Michelle Obama: Black people don’t trust politics because the Republican Party is “all white men”


Gold Member
Aug 5, 2016
What is wrong with this racist tranny?

Michelle Obama: 'People Don't Trust Politics' Because GOP Is 'All Men, All White' - Breitbart

The Republican party has PLENTY of women, blacks, etc. Moochelle - did you ever hear of Ben Carson, Michael Steele, Clarence Thomas, Allen West, Mia Love, Walter Williams, Larry Elder, Herman Cain, Carly Fiorina, Conodleeza Rice, Nikki Haley, or Thomas Sowell?

Michelle IS a man -- IT IS a partial transsexual. Joan Rivers revealed that fact on TV, and 2 months later she was ... DEAD!!! She was killed by a man who was not her doctor. The jews put Obama in office because he was HIGHLY corruptible. He would do ANYTHING that the jews wanted him to do. Homosexual "marriage" was allowed under the Obama regime. Obama was the WORST and most stupid president that America has ever had.
What is wrong with this racist tranny?

Michelle Obama: 'People Don't Trust Politics' Because GOP Is 'All Men, All White' - Breitbart

The Republican party has PLENTY of women, blacks, etc. Moochelle - did you ever hear of Ben Carson, Michael Steele, Clarence Thomas, Allen West, Mia Love, Walter Williams, Larry Elder, Herman Cain, Carly Fiorina, Conodleeza Rice, Nikki Haley, or Thomas Sowell?

Michelle IS a man -- IT IS a partial transsexual. Joan Rivers revealed that fact on TV, and 2 months later she was ... DEAD!!! She was killed by a man who was not her doctor. The jews put Obama in office because he was HIGHLY corruptible. He would do ANYTHING that the jews wanted him to do. Homosexual "marriage" was allowed under the Obama regime. Obama was the WORST and most stupid president that America has ever had.

What a dumb man child stupid fag he is.

Now that his husband is no longer president he has no reason to be proud of the country.

These statements only tell us what blacks really are all about. The more this kind of things happen the more whites will be forced into being republicans by default.
What is wrong with this racist tranny?

Michelle Obama: 'People Don't Trust Politics' Because GOP Is 'All Men, All White' - Breitbart

The Republican party has PLENTY of women, blacks, etc. Moochelle - did you ever hear of Ben Carson, Michael Steele, Clarence Thomas, Allen West, Mia Love, Walter Williams, Larry Elder, Herman Cain, Carly Fiorina, Conodleeza Rice, Nikki Haley, or Thomas Sowell?

Michelle IS a man -- IT IS a partial transsexual. Joan Rivers revealed that fact on TV, and 2 months later she was ... DEAD!!! She was killed by a man who was not her doctor. The jews put Obama in office because he was HIGHLY corruptible. He would do ANYTHING that the jews wanted him to do. Homosexual "marriage" was allowed under the Obama regime. Obama was the WORST and most stupid president that America has ever had.

If whites are bad an one-way ticket to Africa can help.
Ho whites, no racists cops, no Trump, only sex, drugs, fun and happiness.
Why do cons still try to deny the Republican party is the party of old white men that are scared of change. It's like a child that poo-pooed on the floor and is forever denying it.

Embrace it cons, Trump is. He actually says there are 'good people' on the Nazi side of marchers in the street. This is who YOU are! The Republican party is the racist party trying to hide behind a few token minority members and a few women.

How it must pain conservatives to live your entire lives pretending to be something you aren't. You HAVE to hide your racism but it trickles out anyway. And then you are angry at people for noticing it.
What is wrong with this racist tranny?

Michelle Obama: 'People Don't Trust Politics' Because GOP Is 'All Men, All White' - Breitbart

The Republican party has PLENTY of women, blacks, etc. Moochelle - did you ever hear of Ben Carson, Michael Steele, Clarence Thomas, Allen West, Mia Love, Walter Williams, Larry Elder, Herman Cain, Carly Fiorina, Conodleeza Rice, Nikki Haley, or Thomas Sowell?

Michelle IS a man -- IT IS a partial transsexual. Joan Rivers revealed that fact on TV, and 2 months later she was ... DEAD!!! She was killed by a man who was not her doctor. The jews put Obama in office because he was HIGHLY corruptible. He would do ANYTHING that the jews wanted him to do. Homosexual "marriage" was allowed under the Obama regime. Obama was the WORST and most stupid president that America has ever had.
Didn't you know that all of those who you have named, have left the hood, and are Oreos, Uncle Toms, and White lovers. Now be nice to the 1st tranny and watch your white cracker ass, as Obama might community organize and sic the black panthers, BLM or Antifa on it.
Typical racist divisionary leftist. Focusing on skin color & age.

I find comments like this so completely absurd when you consider that almost all of the large cities with huge inner city populations of blacks are RUN BY DEMOCRATS. Decades of poverty, crime & drugs yet it's somehow my fault.
Why do cons still try to deny the Republican party is the party of old white men that are scared of change. It's like a child that poo-pooed on the floor and is forever denying it.

Embrace it cons, Trump is. He actually says there are 'good people' on the Nazi side of marchers in the street. This is who YOU are! The Republican party is the racist party trying to hide behind a few token minority members and a few women.

How it must pain conservatives to live your entire lives pretending to be something you aren't. You HAVE to hide your racism but it trickles out anyway. And then you are angry at people for noticing it.
You and the Mooch have the shoe on the wrong foot, as usual.
The repubs don't deny blacks or pander to whites; it's the democrats who pander to and segregate blacks. The bigotry is squarely on the Democrat party.
The way Obama acts, and whom he socializes with, leads me to the conclusion he wished he was more white than he is.

The Republican Party has given blacks no reason to vote for them and every reason not to

Obama was the WORST and most stupid president that America has ever had.
No. That was George W. Bush.

I don't like Obama anymore than you do, but the reality is he is infinitely more intelligent than W. Bush, who is a dimwitted, spoiled, rich-kid, fop, who did more damage to this Nation than any other President in our history. Bush is a criminal who should be turned over to the World Court -- which probably would hang him.

At least Obama wasn't an embarrassment.
The way Obama acts, and whom he socializes with, leads me to the conclusion he wished he was more white than he is.

Why wouldn't he?

Well, I guess you have a point. He could always go 'Michael Jackson' on us and start bleaching himself white. But how does that explain the old head of NAACP who was white, but was going all out to make herself look black, so when she said she was black, it was easier for her to believe?

Well, I guess you have a point. He could always go 'Michael Jackson' on us and start bleaching himself white. But how does that explain the old head of NAACP who was white, but was going all out to make herself look black, so when she said she was black, it was easier for her to believe?

There is at least one of everything in the known universe -- but I won't venture a guess in her example. Could be something as simple as political advantage combined with obsessive sexual preference, or some exotic and complicated pre-conscious compulsion. Simple answer: I don't know.

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