Military Industrial Complex: Morale Crisis In Military; Burned Out With No Sense Of Mission...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Looks likes most of our brave soldiers are now burned out fighting Wars for the NWO Globalist Elites. They feel no sense of purpose. Fighting and dying for what? So the Globalist Banker-Elites can get richer? This is what 'Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace' brings. The Welfare/Warfare State is crumbling.

AMERICA'S MILITARY: A force adrift

For many of the war-weary troops who deployed to combat zones over and over again for 13 years, the end of an era of war in Iraq and Afghanistan is good news.

But for Marine Sgt. Zack Cantu and other service members, it's a total morale killer. For many of them, particularly the young grunts and others in combat arms specialties, it's the realization that they may never go into battle for their country and their comrades.

"Most people in [the Marine Corps] are in because of the wars," said the 25-year-old Cantu, a former infantryman at Camp Pendleton, California. Cantu has retrained as a telephone system and computer repairer, a specialty more likely to survive as the service downsizes.

"Now, everyone's coming to the realization, 'It's probably not going to happen for me,'" he said.

The wars against America's enemies gave troops like Cantu a noble purpose. Their training had focus, their sacrifices were appreciated by a largely grateful nation. That gratitude was reflected from the White House to the citizen in the street, all of whom heaped praise upon military members for their service.

Congress lavished generous pay increases and expanded benefits on them while spending deeply to provide the gear and weapons they needed. Recruiters raced to grow the size of the services, and society vowed to never again undervalue the 1 percent of the country who stepped forward to keep them safe...

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"Military Industrial Complex: Morale Crisis In Military; Burned Out With No Sense Of Mission..."

The consequence of GWB's two failed, illegal wars.
Looks likes most of our brave soldiers are now burned out fighting Wars for the NWO Globalist Elites. They feel no sense of purpose. Fighting and dying for what? So the Globalist Banker-Elites can get richer? This is what 'Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace' brings. The Welfare/Warfare State is crumbling.

AMERICA'S MILITARY: A force adrift

For many of the war-weary troops who deployed to combat zones over and over again for 13 years, the end of an era of war in Iraq and Afghanistan is good news.

But for Marine Sgt. Zack Cantu and other service members, it's a total morale killer. For many of them, particularly the young grunts and others in combat arms specialties, it's the realization that they may never go into battle for their country and their comrades.

"Most people in [the Marine Corps] are in because of the wars," said the 25-year-old Cantu, a former infantryman at Camp Pendleton, California. Cantu has retrained as a telephone system and computer repairer, a specialty more likely to survive as the service downsizes.

"Now, everyone's coming to the realization, 'It's probably not going to happen for me,'" he said.

The wars against America's enemies gave troops like Cantu a noble purpose. Their training had focus, their sacrifices were appreciated by a largely grateful nation. That gratitude was reflected from the White House to the citizen in the street, all of whom heaped praise upon military members for their service.

Congress lavished generous pay increases and expanded benefits on them while spending deeply to provide the gear and weapons they needed. Recruiters raced to grow the size of the services, and society vowed to never again undervalue the 1 percent of the country who stepped forward to keep them safe...

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The military in any democracy has to deal with this. Democracies 'generally' don't like to go to war so the military is relegated to 'training' and war games for the most part. And this is a GOOD thing.

The MIC in the US, because it is the biggest and baddest on Earth has a natural tendency to flex that muscle rather than continue to do pushups and run 10 miles a day for no particular reason. The industry that makes military weapons and hardware also has a vested interest in seeing war break out. Their profit increases by quantum leaps during such periods. This is the 1000lb Bengal tiger that Eisenhower warned about that sleeps right next to us at night. Its whole purpose is overwhelming physical force and it is always coiled ready to pounce.

It is really a tightrope that we walk where we keep a potent military at the ready and at the same time keep it tame, and keep the money changers that make money off of this at bay as well. Especially when there are trillions of dollars to be made.

Its normal for a soldier to want to put everything their training has prepared them for into action, and for any human being when you spend years honing a skill and never get to use it it is frustrating.

In this case though it is FAR better that these skills should never be needed. An odd paradox but that is its nature.
Fighting and dying for what?

For liberal 'values' of course!

It is nice to die for:

- Homo 'marriages'
- Lying career politicians
- Islam as darling of Dems and GOP
- War on Christianity
- Pedophiles
- Banksters
- Chinese who stealing your jobs
- Hillbilly who wants to prohibit the Bible in case if elected.
- Dumb K-12 'education'
- Failed managers who have golden parachutes
- Mainstream 'medias'
- Outsourcing to China
- Cuckservative RINOs
- etc. etc. etc.
We've had one graduate out of the last 5 years join the military. That's one out of about 450 kids. A lot lower rate than when oi graduated many moons ago.
Their mission is to fight and die so Globalist Elites can get richer. Sadly, our soldiers are just mercenaries now. I can truly understand why so many of them feel no sense of purpose or mission.

They're beginning to realize they're only dying for Globalist Elites to achieve more power and money. They're mere pawns. It's exactly what one very powerful Globalist Elite said about them...

"Military Men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy." - Henry Kissinger
Fighting and dying for what?

For liberal 'values' of course!

It is nice to die for:

- Homo 'marriages'
- Lying career politicians
- Islam as darling of Dems and GOP
- War on Christianity
- Pedophiles
- Banksters
- Chinese who stealing your jobs
- Hillbilly who wants to prohibit the Bible in case if elected.
- Dumb K-12 'education'
- Failed managers who have golden parachutes
- Mainstream 'medias'
- Outsourcing to China
- Cuckservative RINOs
- etc. etc. etc.

Yeah i have to admit, most of our soldiers are confused and disillusioned at this point. What are they really fighting and dying for?

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