Michele Bachmann: Thanks Obama For Bringing On The Apocalypse

We need to cry out to a Holy God," Bachmann said on Jan Markell's "Understanding the Times" radio show over the weekend. "This is coming faster than anyone can see."

“Barack Obama is intent, it is his number one goal, to ensure that Iran has a nuclear weapon," she said. "Why? Why would you put the nuclear weapon in the hands of madmen who are Islamic radicals?"

Bachmann, however, then seemed to approve of the President moving mankind into "the midnight hour."

"We get to be living in the most exciting time in history," she said, urging fellow Christians to "rejoice."

"Jesus Christ is coming back. We, in our lifetimes potentially, could see Jesus Christ returning to Earth, the Rapture of the Church."

"These are wonderful times," she concluded.



Amen, these are exciting times.

Here we sit on the precipice of Civil War in the United States... where Open Season will be declared upon the Ideological Left. And God brings his wrath upon that evil through those he chose to protect his Chosen People... The Americans.

Exciting times INDEED.

Amen my dear.
these people can mock and make fun all they want. But if they're not prepared. that's their problem and I feel nothing for them. they will wallow and Perish in their hate they pushed on us all

In a few short years people like you will be placed in mental hospitals
are they going to build new ones or move you out to make room for us?......
What a fucking idiot!

Millions believe as she does.

oh brother.

talkingpointsmemo. don't they have some REAL political news to wail about:rolleyes-41:

You see folks, they don't care about IRAN getting a nuclear bomb. they care more about mocking Mrs. Bachmann

People holding Bachmann views are more scary than iran getting a nuclear bomb.

no, intolerant people like you and that hate site you posted from is more scary
what she says has NO BEARING on any of OUR lives. What that joker of President does in Iran has long lasting effects on us...but you worry over what someone said. shallow people will
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What a fucking idiot!

Millions believe as she does.

oh brother.

talkingpointsmemo. don't they have some REAL political news to wail about:rolleyes-41:

You see folks, they don't care about IRAN getting a nuclear bomb. they care more about mocking Mrs. Bachmann

People holding Bachmann views are more scary than iran getting a nuclear bomb.

no, intolerant people like you and that hate site you posted from is more scary
what she says has NO BEARING on any of OUR lives. What that joker of President does in Iran has long lasting effects on us...but you worry over what someone said. shallow people will

No its all these end time fanatics that LOOK forward to the end of time and Jesus coming, those are the ones to worry about.
there is 535 frikken people in Congress that say's stupid shit everyday

yet talkingpointmemo could only find ONE out of all of those

that site is a typical left wing hate site. they don't report on political news... they are nothing but the National Enquire that post for shitstirring over garbage. If you are into shallow and petty than that's the place for you
Isn't this how iran thinks and that is why we're so fearful of them using a nuclear bomb? Because unlike the Russians they have nothing to loss?
Isn't this how iran thinks and that is why we're so fearful of them using a nuclear bomb? Because unlike the Russians they have nothing to loss?

I doubt Iran would attack with a nuclear bomb, they are really not into preemptive strikes like Israel seems to be. Also they have the temple mount and the Palestinians there, so I doubt they would attack.
Seems to me Israel has the strongest military over there, they just thwarted another terrorist attack (so they say) with their IAF and bombed Syria, who says, only Israel. Israel can get away with anything they want and do whatever they want.
I doubt Iran would attack with a nuclear bomb
I feel so much safer now that I know you doubt it.......

Good , all we can do is work with them , not alienate them more. I fear people like her give money to Israel to load up on arms to bring about the end, and to tear down the mosque and build a temple , which indeed will make many upset in the ME as well it should. I worry more about the Sampson Option, and I do believe Israel just may use it,, or its merely a threat to scare all their enemies which according to them are many.
I doubt Iran would attack with a nuclear bomb
I feel so much safer now that I know you doubt it.......

Good , all we can do is work with them , not alienate them more. I fear people like her give money to Israel to load up on arms to bring about the end, and to tear down the mosque and build a temple , which indeed will make many upset in the ME as well it should. I worry more about the Sampson Option, and I do believe Israel just may use it,, or its merely a threat to scare all their enemies which according to them are many.
tell me this.....if matters came down to two options.......1) Israel using said Sampson option or 2) Iraq building a nuclear weapon.......which do you favor?......

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