Million Man March 10.10.15


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Nation of Islam, Black Lives Matter, Oh my the horror... the horror...

The Million Man Fraud Comes To Washington
Violence on the horizon?
October 9, 2015
Matthew Vadum


Rioting at this weekend's Washington, D.C. gripe-fest celebrating the 20th anniversary of the endlessly hyped, misnamed Million Man March, seems like a definite possibility.
The haters from Hartford are headed for Washington, D.C.

Members and supporters of Nation of Islam, Black Lives Matter, and a staggering array of militant black nationalist and left-wing hate groups are scheduled to converge on the National Mall on Saturday. The official theme for the event, "Justice or else," which is a bit more concise than the "No justice! No peace!" cry of modern American rioters and looters, seems to foreshadow trouble to come.

U.S. Capitol Police wisely issued an advisory to its 1,800 officers warning that Nation of Islam's participation in the march would increase the likelihood of violence at the event. The document stated with complete accuracy that the cultish group's incendiary racist leader, Louis Farrakhan, “has been accused of inciting violence against both Caucasians and police officers.”

The memo acknowledged that the original Million Man March years ago, which the National Park Service at the time estimated had merely 400,000 in attendance, was not violent, but prudently cautioned that “given today’s negative racial climate and the rise of the Black Lives Matter movement,” the second march this weekend “may not be as peaceful.”


And in what looks like a garden-variety left-wing corporate shakedown attempt, something called the Minority Youth Movement (MYMM) plans to show up at the march to protest "the blatant lack of disrespect and bigotry organizations such as NASCAR have exhibited for decades against minorities." The racing franchise allegedly denies minority members "access to the Motorsports industry," whatever that means.

These racist, radical groups have to pay the rent somehow.

The Million Man Fraud Comes To Washington

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