Middle Class Voters Favor Republicans

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
This is going to make the libtardos cry.

Women are leaving the Democrats bigly. Men have had enough of the stupid Socialists and the evidence is now clear.

Keep up the good work, libtardos. I love seeing you destroy your party.

Go Trump!

"The Democratic Party’s advantage among American women suffered a six percentage point swing over the past year, according to a Gallup poll released Monday.

Republicans also now enjoy an advantage with middle-class voters. A year ago, Democrats led Republicans 46 to 36 among voters earning $30,000 and $74,999 annual. Now Republicans have the lead, 49 to 45"

Poll: Democrats Lose Advantage with Middle Class Americans, Gender Gap Collapses | Breitbart
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The left has made a hobby of insulting the middle class. As one man said "The democrats gave me a promotion. I was deplorable, now I'm a dreg."
All the people vote Republican, save the country!

Only one other time in the last decade has the Republican Party had a significantly higher score than the Democratic Party. That one exception came in November 2014, immediately after elections that saw Republicans capture control of the Senate and expand their majority in the House, when 42% rated the GOP favorably and 36% the Democrats.

The overall increase in the favorable image of the Republican Party is a result of a jump in the positive views of Republicans, including independents who lean toward the party. The percentage of Republicans and leaners with favorable views of their party grew from 67% last September to 85% now.

Republican Party Favorability Highest in Seven Years

Its close.
This message brought you by, Polls: “Polls: Yesterday’s Fake News, Today’s Gospel!”

Gallup is a libtarded institution. They hate Republicans. They hate Trump. I did notice they only differentiated between two genders. Do you have any polling on your particular gender?

Do you believe the poll? Or do you only trust Gallop when they confirm your bias? I don’t trust polls at all anymore.
While Republicans have become significantly more positive about their party over the past year, Democrats' views of the Republican Party and their own Democratic Party have essentially not changed. - Gallup Poll
The poll does not say democrats, liberals or independants favor the republicans, it says republicans themselves have a better (or positive) view of their own party.
Good news if it’s true, but it’s a poll so who knows

The poll I care about happens in November

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