Michigan School Shooting, 3 dead.

People are not always the product of their parents. Ma y people are just messed up. Its the way they're wired.

NOBODY is responsible for another's actions. Only an idiot would think so
Agree, but when a person is found to be responsible for training that pit bull to kill, then they definitely should get what's coming to them once the court determines that in the court trial that proceeds the situation.
What actions make THEM guilty of manslaughter?
They didn’t take their son home when the school demanded it.

During a conference about their son explicitly writing that he wanted to shoot up the school, it didn’t occur to them to mention that they had recently bought him a gun.

Their inaction and failure to cooperate it’s the school placed everyone at the school at risk.

I honestly don’t know if their actions that day legally constitute involuntary manslaughter, but they are clearly terrible people.
Explain exactly WHY
How about parents that furnish the murder weapon to a mentally ill son filled with hate while the school counsels them about his disturbing behavior. They do not take the young man out of school, they knew there was a firearm in the home that he had access to but failed to check his backpack in the parent meeting with school officials. They flee when charges are brought against them instead of focusing on their son.

When will there be some controls over the amount of guns in America? This slaughter of children can't be in anybody's interests!
So blame it on the NRA.That's that Easy Breezie leftist way.
Name for me that last time a bona-fide NRA member as much as hurt
another human being.You Can't.
I can name an entire summer of BLM and Antifa thugs rolling into big
Urban neighborhoods and Rioting,Looting and coldcocking Innocent
Americans.Trying to hit Cops when tossing Frozen bottles or even Malatov Cocktails.
Actually Burning Federal Bldgs. and even an Historic Church that was built
at the same time as the White House.
How many Shootings happen every weekend in Chicago, Philly { Just set a new
record for yearly shootings } and many other urban hellholes like Baltimore
and Detroit.
Now the Parents are made to share in the Crime.How many BLM/Antifa
Parents were hunted down like Serial Killers.
So blame it on the NRA.That's that Easy Breezie leftist way.
Name for me that last time a bona-fide NRA member as much as hurt
another human being.You Can't.
I can name an entire summer of BLM and Antifa thugs rolling into big
Urban neighborhoods and Rioting,Looting and coldcocking Innocent
Americans.Trying to hit Cops when tossing Frozen bottles or even Malatov Cocktails.
Actually Burning Federal Bldgs. and even an Historic Church that was built
at the same time as the White House.
How many Shootings happen every weekend in Chicago, Philly { Just set a new
record for yearly shootings } and many other urban hellholes like Baltimore
and Detroit.
Now the Parents are made to share in the Crime.How many BLM/Antifa
Parents were hunted down like Serial Killers.
Interesting topic!

This link suggests that about 1% of NRA members murder with their guns.

So the question is: Is that a lower or higher per centage than the general American population?
They didn’t take their son home when the school demanded it.

During a conference about their son explicitly writing that he wanted to shoot up the school, it didn’t occur to them to mention that they had recently bought him a gun.

Their inaction and failure to cooperate it’s the school placed everyone at the school at risk.

I honestly don’t know if their actions that day legally constitute involuntary manslaughter, but they are clearly terrible people.
Something about this school shooting does not add up.The Aurora Theatre shooting
and the Gabby Giffords shooting and Sandy Hook all share a pattern.
The Shooter was Nutty.Either half out of their mind or under mind control
like the Aurora { Joker } shooter.
It does not take much to find a kid who can be used to perpetrate this
madness.Either with psychedelic Mind Control drugs or some form of
Hypnosis.We know that it's not past our Government to exploit situations
for a Political Result.Like with WACO and numerous other tragedies.
I honestly don’t know if their actions that day legally constitute involuntary manslaughter, but they are clearly terrible people.
The gun owner hating lib news media has not given us their side of the story

There is a whole lot of rush to judgement on the left when their culture that is driving children crazy

And the lib education establishment that failed to secure the school

Criminal Parental Liability​

"Laws making parents criminally responsible for the delinquent acts of their children followed the civil liability statutes. In 1903, Colorado was the first state to enact a law against "contributing to the delinquency of a minor." At least 42 other states and DC now have laws against contributing to the delinquency of a minor.

