Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index At 78.3! Obama Policies Working!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
The widely watched Michigan Consumer Confidence Index can even turn around a stock-market moaning over Europe, which not doing nearly as well! People buying create people making--and even money(?)!

U.S. Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index Increases to 78.3 - Businessweek

Socialist China is not doing very well, so China will likely take interventionist steps to fix that.

Allusion is made to the wealth effect, in the link. Wealth effects tend to lead to purchasing, which leads to manufacturing. Water tends to happen after summer and fall, and so the drought will likely abate, and is abating.

There can even be food in America: With Obama-Biden in office, with a Democratic Senate and House, like before. There will even be a Ben Bernanke, while just possibly a former Rep. Ryan, from Wisconsin, will be learning about budgeting: More at the Household Level. Not even in MediCare reform is budgeting a Criminal Offense.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Soon Beer Again Flow like gentle juice from barley(?) and Rice Wine--and anything else distillable for human consumption!)
Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index At 78.3! Obama Policies Working!

Oh goody.
Soon the elections will be over, and Americans will turn again to making Charitable Preparations(?)! Soon Again, they will take what they hast, and send it off to stricken Haiti, or stricken East Africa, in the year-end spirit--every dime! Some, of course, may also turn to celebrate the Holy Father's own personal Christian Hitler Youth--and even in a Hanukka, or Kwanza, celebratory abience(?)!

"Suck--hmpf, hmpf, hmpf-Cess!" "Suck-Cess!" Suck-Cess!" "To the Leader," as Always!

Therein can many be reminded of what they were doing: In all of those foreclosure crisis years(?)!

For their part, the Moslems tend to celebrate the passing of the summer solistice--earlier on in the year! It's a Ramadamadingdong, thang for some people. The Chinese have famously celebrated "Red" since it found out the monster: Wouldn't eat the child(!)?

And all of these people are adults, going back millenia(?). . .or more(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Even the Vatican acknowledges that the Hitler Youth was all the rage, among the boys, at the time! Anyone notices that little girls do not dream of ever becoming a Pope, or even Pope-esse! (It is for one thing, a hard concept to even try to spell(?)!))
The worst declines in GDP actually started in 2008, which comes before 2009. Senator John McCain called that a "strong economy," a likely precursor of what to expect from Romney-Ryan.

GDP report: Economy up 3.5%, topping expectations - Oct. 29, 2009

2012 is the second year of a spring "soft-patch," last year a consequence of natural disasters, this year extended due to a drought. A drought is a form of natural disaster.

The increase of consumer confidence is noting the perceptions of change that are underway, even in the weather(?)! More importantly than that is the "wealth effect!"

So on any relative recent comparative basis: This is not the Great Depression era of 25% official unemployment. Bums on the trains and on the road were likely not counted in those official results of that time. The actual unemployment rates may have been 40% or more.

This is not that, by any means at all. And going forward with Obama-Biden is to not go back to Bush-Cheney-Romney-Ryan: Who know who they are, and what they were doing all those years!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(White Eyes worship St. Paul Of The Vision: Of Great Gestapo Returning To Save The World, A In Warrior Battle Dress--And Probably All Guys(?). . . .And Thirsty. . . .And Ready For Legitimate Rape(?)!)
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