Mike Huckabee is a perfect example of what's wrong with the GOP

Flash, God knows His own.

Liberals will have a lot to answer for to the Lord. Politics and fiscal irresponsibility aside there is a lot of sin and immorality in the Moon Bat world. Everything from abortion to using racial division as a tool for power.

Of course if the sinners would repent the Lord will forgive.
Politics and fiscal irresponsibility aside there is a lot of sin and immorality in the Moon Bat world.

there is plenty of that in the other pasture too...and their brand can be just as evil....
GOP s Mike Huckabee Questions the Obamas Parenting of Sasha and Malia - Barack Obama Beyonce Knowles Jay-Z Malia Obama Michelle Obama Sasha Obama People.com

Details of Huckabee Son s Dog Torture Episode Coming Out Pensito Review

UPDATE: January 2015 –Testing the waters for another presidential run, Mike Huckabee — whose son tortured and killed a dog — has sought attention by criticizing the Obamas’ parenting skills.

“Without question, [Huckabee] was making a conscious attempt to keep the state police from investigating his son,”


Huckabee is a typical Republican. He feels he is a man of GAWD who has the right to criticize the parenting skills of someone whose children have never been involved in something of the level of torture and murder of a poor homeless animal that Mike's son has. Taking a long time torturing and clearly having "fun". It's never occured to Mickey that perhaps it's his parenting skills that should be coming into question. Why? Because he's a conservative and a man of GAWD. His actions are not allowed to be questioned. Besides, it's someone elses fault because they didn't stop Mike's son.
You should like the Huck...after all he is a big gov welfare/warfare statist like yourself. Dissing a pol merely because he is not an R, is childish.

Well I suppose being a anti-christian bigot might work for you.
Anti Christian Bigot? Oh, I see. You have confused REAL Christianity with that cult stuff that right wingers practice. I went to a Catholic school as a kid, and just to clue you in, I was taught Jesus did not believe in "let him die". He did not believe "feed the poor and they will breed". Jesus said something about passing through the eye of a needle. Republicans see the super wealthy as demi-gods. Republican conservatives are about as opposite from Jesus beliefs as you can get. In fact, they seem much more aligned with Satan.
1. Catholicism is NOT Chrstianity.
2. There are so many Christian organizations that provide assistance for the needy, it is amazing. Christians believe in goodwill...they don't necessarily believe that goodwill is ordained by government. Show me an athiest food kitchen.

I understan...the teapers have jaded the truth with their hate...but you need to learn and understand TRUE conservatism and CHRISTANITY...not this teaper hate BS.
Catholicism is not Christianity? Is there a psychiatrist in the house?
Catholicism is Catholcism...filled with pedophile priests, idol worshipping members, and cult like practices. Catholicism is NOT Christianity.
GOP s Mike Huckabee Questions the Obamas Parenting of Sasha and Malia - Barack Obama Beyonce Knowles Jay-Z Malia Obama Michelle Obama Sasha Obama People.com

Details of Huckabee Son s Dog Torture Episode Coming Out Pensito Review

UPDATE: January 2015 –Testing the waters for another presidential run, Mike Huckabee — whose son tortured and killed a dog — has sought attention by criticizing the Obamas’ parenting skills.

“Without question, [Huckabee] was making a conscious attempt to keep the state police from investigating his son,”


Huckabee is a typical Republican. He feels he is a man of GAWD who has the right to criticize the parenting skills of someone whose children have never been involved in something of the level of torture and murder of a poor homeless animal that Mike's son has. Taking a long time torturing and clearly having "fun". It's never occured to Mickey that perhaps it's his parenting skills that should be coming into question. Why? Because he's a conservative and a man of GAWD. His actions are not allowed to be questioned. Besides, it's someone elses fault because they didn't stop Mike's son.
You should like the Huck...after all he is a big gov welfare/warfare statist like yourself. Dissing a pol merely because he is not an R, is childish.

Well I suppose being a anti-christian bigot might work for you.
Anti Christian Bigot? Oh, I see. You have confused REAL Christianity with that cult stuff that right wingers practice. I went to a Catholic school as a kid, and just to clue you in, I was taught Jesus did not believe in "let him die". He did not believe "feed the poor and they will breed". Jesus said something about passing through the eye of a needle. Republicans see the super wealthy as demi-gods. Republican conservatives are about as opposite from Jesus beliefs as you can get. In fact, they seem much more aligned with Satan.
1. Catholicism is NOT Chrstianity.
2. There are so many Christian organizations that provide assistance for the needy, it is amazing. Christians believe in goodwill...they don't necessarily believe that goodwill is ordained by government. Show me an athiest food kitchen.

