Michigan School Shooting, 3 dead.

Aren't his parents on the run? They gave him the gun to take to school, and wrote him a text message about not getting caught I saw this on the news yesterday!

Wrong on all 3 points.

1. His parents are not on the run

2. The text message they sent him was about him getting caught googling ammo at school on his phone.

3. They did not give him the gun to bring to school.

Stop watching CNN. It's dumbing you down.
At state fairs people are not allowed to bring in backpacks, at the airport we are told to arrive 2 to 3 hours early due to the security. Do you want our school kids to show up 2 hours early so all can make it to class on time?

And what would you have them not take into school with them?

Their calculators which will set off the metal detector?

Their backpacks which will set off the metal detector?

Their car keys which will set off the metal detector?

Their notebooks/binders which will set off the metal detector?

Their table/laptop they use in class, which will set off the metal detector?

Their belts, shoes, watches, ear rings and more which will set off the metal detector?
Ending liberalism would end this problem. It's a MORALITY problem and technology won't fix it

They’re not just going to reorganize spending in a way that’s going to appease you. If they get additional security, it’s going to be through ADDITIONAL funds.
If libs dont have the guts to trim the fat in education and protect the children I do

$600 billion has a lot of fat
If libs dont have the guts to trim the fat in education and protect the children I do

$600 billion has a lot of fat

Not nearly as much fat as our military spending has. Yet I'm sure you would throw a fit if we cut from that to spend for school security.

The simple reality is that IF we spend the money for school-wide security, you won't like where that money comes from.

And you still won't address the blame that should be placed on the parents because you're a coward.

When will there be some controls over the amount of guns in America? This slaughter of children can't be in anybody's interests!
I don't care how mature they are no child should have a gun that's insane.
These students were killed because they were unarmed. The shootings will stop when the shooter faces the same danger as the victims.
Are you absolutely insane, you're suggesting all students be armed. Teenagers are crazy half the time because of their raging hormones and the internet is driving them even crazier. Giving them all guns would only multiply the problem.
The NRA is useless as all they care about is their money.

The denizens on the extremes of both right and left wings are the greatest threats to the United States.
The far right outnumbers the far left by like 20 to 1. That's why the FBI considers them the greatest threat to the United States sheer numbers and they have a lot more guns than the left does.
This story had no good ending. If the school could not get the parents to take custody of their child after the school meeting, the school would have had to call DCFS or the police so that they could take custody of him. Ultimately either one of those agencies would have contacted the parents to come and get their kid. The only saving grace is if the police were called because they could have disarmed the kid. The school didn't know he had a gun, but the parents knew he had access to one and could have surmised that he was armed.

Schools are not in a position to handle these kinds of situations. Why do we allow parents abdicate their responsibility?
As far as I'm concerned these parents are just as guilty as the kid they allowed it to happen they knew he was a troubled kid and they gave him a gun that's insane.
It's important because of the precedence it could set. If these parents are held responsible for their child's behaviour with a gun, then other parents will get the message and that would conceivably reduce the gun murder statistics somewhat.

Who would argue about there being some value in that?
Even though it would then mean that guns need to be locked up where children can't get their hands on them!

So much for keeping a loaded gun under your pillow for protection.
The parents knew this kid was troubled so what do they do they give him a gun I'd say that's pretty criminal of them and any sane person would agree. They created the situation by giving him the damn gun. No child should have a gun, a child with obvious problem should never have a gun. It's a recipe for disaster.
The parents knew this kid was troubled so what do they do they give him a gun I'd say that's pretty criminal of them and any sane person would agree. They created the situation by giving him the damn gun. No child should have a gun, a child with obvious problem should never have a gun. It's a recipe for disaster.
Of course, but the pro-gun weirdos don't disqualify anybody because they have to be extremists on all gun issues.
Unfortunately the parents apparently never grew up either so the son never had a chance for a normal life.

But then we hear that 80 to 90% of Americans are in favour of background checks and some gun control! What's that all about? Politicians paid off by the gun lobbyists?
Hey son, dot forget to take my handgun to school today! Here. Let me stick it in your backpack for you. Have a nice day at school!

It appears, the latest talking point of the left is, "the evil parents GAVE HIM THE GUN" :auiqs.jpg:

But every time I challenge these MSLSD addicts, they go silent.

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