Michele Bachmann Says More Stimulus Money Would Have Helped Her District


Handsome Devil
Feb 10, 2010
Michele Bachmann Says More Stimulus Money Would Have Helped Her District (VIDEO) [UPDATE]

The woman is a fraud and hypocrite yet the blind acolytes will keep following her, lol.

HuffPost's Sam Stein reported last week that Bachmann not only repeatedly sought stimulus funds from federal agencies, but deployed traditional Keynesian economic rationales to justify her requests, claiming that the funds would create jobs and strengthen the economy. Publicly, by contrast, Bachmann has insisted that the stimulus was an act of "overspending" and "fantasy economics" that hurt jobs.

When asked by Fox News' Chris Wallace about this discrepancy, Bachmann claimed there was no conflict.

"I voted against the stimulus and I was very public against the stimulus. After the stimulus was passed and the money was there, why should my constituents or anyone else be disadvantaged?" Bachmann said.
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...When asked by Fox News' Chris Wallace about this discrepancy, Bachmann claimed there was no conflict.

"I voted against the stimulus and I was very public against the stimulus. After the stimulus was passed and the money was there, why should my constituents or anyone else be disadvantaged?" Bachmann said.

We must play the game within the confines of the rules in place at the time.

And that’s all she was doing.

Also, if she gets in and manages to change those rules, I am confident she will conduct her business within the confines of the new ones once they are in place.
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The woman is a fraud and hypocrite yet the blind acolytes will keep following her...
Seeing-as-how she's got a "direct-line"......someone needs to ask her who God was punishing in Indiana.....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LaSOVPOVSg]Sugarland Concert - Indiana Stage Collapse (Compiled Footage) - YouTube[/ame]

(I guess Pat Robertson would be willing to sub, for her.)​
Granny still lookin' fer her check from dat last stimulus...
US economy: Ben Bernanke signals no new stimulus
26 August 2011 - Mr Bernanke's comments caused US shares to dip, but they recovered later
The chairman of the Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke, has signalled that the US central bank will not take any immediate action to boost growth. In a keenly anticipated speech, Mr Bernanke simply said the Fed had a "range of tools that could be used to provide additional monetary stimulus". And their use would be considered at an extended meeting in September, he said. Mr Bernanke also hinted that the US government needed to do more to aid economic growth.

Earlier, revised data showed the US economy grew less than first estimated in the second quarter of 2011. The Commerce Department now says the economy expanded at an annualised rate of 1% between April and March, down from its first estimate of 1.3%. The figures were seen as raising pressure on the Federal Reserve to do more to boost the economy, for instance by introducing further quantitative easing - an injection of cash into the financial system.

Mr Bernanke said the central bank's next meeting in September had been extended from one day to two "to allow a fuller discussion" of its next move. "The Committee will continue to assess the economic outlook in light of incoming information and is prepared to employ its tools as appropriate to promote a stronger economic recovery in a context of price stability," he said.

'Spiral out of control'
Michele Bachmann talks out both sides of her mouth, and her ass.

There's politics - and then she's on a whole nother playing field. Somewhere beyond hypocritical.

Frankly, I'm surprised anybody still defends her.

... I shouldn't be though. This is the same crowd that suddenly believed Paul Revere was firing muskets and ringing bells to warn - yes, that's right: The British.
...When asked by Fox News' Chris Wallace about this discrepancy, Bachmann claimed there was no conflict.

"I voted against the stimulus and I was very public against the stimulus. After the stimulus was passed and the money was there, why should my constituents or anyone else be disadvantaged?" Bachmann said.

We must play the game within the confines of the rules in place at the time.

And that’s all she was doing.

Also, if she gets in and manages to change those rules, I am confident she will conduct her business within the confines of the new ones once they are in place.

