Mike Huckabee: Obama Is Pretending To Be A Christian

like BO's speech at the UN "there is no future for those who slander Islam".

When he said this:

"The future must not belong to those who target Coptic Christians in Egypt -- it must be claimed by those in Tahrir Square who chanted, "Muslims, Christians, we are one." The future must not belong to those who bully women -- it must be shaped by girls who go to school, and those who stand for a world where our daughters can live their dreams just like our sons. (Applause.) "

Remarks by the President to the UN General Assembly
It's so cute how you plucked a line from my remarks to avoid the total context, in order to offer up your feeble zinger. How very edified you must feel. (Applause.)

Not nearly as cute as your plucking a few words from that UN speech.

But I wasn't the first to call you out on your BS. G5 beat me to it.
I believe what Suckabee said is 'bearing false witness against your neighbor'.

Of course Huckabee doesn't read the bible so how would he know what's in it.
Remember Obama's slip on ABC: ". . . my Muslim faith. . . ." And, in case you've forgotten, go look at the video and check out the look on Obama's face when George Stephanapolous gently notes what he'd just said. It has guilt and "uh-oh" written all over it. If it had been a gaffe, his reaction would have been much different; but that's the problem: it was not a gaffe but a slip, a lapse in his story.

Of course, things get really interesting when you look at the radical Muslims with whom Obama associated as a young adult: Ali Abu Mina, Rasheed Khalidi, Ed Said, etc.

Also, Obama was clearly raised as a Muslim and by his own admission he made the Islamic confession of faith.

And just look at the "church" that Obama attended in Chicago: a church led by a pro-Hamas, anti-Israeli radical who embraced just about every nutty conspiracy theory in existence.
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like BO's speech at the UN "there is no future for those who slander Islam".

When he said this:

"The future must not belong to those who target Coptic Christians in Egypt -- it must be claimed by those in Tahrir Square who chanted, "Muslims, Christians, we are one." The future must not belong to those who bully women -- it must be shaped by girls who go to school, and those who stand for a world where our daughters can live their dreams just like our sons. (Applause.) "

Remarks by the President to the UN General Assembly
It's so cute how you plucked a line from my remarks to avoid the total context, in order to offer up your feeble zinger. How very edified you must feel. (Applause.)

Not nearly as cute as your plucking a few words from that UN speech.

But I wasn't the first to call you out on your BS. G5 beat me to it.
Aww. Good for you. Another hollow victory for your hollow hero.
Are the same narrow-minded bigots who are conducting a purge in the Republican Party now conducting a purge in the Christian faith? Does their zealotry and self-righteousness know no bounds?

As a Christian, I deeply resent this radical right wing movement masquerading as Christians. At least I'm not a Republican who can be dismissed as a RINO by the feeble minded bigots. I shall not waver in my faith as a Christian in the face of those with mindsets akin to 17th century witch hunters.
Are the same narrow-minded bigots who are conducting a purge in the Republican Party now conducting a purge in the Christian faith? Does their zealotry and self-righteousness know no bounds?

As a Christian, I deeply resent this radical right wing movement masquerading as Christians. At least I'm not a Republican who can be dismissed as a RINO by the feeble minded bigots. I shall not waver in my faith as a Christian in the face of those with mindsets akin to 17th century witch hunters.
Christianity has never been well served by authoritarians who want to lead it down their own narrow path.
Are the same narrow-minded bigots who are conducting a purge in the Republican Party now conducting a purge in the Christian faith? Does their zealotry and self-righteousness know no bounds?

As a Christian, I deeply resent this radical right wing movement masquerading as Christians. At least I'm not a Republican who can be dismissed as a RINO by the feeble minded bigots. I shall not waver in my faith as a Christian in the face of those with mindsets akin to 17th century witch hunters.
Christianity has never been well served by authoritarians who want to lead it down their own narrow path.
The same can be said for all humanity.
Huckabee would not know a real Christian if Jesus came down and pointed one out to him. His brand of Christianity is an unholy perversion.

Not many Christians are so pro-abortion. Obama being a Christian is like having the head of the KKK married to a black woman.
The christian right made two social issues paramount over everything else and forgot all the other stuff. Nowhere do you find a concern for poverty, sickness, corruption, dishonesty ect. All we see is a bunch of extremely hateful people acting like jackasses that would walk over any number of hungry people just to block a clinic door.

Looks to me like you're not paying attention.

The Christian right doesn't believe in robbing taxpayers to take care of all these people. Forced charity is not charity at all. Forced charity is theft.

Of course as a leftist, you know if government doesn't manage these things, nobody else will. Forget the fact we are the most charitable people in the world. Forget the Christian organizations that do cater to those in need. The religious soup kitchens, the religious homeless shelters. That doesn't count. The only thing that counts is when you support government (theft) charities.

Those of us on the right feel good when we help individuals or private organizations to take care of people. People on the left, they feel good when their politicians make everybody else pay for their so-called charity. Then they can say they were charitable without giving anything of themselves. Instead, they gave of others with or without their blessings.
I wish trump would stick his foot in his mouth big time again...So we can laugh at the dumb republican party.

Riddle me this Batman.............does anyone know what a DEGROWTHER like Matthew and a birther have in common?


1. They have no facts, just suppositions they get from far left and right sites.

2. They always claim if they don't listen to them, bad things are going to happen.

3. They both use the word "settled" on a regular basis.

4. The UN is constantly in their conversations to convince you they are correct.

5. They always trumpet what someone else says, instead of discussing what they know; which means their whole argument is based on the veracity of others.

And the list goes on, and on.

Matthew calling out the OP author has validity, since the OP can not prove what he states. Still, it is like calling the kettle black, since Matthew can't prove anything he says either, so I call any thing he says negative towards the OP, even-steven-)

Mike Huckabee should eat some more Grits and Gravy


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