I understan...the teapers have jaded the truth with their hate...but you need to learn and understand TRUE conservatism and CHRISTANITY...not this teaper hate BS.
Catholicism is not Christianity? Is there a psychiatrist in the house?
Catholicism is Catholcism...filled with pedophile priests, idol worshipping members, and cult like practices. Catholicism is NOT Christianity.
Another hater of Catholics....so predictable.

If a church believes and espouses that Christ is God's son and mankind's savior, than that church is a Christian church. Do Catholics not believe this?
You should like the Huck...after all he is a big gov welfare/warfare statist like yourself. Dissing a pol merely because he is not an R, is childish.

Well I suppose being a anti-christian bigot might work for you.
Anti Christian Bigot? Oh, I see. You have confused REAL Christianity with that cult stuff that right wingers practice. I went to a Catholic school as a kid, and just to clue you in, I was taught Jesus did not believe in "let him die". He did not believe "feed the poor and they will breed". Jesus said something about passing through the eye of a needle. Republicans see the super wealthy as demi-gods. Republican conservatives are about as opposite from Jesus beliefs as you can get. In fact, they seem much more aligned with Satan.
1. Catholicism is NOT Chrstianity.
2. There are so many Christian organizations that provide assistance for the needy, it is amazing. Christians believe in goodwill...they don't necessarily believe that goodwill is ordained by government. Show me an athiest food kitchen.

I understan...the teapers have jaded the truth with their hate...but you need to learn and understand TRUE conservatism and CHRISTANITY...not this teaper hate BS.
Catholicism is not Christianity? Is there a psychiatrist in the house?
Catholicism is Catholcism...filled with pedophile priests, idol worshipping members, and cult like practices. Catholicism is NOT Christianity.
Another hater of Catholics....so predictable.

If a church believes and espouses that Christ is God's son and mankind's savior, than that church is a Christian church. Do Catholics not believe this?
No, Catholics beleve whatever they are told to believe. Why do you think so many Catholicsa are teapers...they are mindless lemmings who play with beads and prays to man-made Saints...all in their effort to control the world with hate, racism and violence.

Catholics are no Christian. Jesus rose again...he is not still on that cross.
You should like the Huck...after all he is a big gov welfare/warfare statist like yourself. Dissing a pol merely because he is not an R, is childish.

Well I suppose being a anti-christian bigot might work for you.
Anti Christian Bigot? Oh, I see. You have confused REAL Christianity with that cult stuff that right wingers practice. I went to a Catholic school as a kid, and just to clue you in, I was taught Jesus did not believe in "let him die". He did not believe "feed the poor and they will breed". Jesus said something about passing through the eye of a needle. Republicans see the super wealthy as demi-gods. Republican conservatives are about as opposite from Jesus beliefs as you can get. In fact, they seem much more aligned with Satan.
1. Catholicism is NOT Chrstianity.
2. There are so many Christian organizations that provide assistance for the needy, it is amazing. Christians believe in goodwill...they don't necessarily believe that goodwill is ordained by government. Show me an athiest food kitchen.

I understan...the teapers have jaded the truth with their hate...but you need to learn and understand TRUE conservatism and CHRISTANITY...not this teaper hate BS.
Catholicism is not Christianity? Is there a psychiatrist in the house?
Catholicism is Catholcism...filled with pedophile priests, idol worshipping members, and cult like practices. Catholicism is NOT Christianity.
Another hater of Catholics....so predictable.

If a church believes and espouses that Christ is God's son and mankind's savior, than that church is a Christian church. Do Catholics not believe this?
i was told that jesus was god here on earth,not his son.........i could not buy that and thats when we started parting ways....
deanie, we are not going to accept you as a religious authority of any sort.

Huckabee is a creationist, pro-immigration, populist supporter of the poor and workers, and a decent guy.
What do you think about what his son did?
whats wrong with the GOP? does this mean that the 800 Billion stimulus was a success? especially in Baltimore?
Half of it was very successful. The half that wasn't tax cuts for the rich. Everyone knows that.
fucking Republicans......
Fucking Dumbocrats!
GOP s Mike Huckabee Questions the Obamas Parenting of Sasha and Malia - Barack Obama Beyonce Knowles Jay-Z Malia Obama Michelle Obama Sasha Obama People.com

Details of Huckabee Son s Dog Torture Episode Coming Out Pensito Review

UPDATE: January 2015 –Testing the waters for another presidential run, Mike Huckabee — whose son tortured and killed a dog — has sought attention by criticizing the Obamas’ parenting skills.

“Without question, [Huckabee] was making a conscious attempt to keep the state police from investigating his son,”


Huckabee is a typical Republican. He feels he is a man of GAWD who has the right to criticize the parenting skills of someone whose children have never been involved in something of the level of torture and murder of a poor homeless animal that Mike's son has. Taking a long time torturing and clearly having "fun". It's never occured to Mickey that perhaps it's his parenting skills that should be coming into question. Why? Because he's a conservative and a man of GAWD. His actions are not allowed to be questioned. Besides, it's someone elses fault because they didn't stop Mike's son.

