Millennial Job Prospects vis a vis the 'Old Economy'...


conscientia mille testes
Jun 17, 2010
The Bay Area Soviet
not quite humor, satire? perhaps, but I'd say it has a veneer of verisimilitude, just enough ....

Meet Old Economy Steve...

Old Economy Steven meme | quickmeme

a sometimes funny collection of meme 'expression' ( see:whining) from millennials in relation to poor job prospects, also a giveaway on their lack of education as in historical perspective...I don't know if this is all an Onion like set up or not, but I am betting if you asked a 25 year old unemployed degree'd 'professional' today what they thought, they'd nod and say; " yea, cool, thats down...."

my fav......


:lol: someones watched to much MadMen....

post your favs...or make your own...;)
Not sure I'd call them memes most are whines and not the good kind of wine. No one who lives in the real world talks like that - from my generation, my parent's, or even our children. The only people who talk that way are the privileged whiners, mostly republican, usually libertarian, who are upper middle to upper class. It's as if a whole generation has been brain washed and repeat Cato and Heritage and other Koch supported memes and spin. It amazes me how a group so large is so puppet like - the Kochs pull the string and the whiners whine. Woe is me, whoa is me, whine on whiners....soon you too will be replaced.

The quote below introduces the mostly hidden reality of American today.

"The ruling class thinks that the average American earns too much money. This is an unspoken belief, and one that most of them would no doubt vehemently deny. But the evidence is compelling. The elite show their hand in many ways:

• When they oppose raising the pay of the lowest-paid workers, those covered by the minimum wage

• When they encourage the export of good-paying jobs in fields such as information technology

• When they resist changes in the tax code that would protect American workers

Corporate executives contend that they are forced to relocate their operations to low-wage havens to remain competitive. In other words, their domestic workers earn too much. Never mind that manufacturing wages are lower in the United Stares than in a dozen other developed countries.

Thanks to the rules, many of which are written by corporations, a company can pull up stakes and use cheap foreign labor to make the same product it once did in America. It no longer has to meet environmental standards. It no longer has to abide by U.S. labor laws. It no longer has to pay a decent wage. Then the company can ship the product back to the United States where, courtesy of the rules, it will pay little if any duty. How can American workers hope to compete against that? They can't.

Lisa Gentner worked at a company called Carrollton Specialty Products, housed in a one-story warehouse in Moberly, Missouri, a town of 15,000 in central Missouri. Carrollton was a subcontractor for Hallmark Cards, the global greeting card giant based 125 miles west in Kansas City, Missouri. The largely female workforce of 200 provided the hand assembly for a variety of Hallmark products. They tied bows and affixed them to valentines and anniversary greetings. They glued buttons, rhinestones, and pop-ups inside birthday cards. They made gift baskets.

As in many towns across the country, the plant was an economic anchor for Moberly. Manufacturing is often pictured as a big-city enterprise, but a substantial number of plants are the lifeblood of small to medium-sized cities...." Check out book for the rest of the story.

Quote from p24 'Assault on the Middle Class' in 'The Betrayal of the American Dream' authors, Barlett and Steele.
Thanks to the rules, many of which are written by corporations, a company can pull up stakes and use cheap foreign labor to make the same product it once did in America.

dear, we have free trade among cities, states, and nations all over
the world because most economists agree we should. If we had to grow bananas here they would cost a fortune, provide lots of employment here, and make Americans who bought them poorer.

Simple enough for you? Why not try to show some thought or education before you simply parrot liberal fools because you cant think on your own??? Are you a child??

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