and the facts stated therein--where he withdrew his Guilty Plea and said through his lawyer that he didn't lie and gave reasons to show why he did not.

But, to say that it is not in Dispute is simply the asinine ravings of a blind partisan clearly suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome--and and totally unwilling to hear the other side of any issue.

Simply, you are Brainwashed.
The only reason it was dropped was because he is Trump’s crony.
Finally it looks like poor Michael Flynn is closer to being exonerated. Sure, he has pleaded guilty twice about lying to the FBI on his dealings with a foreign power, but c’mon; it’s not like he did anything serious like pass a counterfeit $20 bill or fall asleep in a parking lot.

Stephan J. Gozdecki, Plano

This letter was spot on...
I am so proud that you support terrorizing innocent loved ones so someone pleads guilty with a gun to their head. I hope your most cherished loved one has their life ripped apart because of libturd lies.
The kid wasn't innocent. He was involved.
Involved in what???



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