Michele Bachmann Rips Iowa Judges Over Same-Sex Marriage: VIDEO


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
"No, I don't believe that it is. Marriage, historically, for all human history has been between a man and a woman. It hasn't been the same-sex marriage. And remember that in Iowa, it was judges that made the decision, not the legislature, which are the people's representatives, and certainly not the people. That's why the people of Iowa threw out three of those Supreme Court judges. That's something that should give pause to all judges. The people of Iowa are sick and tired of having judges tell them what their laws are. They're not a super-legislature. They're judges. And they need to act like judges. As President of the United States I will only appoint judges that will apply the strict construction or the original intent of the Constitution of the United States."
Read more: Michele Bachmann Rips Iowa Judges Over Same-Sex Marriage: VIDEO |Gay News|Gay Blog Towleroad

God. She's crazy. Plum crazy. "Until we make sure businesses have all the money they need." - THEY HAVE ALL THE MONEY. She's daft. Completely daft.
Michele Bachmann on Fox News Sunday told host Chris Wallace that as president she will stop judges from telling people what the laws are, tying into the very essence of what the Tea Party stands for: Don’t tell me what to do. As any ten year old knows, the job of a judge, especially, say, judges on the Supreme Court, is to interpret and explain laws and pass judgment based on those interpretations. If that weren’t the job of a judge, we could get computers to be judges.

Bachmann is famous for her self-​embarrassing 2009 rant attacking Timothy Geithner and Ben Bernanke, during a Congressional hearing, demanding they show her where in the Constitution it specifically says they were legally able to take the actions they did during the financial crisis that began just as Bush was ending his presidency.

Sunday, Bachmann said that the “people of Iowa are sick and tired of having judges tell them what their laws are. They’re not a super-​legislature. They’re judges. And they need to act like judges. As President of the United States I will only appoint judges that will apply the strict construction or the original intent of the Constitution of the United States.”

Bachmann’s understanding of jurisprudence is frightening and disappointing.

Bachmann: I Will Stop Judges From Telling People What The Law Says | The New Civil Rights Movement
Most of the judges who voted for same sex marriage in Iowa have been voted out of office. The only reason why they all weren't voted out is because some of them weren't running. They'll get them next time.
Not the most articulate argument against judicial activism, but I take her point. Judges don't exist simply to make declarations of law when the people don't vote the way they want them to. That's the reason those three Iowa Supreme Court Justices were ousted.
Judges have forgotten their function. It is not to legislate from the bench but apply the laws the legislature passed.

That the population doesn't know this is part of the general dumbing down.
I would never vote for Bachman because she's a slimy IRS Tax Lawyer and God knows we already have too many Lawyers in Gov't.

But it seems to me that she's less suited for gov't and more suited for something like TV Show host. She can get people pissed off and talking about subjects but doesn't seem to offer any solutions. Other than talk about her family.

Am I just being sexist when I say she seems like just a whiny bitch? :confused:
"No, I don't believe that it is. Marriage, historically, for all human history has been between a man and a woman. It hasn't been the same-sex marriage. And remember that in Iowa, it was judges that made the decision, not the legislature, which are the people's representatives, and certainly not the people. That's why the people of Iowa threw out three of those Supreme Court judges. That's something that should give pause to all judges. The people of Iowa are sick and tired of having judges tell them what their laws are. They're not a super-legislature. They're judges. And they need to act like judges. As President of the United States I will only appoint judges that will apply the strict construction or the original intent of the Constitution of the United States."
Read more: Michele Bachmann Rips Iowa Judges Over Same-Sex Marriage: VIDEO |Gay News|Gay Blog Towleroad

God. She's crazy. Plum crazy. "Until we make sure businesses have all the money they need." - THEY HAVE ALL THE MONEY. She's daft. Completely daft.

Look in a mirror skank
"No, I don't believe that it is. Marriage, historically, for all human history has been between a man and a woman. It hasn't been the same-sex marriage. And remember that in Iowa, it was judges that made the decision, not the legislature, which are the people's representatives, and certainly not the people. That's why the people of Iowa threw out three of those Supreme Court judges. That's something that should give pause to all judges. The people of Iowa are sick and tired of having judges tell them what their laws are. They're not a super-legislature. They're judges. And they need to act like judges. As President of the United States I will only appoint judges that will apply the strict construction or the original intent of the Constitution of the United States."

Look in a mirror skank

Ah...Prince Charming chimes in.

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