Not only did she lobby for stimulus..she lobbied for stimulus that was a direct benefit to her. I personally think that ethically..that stinks..and it should be illegal.
Well gee, after all dem jobs dat was outsourced; wonder why?...
Economic Storm Continues: Bernanke Says ‘Recovery Even Weaker Than We Had Thought’
Saturday, August 27, 2011 - Speaking in Jackson Hole, Wyo., yesterday at an economic symposium sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said that the economic recovery in the United States had proved to be “even weaker” than the Federal Open Market Committee had originally thought it was.
Bernanke also reiterated that the committee had recently lowered its expectations for economic growth in the coming quarters. “t is clear that the recovery from the crisis has been much less robust than we had hoped,” Bernanke said. “From the latest comprehensive revisions to the national accounts as well as the most recent estimates of growth in the first half of this year, we have learned that the recession was even deeper and the recovery even weaker than we had thought; indeed, aggregate output in the United States still has not returned to the level that it attained before the crisis. Importantly, economic growth has for the most part been at rates insufficient to achieve sustained reductions in unemployment, which has recently been fluctuating a bit above 9 percent.”

In the first quarter of this year, according to the federal government’s Bureau of Economic Analysis, Gross Domestic Product grew at only 0.4 percent. In the second quarter it grew at only 1.0 percent. Bernanke reiterated the conclusion the Federal Open Market Committee announced after its August 9 meeting that it believed economic growth in the near future would not be as strong as it had previously expected.

“As I mentioned earlier, the recent data have indicated that economic growth during the first half of this year was considerably slower than the Federal Open Market Committee had been expecting, and that temporary factors can account for only a portion of the economic weakness that we have observed,” said Bernanke. “Consequently, although we expect a moderate recovery to continue and indeed to strengthen over time, the Committee has marked down its outlook for the likely pace of growth over coming quarters.”

After its Aug. 9 meeting, the Federal Open Market Committee issued a statement that it expected the economy to recover at a “slower pace” than it had previously anticipated and that the “downside risks” to the U.S. economy had increased. “The Committee now expects a somewhat slower pace of recovery over coming quarters than it did at the time of the previous meeting and anticipates that the unemployment rate will decline only gradually toward levels that the Committee judges to be consistent with its dual mandate,” the FMOC said in its Aug. 9 statement. “Moreover, downside risks to the economic outlook have increased."

...When asked by Fox News' Chris Wallace about this discrepancy, Bachmann claimed there was no conflict.

"I voted against the stimulus and I was very public against the stimulus. After the stimulus was passed and the money was there, why should my constituents or anyone else be disadvantaged?" Bachmann said.

We must play the game within the confines of the rules in place at the time.

And that’s all she was doing.

Also, if she gets in and manages to change those rules, I am confident she will conduct her business within the confines of the new ones once they are in place.

Why should her constituents be disadvantaged? That was her response?

That's an endorsement of the stimulus. That's an admission that the stimulus helped. That the stimulus worked.
...When asked by Fox News' Chris Wallace about this discrepancy, Bachmann claimed there was no conflict.

"I voted against the stimulus and I was very public against the stimulus. After the stimulus was passed and the money was there, why should my constituents or anyone else be disadvantaged?" Bachmann said.

We must play the game within the confines of the rules in place at the time.

And that’s all she was doing.

Also, if she gets in and manages to change those rules, I am confident she will conduct her business within the confines of the new ones once they are in place.

Why should her constituents be disadvantaged? That was her response?

That's an endorsement of the stimulus. That's an admission that the stimulus helped. That the stimulus worked.

The way this kind of an appropriation works is that the money is appropriated. That means spent.

Once it's appropriated, then it will go somewhere. That's how it works. If she wants some of that "already gone" money to flow to the taxpayers in her district, that seems rational to me.

Appropriating the money for the Failed Stimulus in the first place was stupid as it was poorly planned, clumsily executed, ill directed and, in the end, ineffective. Directing as much money to her constituants and therefore away from the cronies of the Prez is hardly an endorsement of the Failed Stimulus.

If she could have stopped the whole thing, she would have. In that, she was right.

Trying to get a "fair share" for her constituants was the resposible and by the by big D Democrat thing to do. I should think you would like her for doing the Democrat thing.

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