Biden refers to his millions of illegals as “Hispanic voters”

They are a net positive. Except to the bigots of the alt-right. ^Shrug^. You presented nothing that can't be refuted. FAIR is a right leaning organization that is against immigration in just about all its forms.

Immigrants are counted as per the Constitution. And that does have an impact on representation. But would take decades to make an electoral dent.
And let's face it, if Republicans put up reputable candidates that actually stood for something that interested the average voter, they'd find themselves winning elections again.

I’m not seeing the net positive.

• Illegal immigrants have a negative fiscal impact -- taxes paid minus benefits received -- primarily because a large share have modest levels of education, resulting in relatively low average incomes and tax payments, along with significant use of means-tested
programs and other government services.
• Prior research indicates that 69 percent of adult illegal immigrants have no education beyond high school, compared to 35 percent of the U.S.-born.
• Using the National Academies’ estimate of immigrants’ net fiscal impact by education level, we estimate that the lifetime fiscal drain (taxes paid minus costs) for each illegal
immigrant is about $68,000, although this estimate comes with some caveats.
• Illegal immigrants make extensive use of welfare. Based on government data, we estimate that 59 percent of households headed by illegal immigrants use one or more major welfare programs, compared to 39 percent of households headed by the U.S.-born.
I’m not seeing the net positive.

• Illegal immigrants have a negative fiscal impact -- taxes paid minus benefits received -- primarily because a large share have modest levels of education, resulting in relatively low average incomes and tax payments, along with significant use of means-tested
programs and other government services.
• Prior research indicates that 69 percent of adult illegal immigrants have no education beyond high school, compared to 35 percent of the U.S.-born.
• Using the National Academies’ estimate of immigrants’ net fiscal impact by education level, we estimate that the lifetime fiscal drain (taxes paid minus costs) for each illegal
immigrant is about $68,000, although this estimate comes with some caveats.
• Illegal immigrants make extensive use of welfare. Based on government data, we estimate that 59 percent of households headed by illegal immigrants use one or more major welfare programs, compared to 39 percent of households headed by the U.S.-born.
A simple Google search will show you a multitude of articles that will show that you are incorrect. Bought as simple as I can present it to you.

A simple Google search will show you a multitude of articles that will show that you are incorrect. Bought as simple as I can present it to you.

That’s nice. It’s not all date palms and Camel’s milk, though.

“Illegal immigrants make extensive use of welfare. Based on government data, we estimate that 59 percent of households headed by illegal immigrants use one or more major welfare programs, compared to 39 percent of households headed by the U.S.-born.”
Biden’s illegals are obviously valuable to the Dems / Socialists for the census and for apportionment.
So the 9 million who crossed on Biden's watch were only brought to turn them in to vote for Joe Biden? And American voters are now having to pay for what taxpayers will lose to make Joe Biden a permanent resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue?
The founders of this country must be rolling over in their Graves.:(
Exactly what color is that?
whatever the color of Folks are in ( Russia ) ( Iran ) ( China) ( North Korea ) ( Syria ) ( Somalia ) ( Chechnya ) ( Pock E Stan ) ( Lebanon ) ( Libya ) ( Egypt ) ( Jordan) ...
How many are being deported for FAILING THEIR ASYLUM HEARING ??? NONE
In fact, Biden told ICE to not give illegals an NTA ( Notice to appear for hearing).

CHEAP CORPORATE LABOR and VOTES are the only reasons they are being brought in by Joe.

We are witnessing the beginning of the end for Nation States as the rulers have determined that Nations were a bad idea after all.
Also this....

"A strong majority of registered voters, including most Hispanics, would support a national program to deport illegal aliens from the United States, according to a CBS News/YouGov poll."

9 Jun 2024

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