Michelle Obama criticizes Trump school lunch decision

I think that students should have healthy options (maybe not mandates). I remember being in high school (not too too long ago), and there weren't really any healthy options at all, but I had to bring my lunch-which is fine, but I do think schools should have healthy options.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- its ok with me if schools had varied items , my objection is to 'michelle obamas 'mandated lunch MGH !! [who the heck is she is my attitude]
Who is she? Geeezzz She is a PERSON, with a cause, who got the ear of lawmakers and got a bill through congress, JUST LIKE ANY ONE ELSE can do if they have the drive and commitment to do so. Why can't you get that through your thick fucking skull?? Your attitude is idiotic. Stop whining and bleating about her. It's pathetic and you're embarrassing yourself with it.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- m. Obama and her busy body kid feeding hobby seems to be over with P.P. .
I think that students should have healthy options (maybe not mandates). I remember being in high school (not too too long ago), and there weren't really any healthy options at all, but I had to bring my lunch-which is fine, but I do think schools should have healthy options.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- its ok with me if schools had varied items , my objection is to 'michelle obamas 'mandated lunch MGH !! [who the heck is she is my attitude]
Who is she? Geeezzz She is a PERSON, with a cause, who got the ear of lawmakers and got a bill through congress, JUST LIKE ANY ONE ELSE can do if they have the drive and commitment to do so. Why can't you get that through your thick fucking skull?? Your attitude is idiotic. Stop whining and bleating about her. It's pathetic and you're embarrassing yourself with it.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- m. Obama and her busy body kid feeding hobby seems to be over with P.P. .

I'm bored with you . You're not even trying to make any sense, as thought you are able to.

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I think that students should have healthy options (maybe not mandates). I remember being in high school (not too too long ago), and there weren't really any healthy options at all, but I had to bring my lunch-which is fine, but I do think schools should have healthy options.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- its ok with me if schools had varied items , my objection is to 'michelle obamas 'mandated lunch MGH !! [who the heck is she is my attitude]
Who is she? Geeezzz She is a PERSON, with a cause, who got the ear of lawmakers and got a bill through congress, JUST LIKE ANY ONE ELSE can do if they have the drive and commitment to do so. Why can't you get that through your thick fucking skull?? Your attitude is idiotic. Stop whining and bleating about her. It's pathetic and you're embarrassing yourself with it.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- m. Obama and her busy body kid feeding hobby seems to be over with P.P. .

I'm bored with you . You're not even trying to make any sense, as thought you are able to.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
------------------------------------------ I've been bored with you ever since you showed up a while ago P.P. Your wussiness sounds like you are an English subject . Just leave knowing that your and my President Trump slapped your girls claim to fame hobby program down , good riddance P.P..
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'michelle' is big momma eh ?? But to answer the question its partly because there should be NO school breakfasts and the second reason is that Parents should control what their kids eat at school lunch by being active in public schools , PTA and telling schools what they want their kids to eat . Or send the kids with bagged lunches ,

If the parents were paid a living wage instead of "earned income credits" and food stamps, and they could afford breakfast lunch and dinner for their kids. Until then, you're subsidizing their kids.
If parents are having children when they don't even make a living wage, they are criminally negligent and abusing their children.
No they are not "criminally negligent" They are poor!!
If you are poor and cannot afford children, you're criminally negligent. Period.
Because you say so?? That is a logical fallacy known as an appeal to ignorance. " I said it so its true" "believe me" Bullshit. I worked in child protective service and I know what abuse and neglect is. As long as those parents who are poor avail themselves to the resources and services that are available to provide for the kids, that are not guilty of anything.
If that is what you took from that, you lack any kind of critical thinking skills. Seems you don't do too well with comprehension either.
If the parents were paid a living wage instead of "earned income credits" and food stamps, and they could afford breakfast lunch and dinner for their kids. Until then, you're subsidizing their kids.
If parents are having children when they don't even make a living wage, they are criminally negligent and abusing their children.
No they are not "criminally negligent" They are poor!!
If you are poor and cannot afford children, you're criminally negligent. Period.
Because you say so?? That is a logical fallacy known as an appeal to ignorance. " I said it so its true" "believe me" Bullshit. I worked in child protective service and I know what abuse and neglect is. As long as those parents who are poor avail themselves to the resources and services that are available to provide for the kids, that are not guilty of anything.
If that is what you took from that, you lack any kind of critical thinking skills. Seems you don't do too well with comprehension either.
Seriously dip shit!!?? Show us the legal definition of "criminally negligent". Show how I'm wrong!
i don't give a feck about YOUR kids , thats YOUR business Charwin .

If you don't care then what the hell you keep posting stupid stuff and racist crap? I don't give a feck about your kids Pismoe piece of shit.

At least I am responsible citizen trying to convince ignorant fuck like you who is trying to insist salty food is good.
My kids are very healthy I feed them and trained them very well to respect and behave all races. They grow up very decent.
Based from all your post you are just a piece rotten full of crap and scumbag.
------------------------------------------------Hey Charwin , hey I never mentioned Salty foods . I do not post racist insults or banter as most board members will attest . I am also mostly polite as I watch my language Char , may I call you Char Charwin !! Anyway , your kids and what they eat is none of my or 'mochelles' business Char !!. ------------------- BREAKING News , by the way , the 'norks' just fired off a new missile test and Japan is protesting . Some talking heads on telly are saying that Trump MAY have to do something . Its just been reported that TRUMP has been informed Char .

Michele not mochele introduced a better diet so kids do not eat more salt. At least try to avoid obesity if possible.
Then Dumb stupid Trump put it back the salty food. For what? Politics?

