Michele Bachmann: Obama Will Grant Amnesty To Islamic Terrorists


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
This is what male repub congressmen should say but never do.

Congresswoman Michele Bachmann Obama will Grant Amnesty to Islamic Terrorists - Freedom Outpost

sep 30 2014
In another exposure of just how treasonous the Obama administration has become, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) said that Barack Obama is planning to grant amnesty to Islamic terrorists.

"[Seeking] amnesty for illegal aliens is the number one achievement of the president's second term," Bachmann said in an interview that aired on Breitbart News Saturday on Sirius XM Patriot Channel 125.

"He's planning to get it and he's planning to jam it down the throats of the American people. It's a plate of dog food to do this," Bachmann said. "It's not what the American people want—they're going to react—which is why the president is taking the coward's way out and he's waiting until after the election. The media, unfortunately, is giving the president a big assist because you don't hear them pounding on the table saying 'Mr. President, Mr. President, what are you doing?'"

"They're completely leaving the fight," she continued. "So the American people are being completely dis-served because the president has already announced what he's going to do. He's going to give full-scale amnesty to millions of illegal aliens, which by the way would include terrorists who are currently in this country who came in illegally. This is a travesty of historic proportions and the president of the United States will completely destroy his presidency if he does it—but he doesn't care. All he cares about is the outcome, achieving his radical political ends, which is why we got to do everything we can despite the media not paying attention to this issue we need to focus on it."

"...something that is clearly unconstitutional."
that motherfucking treasonous cocksucking muslime mulatto son-of-a-bitch could care less about the Constitution, and turning loose several million illegals and terrorists to spread their disease all over the country is an act that should demand he be removed from America and sent back to Kenya.........., OR hanged ! :up:
Damn Wildman...... Go sit by the AC..... Your head is overheating again. Just keep that tinfoil hat on tight, and in a couple years, that black president won't be there to scare you any more.
Damn Wildman...... Go sit by the AC..... Your head is overheating again. Just keep that tinfoil hat on tight, and in a couple years, that black president won't be there to scare you any more.

The board notes your obvious attempt to change the subject. Either shut up or address the issue of why our president won't secure the borders.
I don't doubt this

he doesn't care as long as he can hurt us and pander to Hispanics at the same time

He is a danger to us and our country. but a lot of the people don't seem to care. so he'll continue on being a tyrant and walking ALL OVER you and your Representation in CONGRESS
obama will do more than give terrorists amnesty. He will give them refugee status and airlift them here.
the home countries need to recover from Reagan's 8-year campaign of terror that turned them into what they are now. THEN they'll stop coming up here. No fence will stop anyone.

Besides, that would be one expensive fence, to be able to do the job for 1000's of miles of varied terrain. Who is going to have their taxes raised to pay for it? OP? :doubt: :laugh:
the home countries need to recover from Reagan's 8-year campaign of terror that turned them into what they are now. THEN they'll stop coming up here. No fence will stop anyone.

Besides, that would be one expensive fence, to be able to do the job for 1000's of miles of varied terrain. Who is going to have their taxes raised to pay for it? OP? :doubt: :laugh:

You have all the talking points down from the DNC
way to go girl
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"...something that is clearly unconstitutional."
that motherfucking treasonous cocksucking muslime mulatto son-of-a-bitch could care less about the Constitution, and turning loose several million illegals and terrorists to spread their disease all over the country is an act that should demand he be removed from America and sent back to Kenya.........., OR hanged ! :up:
Can you see well enough to type from under your bed?
he's as zany as they come :uhoh3: AND a clinger to boot :eusa_doh:
the home countries need to recover from Reagan's 8-year campaign of terror that turned them into what they are now. THEN they'll stop coming up here. No fence will stop anyone.

Besides, that would be one expensive fence, to be able to do the job for 1000's of miles of varied terrain. Who is going to have their taxes raised to pay for it? OP? :doubt: :laugh:

As we've explained countless times, there is no need for a fence. Stop letting illegals use our schools and hospitals for free and stop giving them welfare and most will leave. THINK
Damn Wildman...... Go sit by the AC..... Your head is overheating again. Just keep that tinfoil hat on tight, and in a couple years, that black president won't be there to scare you any more.

The board notes your obvious attempt to change the subject. Either shut up or address the issue of why our president won't secure the borders.
So now you claim to be a member of some board. You're funny.
"...something that is clearly unconstitutional."
that motherfucking treasonous cocksucking muslime mulatto son-of-a-bitch could care less about the Constitution, and turning loose several million illegals and terrorists to spread their disease all over the country is an act that should demand he be removed from America and sent back to Kenya.........., OR hanged ! :up:
Why don't you be the bad ass that you claim to be and give it a try? What are you waiting on, an invitation? That muslime (lol) traitor is destroying your white roots. Go get 'em, boy. Or are you some kind of pussy?
This is what male repub congressmen should say but never do.

For once I agree with you on something, ShitsSpeedos. Male and female Republicans should echo "Crazy Eyes" Bachman's sentiment. Let the nation see just how crazy your party has become.

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