Huckabee could be one of the best Right Wingers if he understood Freedom Of Religion. Our Country was absolutely built on Christianity, but Freedom of Religion means we have to accept all Religions, not impose OURS. It's exactly what we came here running from, religious oppression.

Crazy how we had to kill the Indians to take their land to live free. :blowup:We turned into what we were running from..
Crazy how we had to kill the Indians to take their land to live free. :blowup:We turned into what we were running from..
Awwwww... I think Heap Big Chief Runs-to-Potty has a grievance he wants to air...
Bigots on both sides are going to be bickering.

I, personally, am not concerned what an atheist has to say about religious candidates: simply immaterial.

The torture slaying on an homeless dog disturbe me, and I will read up on it. Yes, the incident does reflect to some level H's parenting skills and successes.

actually, too much is being made of the dog incident. the dog was sick, a danger to the youth he was in charge of overseeing and needed to be put down. He just did it in a clumsy way.

There are a lot of good reasons not to vote for Huckabee, such as his letting hardened criminals out on parole who would go on to rape and murder again.

The good thing about Huckabee is that he gets that our economic policies that benefit the Rich are really killing the working class. But the People Who Really Run Things would never let him be the GOP Nominee. They'll throw the election rather than risk his becoming President.

It's what they did in 2008.
Of course every party have a bad guy or dishonest pig, but the problem is that liberals and other leftists parties have much more "pigs" than others.
And let's be honest - we all knows that libs and dems brings more harm than good!
Bigots on both sides are going to be bickering.

I, personally, am not concerned what an atheist has to say about religious candidates: simply immaterial.

The torture slaying on an homeless dog disturbe me, and I will read up on it. Yes, the incident does reflect to some level H's parenting skills and successes.

actually, too much is being made of the dog incident. the dog was sick, a danger to the youth he was in charge of overseeing and needed to be put down. He just did it in a clumsy way.

There are a lot of good reasons not to vote for Huckabee, such as his letting hardened criminals out on parole who would go on to rape and murder again.

The good thing about Huckabee is that he gets that our economic policies that benefit the Rich are really killing the working class. But the People Who Really Run Things would never let him be the GOP Nominee. They'll throw the election rather than risk his becoming President.

It's what they did in 2008.
Clumsy. Yea, go with that. He could have called the humane society but he was clumsy. He could have called the police but he was clumsy. Besides, if you're in a hurry, torture is the way to go.
Of course every party have a bad guy or dishonest pig, but the problem is that liberals and other leftists parties have much more "pigs" than others.
And let's be honest - we all knows that libs and dems brings more harm than good!
Cuz when I see Red States, I see shitholes, but when I see Blue States, I see money going to Red States.
Of course every party have a bad guy or dishonest pig, but the problem is that liberals and other leftists parties have much more "pigs" than others.
And let's be honest - we all knows that libs and dems brings more harm than good!
Cuz when I see Red States, I see shitholes, but when I see Blue States, I see money going to Red States.

Yeah that's why Chicago and Illinois are on the brink of financial disaster, right? How about Detroit?
Of course every party have a bad guy or dishonest pig, but the problem is that liberals and other leftists parties have much more "pigs" than others.
And let's be honest - we all knows that libs and dems brings more harm than good!
Cuz when I see Red States, I see shitholes, but when I see Blue States, I see money going to Red States.

Yeah that's why Chicago and Illinois are on the brink of financial disaster, right? How about Detroit?
its what Huckabee ryhmes with that's hurting him.
Of course every party have a bad guy or dishonest pig, but the problem is that liberals and other leftists parties have much more "pigs" than others.
And let's be honest - we all knows that libs and dems brings more harm than good!
Cuz when I see Red States, I see shitholes, but when I see Blue States, I see money going to Red States.

Yeah that's why Chicago and Illinois are on the brink of financial disaster, right? How about Detroit?
its what Huckabee ryhmes with that's hurting him.
and he was doing so well in the polls until Megyn Kelly inadvertantly said "The Host of {F##....A Bee} on live TV.
Of course every party have a bad guy or dishonest pig, but the problem is that liberals and other leftists parties have much more "pigs" than others.
And let's be honest - we all knows that libs and dems brings more harm than good!
liberals and other leftists parties have much more "pigs" than others.
matter of opinion....looks about equal to me.....
Of course every party have a bad guy or dishonest pig, but the problem is that liberals and other leftists parties have much more "pigs" than others.
And let's be honest - we all knows that libs and dems brings more harm than good!
Cuz when I see Red States, I see shitholes, but when I see Blue States, I see money going to Red States.

Yeah that's why Chicago and Illinois are on the brink of financial disaster, right? How about Detroit?
dean lives in chicago....he doesnt want to talk about things unless he can blame republicans...

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