Other examples of criminal liability include firearm access and Internet crime related laws. Slightly more than half of all states have child firearm access prevention laws that, generally, make it illegal for a parent to leave a firearm within reach of his or her child."

Something about this school shooting does not add up.The Aurora Theatre shooting
and the Gabby Giffords shooting and Sandy Hook all share a pattern.
The Shooter was Nutty.Either half out of their mind or under mind control
like the Aurora { Joker } shooter.
It does not take much to find a kid who can be used to perpetrate this
madness.Either with psychedelic Mind Control drugs or some form of
Hypnosis.We know that it's not past our Government to exploit situations
for a Political Result.Like with WACO and numerous other tragedies.
Yep, it is definitely a study for sure. In the mean time people need to wake up.
Interesting topic!

This link suggests that about 1% of NRA members murder with their guns.

So the question is: Is that a lower or higher per centage than the general American population?
Lame attempt to prove as facts something that " suggests ".
What to expect from those who Do Not Value Truth.
Which is Rampant.CNN,MSNBC,Washington Post,L.A.Times,and N.Y. Times
are guilty as hell when it comesto flat-out Lying.
PLus those like Nancy Pelosi are Evil.She used as excuse a January 6th
Commission for the purpose of Persecuting her Rivals.
She knew all along how many Capitol Cops were at the Capitol That day.
She also had 14,000 hrs. video at her disposal to prove most everything.
She refused to allow any of that footage.
She refused any Republicans on that Commission that were chosen
by Minority leader McCarthy.That means she cannot legally issue Subpoenas.
Due Process and Lawyer/Client Priviledge is sacrosanct.Especially in the state
of California.John Eastman is willing to go before Pelosi's Witchhunt Commission
and explain the law to that ragtag team of neanderthal Partisans.

Criminal Parental Liability​

"Laws making parents criminally responsible for the delinquent acts of their children followed the civil liability statutes. In 1903, Colorado was the first state to enact a law against "contributing to the delinquency of a minor." At least 42 other states and DC now have laws against contributing to the delinquency of a minor.

Other examples of criminal liability include firearm access and Internet crime related laws. Slightly more than half of all states have child firearm access prevention laws that, generally, make it illegal for a parent to leave a firearm within reach of his or her child."

What is the pro-gun side's position on preventing children from getting their hands on guns.

It seems that they would maintain that guns can be left lying around all over their houses, not loaded hopefully?

The reasonins will be, the guns don't kill people, people kill people.
Lame attempt to prove as facts something that " suggests ".
What to expect from those who Do Not Value Truth.
Which is Rampant.CNN,MSNBC,Washington Post,L.A.Times,and N.Y. Times
are guilty as hell when it comesto flat-out Lying.
PLus those like Nancy Pelosi are Evil.She used as excuse a January 6th
Commission for the purpose of Persecuting her Rivals.
She knew all along how many Capitol Cops were at the Capitol That day.
She also had 14,000 hrs. video at her disposal to prove most everything.
She refused to allow any of that footage.
She refused any Republicans on that Commission that were chosen
by Minority leader McCarthy.That means she cannot legally issue Subpoenas.
Due Process and Lawyer/Client Priviledge is sacrosanct.Especially in the state
of California.John Eastman is willing to go before Pelosi's Witchhunt Commission
and explain the law to that ragtag team of neanderthal Partisans.
I'll just end my participation in this 'gun' thread by asking again: Is the per centage of gun murderers in the NRA greater or lesser than the general population?
Your snarky reply seems to suggest that the question made you uncomfortable.
This story had no good ending. If the school could not get the parents to take custody of their child after the school meeting, the school would have had to call DCFS or the police so that they could take custody of him. Ultimately either one of those agencies would have contacted the parents to come and get their kid. The only saving grace is if the police were called because they could have disarmed the kid. The school didn't know he had a gun, but the parents knew he had access to one and could have surmised that he was armed.

