Migrants headed to Canada

Migrants headed to Canada isn't an issue. The issue is America's fight over condemning people in need. Start a new topic.
Hahaha, you're comical duck. Didn't take long for you to get triggered when the discussion was about the atrocities that you and your government are committing arises. Go hide in your basement. We'll let you know when its safe to come out.
Not always easy to tell over the internet. I often add a <sarc> when I'm sarcastic for that reason
Liberals SAY they are for immigration....until it becomes THEIR problem.

You will figure it out. I rarely have issues with those posters who read my posts.

I am hard core libertarian. Trudeau is a communiist dictator and fascist. I ripped the hell out of him all through the scamdemic.

Now you know my political leaning, and you can read my posts through that lens.
You will figure it out. I rarely have issues with those posters who read my posts.

I am hard core libertarian. Trudeau is a communiist dictator and fascist. I ripped the hell out of him all through the scamdemic.

Now you know my political leaning, and you can read my posts through that lens.
See post #19. I'm waiting for an invitation to this discussion on my terms.

Or a moderator's action of banning me from this thread.
See post #19. I'm waiting for an invitation to this discussion on my terms.

Or a moderator's action of banning me from this thread.
Hey, duck! How about this moron from your island, Jericho Labonte. He steals a yacht, sails it into US waters and capsizes it. Our coast guard saves his drowning ass at great risk to their lives only to find that he is wanted in BC -- but they don't want to extradite him. Damn, they should've let him drown. If Canada doesn't care, why should we. Guess we have to support another foreigner for years.
Migrants are heading upstate New York on bus tickets purchased by taxpayers. They then are crossing into Canada.

The NY Post first reported on the migrants wanting to go to Canada. It cited migrants saying they wanted to get away from the city's crime and homelessness.

Hopefully Canadians know the migrants are accustomed to $500/night hotels.

Migrants fleeing NYC to head to Canada

Canada accepts migrants.

There's no way we can have a discussion when you and your side are possessed with racism and hate.
Canada accepts far fewer legal immigrants than the USA does every year. Canada accepts 350,000 pre-screened immigrants per year, the USA accepts 1,200,000 legal immigrants per year. We have been doing that for well over a century and a half. Most Canadian immigrants are from India and already speak English and are accustomed to western civilization. Let's see how you like being inundated with a sea of third world peasants who are ill to uneducated and don't speak English or accept your customs.
If anybody wants my participation in this thread, speak up and say so.

It will be on terms that are suitable to me or not at all.

If there are any moderators present, I'll ask if my terms are suitable to them, or is a thread ban necessary?
None of us want your participation on any thread. Why don't you wait for an invitation? You don't have the power to dictate to the rest of us, ESPECIALLY on matters that don't concern Canada. So, with whatever small amount of respect is due to you BUG OFF.
None of us want your participation on any thread. Why don't you wait for an invitation? You don't have the power to dictate to the rest of us, ESPECIALLY on matters that don't concern Canada. So, with whatever small amount of respect is due to you BUG OFF.
Thank you for your reply.
Some do want my participation here but most likely don't. I think i'm gaining in the number who do and that's not because I'm adapting to the spamming and profanity.
I haven't seen anyone from the USA wanting your participation. Practically every poster has told you to mind your own business and keep to Canadian matters.
I haven't seen anyone from the USA wanting your participation. Practically every poster has told you to mind your own business and keep to Canadian matters.
That's not true. I'm not on the same side as the majority but there's no way that there isn't an appreciable opposition, to which I agree with.
Canada is migrant phobic.
They won't even let you in the country unless you tell them exactly what date you are leaving, exactly where you are going, exactly what your business is in Canada, exactly where you will be staying and exactly who you will be staying with.

canada has turned to the dark, ugly side of totalitarianism.
If you want to see Canada border agents in action go watch DangerTV.

What you have listed Canada as doing is perfectly reasonable.
Canada has a right to, and should be doing all that...watching, screening, checking, double checking ...people coming and going from its country.
That way only people with valid documentation would be able to enter.
Canada has the right to 'seal' its borders, "border integrity", "border security".
Anything less sees anarchy, and shanty towns, "sewer streets" where homeless people are living in squalor and dying...spring up.
See videos on Youtube about LA and Philly etc.
What you have listed Canada as doing is perfectly reasonable.
Canada has a right to, and should be doing all that...watching, screening, checking, double checking ...people coming and going from its country.
That way only people with valid documentation would be able to enter.
Canada has the right to 'seal' its borders, "border integrity", "border security".
Anything less sees anarchy, and shanty towns, "sewer streets" where homeless people are living in squalor and dying...spring up.
See videos on Youtube about LA and Philly etc.
You are mostly correct. However, Canada is experiencing a homeless problem due to Turdeau's policies. There are a couple of commie Canadians on this board that would have you believe that Canadian borders are open to migrants. They choose to ignore the fact that their borders are well controlled. I live near the boundary where indigenous people of the area are allowed to cross freely and hunt freely and the Canadian government harrasses them regularly.

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