If your kids go to public school then the government is telling or dictating what they eat at school. At least Michele is trying to help feed these kids a better diet.
What part of that don't you understand idiot?

What is missile test has anything to do with your ignorance?
------------------------------------------------ yeah , yeah , yeah , the federal gov has the RIGHT to dictate . Thats a pretty 'sheep' like attitude telling people that pay for the schools that they can be dictated to by an unelected 'mochelle obama' Char !!

If your kids go to public school and they are feeding your kids------- The government is dictating/telling what your kids should eat.
One thing I have not seen in the posts I have read, which is not nearly all of them, is RECIPES.

Instead of going from whatever the kids will eat to all fresh vegetables, low sodium, low fat, low taste, some testing could have gone into recipes meeting somewhere in the middle and foods they would eagerly eat.
---------------------------------------------------------- generally speaking , my only objection to 'michelle obama' being involved in school lunches is that it is not any of her business to be involved in school lunches outside of her own kids . My kids are grown so I never paid attention to her program and no matter if it was good or bad it is not any of her business what other peoples kids eat . That's the crux of the matter , at least for me . The issue of healthy school lunches should be the decision of parents and their local schools PTA and not some busybody 'michelle obama' that picked an issue to go after . ------------------ just a comment !!

But it's acceptable for Trump telling you consume more salt? That is what you and others are supporting here.
If they let parents make decisions then we should have not obese kids.
-------------------------------------- [chuckle]

Good rebuttal.
I care because it shows , demonstrates to young kids that the big bad nanny government can dictate to them and their parents even on personal issues like what they are allowed 'by gov' to eat PK1.

Really? Didn't your just said ------ You don't give a FECK what kids eat?
My tax my money I do care what kids ate at public schools.
i don't give a feck about YOUR kids , thats YOUR business Charwin .

If you don't care then what the hell you keep posting stupid stuff and racist crap? I don't give a feck about your kids Pismoe piece of shit.

At least I am responsible citizen trying to convince ignorant fuck like you who is trying to insist salty food is good.
My kids are very healthy I feed them and trained them very well to respect and behave all races. They grow up very decent.
Based from all your post you are just a piece rotten full of crap and scumbag.
------------------------------------------------Hey Charwin , hey I never mentioned Salty foods . I do not post racist insults or banter as most board members will attest . I am also mostly polite as I watch my language Char , may I call you Char Charwin !! Anyway , your kids and what they eat is none of my or 'mochelles' business Char !!. ------------------- BREAKING News , by the way , the 'norks' just fired off a new missile test and Japan is protesting . Some talking heads on telly are saying that Trump MAY have to do something . Its just been reported that TRUMP has been informed Char .

Michele not mochele introduced a better diet so kids do not eat more salt. At least try to avoid obesity if possible.
Then Dumb stupid Trump put it back the salty food. For what? Politics?

If your kids go to public school then the government is telling or dictating what they eat at school. At least Michele is trying to help feed these kids a better diet.
What part of that don't you understand idiot?

What is missile test has anything to do with your ignorance?
------------------------------------------------ yeah , yeah , yeah , the federal gov has the RIGHT to dictate . Thats a pretty 'sheep' like attitude telling people that pay for the schools that they can be dictated to by an unelected 'mochelle obama' Char !!

If your kids go to public school and they are feeding your kids------- The government is dictating/telling what your kids should eat.
----------------------------------------------- Well the kids just throw it into the garbage from what I hear and at least it won't be 'mrs obama' orders anymore so her legacy is gone Charwin .
Yet another massive fail from two morons that should have never been allowed near the WH.
Another sassy massive stupid comment. Hopeless.
It was a failure, the kids hated the food. You can't refute it so you resume trolling....THAT is hopeless and if it's all you can muster step off, old fuck

See? I couldn't care less about you, troll
If you don't care, why did you respond? To demonstrate your irrationality?

The kids hate healthy food? So your solution is to give them junk food because they like that?

Wow, that's rational .. NOT!
You would make a terrible mother.

They hated it, it doesnt do shit to give a child "healthy" food if they wont eat iit.

Jesus christ youre fucking stupid.

If the kids or you hated it then they should bring their own food. If irresponsible mother like you and irresponsible grand father 70yo like Pismoe feed them with McDonald's. Go for it.

But you don't come here and insist that unhealthy food is acceptable just because Trump said so. This is a good example of DEPLORABLE Trump supporters. Very low.
We are talking about health of children obesity and diabetes is a big problem right now and it seems that both of you don't give a shit.
I bet both of you are obese people.
silly postings Char but the main issue is that 'mrs obamas' legacy is gone !!
hows it going , nice to see you back and posting Charwin !!

Returned yesterday morning from San Francisco. We went to Oakland last Sunday watched the NBA playoff game 1 at Oracle between Golden State Warriors vs San Antonio Spurs.
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Michelle Obama on Friday criticized a Trump administration decision to delay federal rules aimed at making school lunch healthier, saying kids will end up "eating crap" instead.

Mrs. Obama told an annual health conference in Washington that more nutritionally sound school lunches are needed since millions of kids eat federally subsidized breakfast and lunch at school. Without mentioning President Donald Trump by name, she urged parents to think about the government's decision and "look at motives."

"You have to stop and think, 'Why don't you want our kids to have good food at school? What is wrong with you and why is that a partisan issue?" Mrs. Obama said. "Why would that be political?"

News from The Associated Press

Shut up you twit, nobody gives a rats ass what you think.
Says the REPUBLICAN who tried to deny he's a Republican. Fucking liar.

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