Migrants At Southern Border


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2017
Seeking asylum. If there are so many coming from countries that aren't 'safe' they why isn't the U.N. doing something about these countries? Where are all the human rights campaigners?
Basically Latin American countries are dumping their poor people on to the backs of American taxpayers and then the Democrats are calling American citizens "xenophobic" if they complain about it
Seeking asylum. If there are so many coming from countries that aren't 'safe' they why isn't the U.N. doing something about these countries? Where are all the human rights campaigners?
/----/ The UN is too busy trying to fleece the US Taxpayers to worry about trifles like genocide and unsafe countries. Man where is your head at?
A large group tried to run across the border but were busted...they will be prosecuted and returned to their home nation for their efforts...Trump is not messing around...
A large group tried to run across the border but were busted...they will be prosecuted and returned to their home nation for their efforts...Trump is not messing around...

Yes. Once they enter illegally, they aren't entitled to claim asylum. Just send them back.
A large group tried to run across the border but were busted...they will be prosecuted and returned to their home nation for their efforts...Trump is not messing around...
--------------------------------------------------------------- with all due respect , what is being done to exclude these illegal aliens . I say that nothing is being done . This current batch seem to be being processed into the USA as i type this little response . As far as Trump not messing around , i see nothing being done that an American would approve of Rambunctious .
with all due respect , what is being done to exclude these illegal aliens . I say that nothing is being done . This current batch seem to be being processed into the USA as i type this little response . As far as Trump not messing around , i see nothing being done that an American would approve of Rambunctious
They are being detained not released...they will be brought before a judge...most likely one of the new Trump appointed judges and their asylum stories will be checked out....that alone is different form the Obama days...Obama just allowed them to enter and promise to show up for a court date....that's over....
thank you and i hope that you are correct . Course the asylum stories are all BS anyway . And TRUMP oughta be careful and get some laws changed as i think that some of his base are going to get pizzed off and throw up their hands and say --- feck this sh1t .
and , its my thinking that some of these illegals will be distributed throughout the USA as refugees or asylum seekers AND , ALL these aliens are FOS and shouldn't be taken seriously with their tales of woe to any 'judge' as this entire charade is simply a charade .
thank you and i hope that you are correct . Course the asylum stories are all BS anyway . And TRUMP oughta be careful and get some laws changed as i think that some of his base are going to get pizzed off and throw up their hands and say --- feck this sh1t .
The laws need to be changed so this will stop happening and that is on congress....vote for people that are tough on border protection...that is all we can do and then hope for the best....I'm sure we will see Trump pounding on this for the 2018 elections...
thank you and i hope that you are correct . Course the asylum stories are all BS anyway . And TRUMP oughta be careful and get some laws changed as i think that some of his base are going to get pizzed off and throw up their hands and say --- feck this sh1t .
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I mean some might say , hey , we might as well have 'illary' as it matters not who is President .
thank you and i hope that you are correct . Course the asylum stories are all BS anyway . And TRUMP oughta be careful and get some laws changed as i think that some of his base are going to get pizzed off and throw up their hands and say --- feck this sh1t .
The laws need to be changed so this will stop happening and that is on congress....vote for people that are tough on border protection...that is all we can do and then hope for the best....I'm sure we will see Trump pounding on this for the 2018 elections...
------------------------------------------------ i understand but this has been going on since Reagan , and we have a hundred million assorted aliens not counting illegals since 1970 . ------------------ just a comment .
They are NOT migrants, they are illegals.
----------------------------------- AGREE , and i don't think i said migrants . These illegal aliens are simply invaders from 'mexico' and further south . And the actions i see going on at the border are the same actions that ' jebito bush' or 'hilary' would be doing . Last i heard the news talking heads on FOX are wondering where the invaders will sleep as all available space is already full .
They are NOT migrants, they are illegals.
----------------------------------- AGREE , and i don't think i said migrants . These illegal aliens are simply invaders from 'mexico' and further south . And the actions i see going on at the border are the same actions that ' jebito bush' or 'hilary' would be doing . Last i heard the news talking heads on FOX are wondering where the invaders will sleep as all available space is already full .

The OP says migrants, I was not referring to your comment.
The OP says migrants, I was not referring to your comment.

Yeah I used 'migrants' which only means moving from one place to another like animals do......I did not call them 'immigrants' which means a person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country which includes being legal.
The OP says migrants, I was not referring to your comment.

Yeah I used 'migrants' which only means moving from one place to another like animals do......I did not call them 'immigrants' which means a person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country which includes being legal.

So you incorrectly used a term. Admit it and move on.

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