Migrant Caravan Coming

Unbelievable, the hysterics Trump sheep are flying into over a few dozen people trying to legally enter the country.
Well it just shows Mexico’s hostile nature toward the US. Why didn’t these migrants seek refuge in Mexico!
Migrant Caravan Coming

I suppose the OP's too young to remember but this is yet another rerun.

"The Yellow Peril" a/k/a "Chinese hordes".... "No Irish need apply"...... etc Those who ignore their own history are condemned to become a punch line.
Migrant Caravan Coming

I suppose the OP's too young to remember but this is yet another rerun.

"The Yellow Peril" a/k/a "Chinese hordes".... "No Irish need apply"...... etc Those who ignore their own history are condemned to become a punch line.
I see you encourage criminal trespass by the great unwashed.
Migrant Caravan Coming

I suppose the OP's too young to remember but this is yet another rerun.

"The Yellow Peril" a/k/a "Chinese hordes".... "No Irish need apply"...... etc Those who ignore their own history are condemned to become a punch line.
I see you encourage criminal trespass by the great unwashed.

No you don't, since I posted nothing even vaguely related to any such thing. What I posted about was the hair-on-fire nativist yokeling and how it's been here before. That's what "those who ignore their own history" refers to. Ask the Know Nothings.

In other words it's not about the OP's topic; it's about the OP.

Reading is fun-duh-mental.
Migrant Caravan Coming

I suppose the OP's too young to remember but this is yet another rerun.

"The Yellow Peril" a/k/a "Chinese hordes".... "No Irish need apply"...... etc Those who ignore their own history are condemned to become a punch line.
I see you encourage criminal trespass by the great unwashed.

No you don't, since I posted nothing even vaguely related to any such thing. What I posted about was the hair-on-fire nativist yokeling and how it's been here before. That's what "those who ignore their own history" refers to. Ask the Know Nothings.

In other words it's not about the OP's topic; it's about the OP.

Reading is fun-duh-mental.
Well shit! That’s trolling when you ignore the topic and go after the op.
Republicans:. "Fucking Mexicans are coming to steal our jobs!!"

Also republicans:. "lazy-ass immigrants are coming to live off the system!!"

Somebody explain that little contradiction for me.
Republicans:. "Fucking Mexicans are coming to steal our jobs!!"

Also republicans:. "lazy-ass immigrants are coming to live off the system!!"

Somebody explain that little contradiction for me.
Okay, no problem. Eleven to fifteen million can do both! Thanks for asking.

Democrat votes on their way to the U.S.

This is the caravan that I care about

The Really Dangerous Caravan

They’re coming to get you. As a matter of fact, they’ve been coming to get you for quite a while. Whether it’s trying to kill Obamacare or kill 4,500 more people every year with pollution, it seems like the new brand of Trump Republicans are the ones really out to get us.

If it was a subtle dog whistle before, now it is a blaring loudspeaker: Trump’s Republicans want to win this election using xenophobia, racism and fear. The timing of the migrant caravan fleeing violence and despair in Central America is perfect fodder for their hateful campaign.

Migrants marching north and partisan pipe bombs are both big stories, but let’s also remember just how much today’s Republicans want to keep changing the United States for the worse— by repealing the Affordable Care Act, continued land and tax giveaways to corporations and horrific policies like family separation. This is the real deal. Vote.
Republicans:. "Fucking Mexicans are coming to steal our jobs!!"

Also republicans:. "lazy-ass immigrants are coming to live off the system!!"

Somebody explain that little contradiction for me.
I'm pretty sure both of those things are true. Mexicans are taking jobs AND they are getting welfare benefits. Am I wrong?
This thread was started in April. These caravans are becoming endless broken records.
Adios Amigos!
Republicans:. "Fucking Mexicans are coming to steal our jobs!!"

Also republicans:. "lazy-ass immigrants are coming to live off the system!!"

Somebody explain that little contradiction for me.
I'm pretty sure both of those things are true. Mexicans are taking jobs AND they are getting welfare benefits. Am I wrong?
Yes. You are wrong.


Republicans:. "Fucking Mexicans are coming to steal our jobs!!"

Also republicans:. "lazy-ass immigrants are coming to live off the system!!"

Somebody explain that little contradiction for me.
I'm pretty sure both of those things are true. Mexicans are taking jobs AND they are getting welfare benefits. Am I wrong?
Yes. You are wrong.
No im not, and you know that im not wrong, which makes your post even more pathetic. What on earth gave you the impression that denying obvious shit is somehow sa good argument? You are dumb, dude.

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