Microsoft In On Movement To Help Defund GOP & Fellow-Travelers--Those Lawmakers Voting Against Electoral College!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
The famous Nuremberg Trials were the World Famous outcome during the Return To Private Citizenship of the former Nazis. Some would go on to possible remorse with self-inflicted executions. The Allies had actually NOT stolen the outcome of their atrocities from them. The Nazis actually did lose WWII, historically recorded. It is not clear that even new Representative Greene could be said on board with the non-conspiratorial, well-documented: Actual basis for International Law and Conventions that went on to actually happen. In that Unresolved,
Republican public policy matter: Is even the whereabouts of the Jewish Backfires Brigades(?).

Microsoft employees will now have nothing further to do with the International disgrace and defilement: Represented in votes that offered to reject the Electoral College results.

Mostly, in the United States: What Nuremberg was all about was still widely unbelievable: Even after Eisenhower took office--who knew more about what had happened. Even in the 60's, what my one relative learned about the Holocaust: Were the stories from Tim Boyle's mom--Pacific Northwest famous, Gert--way before Columbia Sportswear became World Famous--haberdashery(?). I have cousins in the shirt business: Who likely would have become jealous, all in all(?)! There are remote areas, still called the Pacific Northwest.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(To know Pharaoh's likely alliance formation arithmetic--was still not learning about real foreign aid(?)--Deut 23: 19-20!)
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