Schools are not in a position to handle these kinds of situations. Why do we allow parents abdicate their responsibility?
Last edited:
It's important because of the precedence it could set. If these parents are held responsible for their child's behaviour with a gun, then other parents will get the message and that would conceivably reduce the gun murder statistics somewhat.

Who would argue about there being some value in that?
Even though it would then mean that guns need to be locked up where children can't get their hands on them!

So much for keeping a loaded gun under your pillow for protection.
What is the pro-gun side's position on preventing children from getting their hands on guns.

It seems that they would maintain that guns can be left lying around all over their houses, not loaded hopefully?

The reasonins will be, the guns don't kill people, people kill people.
Not for the prevention of any children as being in the age ranges of responsible gun/hunting trained skilled teens, from having a gun if need be, but I am definitely for the not allowing of children in their teenage years (that are not trained in the handling of guns or when they have mental condition's, criminal record's etc), otherwise in which proves that they as a person(s) aren't qualified or responsible enough to have a gun, to then have access to a gun by way of their parents or by the non-enforcement of what is already on the book's "gun rules or law's"... They should disqualify a person of such from having a weapon at all if they fall into such categories.

Problem is, is that leftist politics hides who these people that don't qualify are, and therefore they end up getting gun's, and then unfortunately hurting people because of that. Right now the police, mayor, and government of Chicago knows who the dangerous people are, and they have informant's embedded to give them information, but because of dirty leftist politics, and a narrative that is running wild all across this nation, they think that they can't do a damned thing about the criminal's who are holding their city hostage, and are killing citizen's by the thousand's there.
This story had no good ending. If the school could not get the parents to take custody of their child after the school meeting, the school would have had to call DCFS or the police so that they could take custody of him. Ultimately either one of those agencies would have contacted the parents to come and get their kid. The only saving grace is if the police were called because they could have disarmed the kid. But the school didn't know he had a gun. But the parents knew he had access to one and could have surmised that he was armed.

Schools are not in a position to handle these kinds of situations. Why do we allow parents abdicate their responsibility?
Fair post.
Not for the prevention of any children as being in the age ranges of responsible gun/hunting trained skilled teens, from having a gun if need be, but I am definitely for the not allowing of children in their teenage years (that are not trained in the handling of guns or when they have mental condition's, criminal record's etc), otherwise in which proves that they as a person(s) aren't qualified or responsible enough to have a gun, to then have access to a gun by way of their parents or by the non-enforcement of what is already on the book's "gun rules or law's"... They should disqualify a person of such from having a weapon at all if they fall into such categories.

Problem is, is that leftist politics hides who these people that don't qualify are, and therefore they end up getting gun's, and then unfortunately hurting people because of that. Right now the police, mayor, and government of Chicago knows who the dangerous people are, and they have informant's embedded to give them information, but because of dirty leftist politics, and a narrative that is running wild all across this nation, they think that they can't do a damned thing about the criminal's who are holding their city hostage, and are killing citizen's by the thousand's there.
What are you trying to tell me? That guns should all be locked up or that guns should be kept under your pillows, loaded?
Or something about the ages of children?

Locking up the guns isn't going to go over very well with people like 2A and shooter!
Oh, and isn't determining a person's mental soundness to own a gun, against the law?

Criminal Parental Liability​

"Laws making parents criminally responsible for the delinquent acts of their children followed the civil liability statutes. In 1903, Colorado was the first state to enact a law against "contributing to the delinquency of a minor." At least 42 other states and DC now have laws against contributing to the delinquency of a minor.

Other examples of criminal liability include firearm access and Internet crime related laws. Slightly more than half of all states have child firearm access prevention laws that, generally, make it illegal for a parent to leave a firearm within reach of his or her child."

Dint stop, Adam Lanza from getting into his Mom's { a gun enthuthiast }
Locked gun safe.His mom also carted him off to Target Practice on occasion.
I believe he was under medications for anxiety and other problems.
He was only communicating with his mom via E-mail at home .Even though too weird to attend school he was
thought to be very computer savvy.He could have been under mind control
w/o knowing it.Like The Joker. Who was seeing a Government Psychiatrist.
MK Ultra anyone.

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