Millionaire repub congressman wants a raise

Millionaire Georgia Republican Says His $172,000 Salary Isn't Enough For 126 Days Of Work -

Americans are struggling. As most Americans are fighting day after day to survive, the wealthy in this county have prospered, and that’s an understatement. The wealthy have fully recovered from the recession and have increased their wealth. No wealthy person has a right to complain about how much money they are making compared to everyone else, especially if those wealthy people are also politicians.

How many ordinary Americans would complain about a job that pays $172,000 to work only 126 days a year? Georgia Republican Congressman Phil Gingrey did exactly that. During a private meeting with fellow Republicans such as John Boehner to discuss exempting members of Congress and their staffs from having to enroll in Obamacare, Rep. Gingrey apparently whined about his salary, according to the National Review. He said while lobbyists can “make 500,000 a year … I’m stuck here making $172,000 a year.”

Instead of feeding at the public trough for doing nothing FOR his own country, maybe he should consider a full time job where he actually works for a living.

String 'im up!:mad:
Both Congress and the President are grossly underpaid

$172 K is what a mid level manager makes
Both Congress and the President are grossly underpaid

$172 K is what a mid level manager makes

I hope your not serious.
Their base pay is a small-small portion of what they skim off of donations, speaking arrangements, corrupt inside information leading to golden windfall investments etc. etc.
There are a number of people who became millionaires while in congress. You cannot possibly do that at $172k salary
A few facts.

Congress made it mandatory that the President recommend pay raises every year based on the economy. ( done while dems controlled the Congress).

A congressional Representative can NOT get a pay raise until they are reelected. BY LAW.


By Constitutional Amendment, really. (which, yes, is law).

Historical tidbit: That Amendment was proposed in 1789, by James Madison.

It was finally 1992.
Both Congress and the President are grossly underpaid

$172 K is what a mid level manager makes

I hope your not serious.
Their base pay is a small-small portion of what they skim off of donations, speaking arrangements, corrupt inside information leading to golden windfall investments etc. etc.
There are a number of people who became millionaires while in congress. You cannot possibly do that at $172k salary

Very serious

President should be paid $1 million
Congress $400,000

CEOs can make additional money from speaking engagements and books too. Doesn't mean their salaries should be slashed

Many Congressmen become millionaires however, many have short careers and return to public life

We should pay our top representatives a competitive wage. $172k is a pathetic salary. School Principals make more
Both Congress and the President are grossly underpaid

$172 K is what a mid level manager makes

I hope your not serious.
Their base pay is a small-small portion of what they skim off of donations, speaking arrangements, corrupt inside information leading to golden windfall investments etc. etc.
There are a number of people who became millionaires while in congress. You cannot possibly do that at $172k salary

Very serious

President should be paid $1 million
Congress $400,000

CEOs can make additional money from speaking engagements and books too. Doesn't mean their salaries should be slashed

Many Congressmen become millionaires however, many have short careers and return to public life

We should pay our top representatives a competitive wage. $172k is a pathetic salary. School Principals make more

C'mon RW' are capable of critical thinking.
I would agree to $500k a year...maybe even $600k. IF - they make insider trading illegal for all federal employees. If they ban ANY AND ALL personal gains from campaign contributions - AND - all house and senate members are required to submit their finances for a mandatory personal audit by an outside firm.
I hope your not serious.
Their base pay is a small-small portion of what they skim off of donations, speaking arrangements, corrupt inside information leading to golden windfall investments etc. etc.
There are a number of people who became millionaires while in congress. You cannot possibly do that at $172k salary

Very serious

President should be paid $1 million
Congress $400,000

CEOs can make additional money from speaking engagements and books too. Doesn't mean their salaries should be slashed

Many Congressmen become millionaires however, many have short careers and return to public life

We should pay our top representatives a competitive wage. $172k is a pathetic salary. School Principals make more

C'mon RW' are capable of critical thinking.
I would agree to $500k a year...maybe even $600k. IF - they make insider trading illegal for all federal employees. If they ban ANY AND ALL personal gains from campaign contributions - AND - all house and senate members are required to submit their finances for a mandatory personal audit by an outside firm.

Insider trading is illegal for all Federal Employees. In fact, they have to file a statement every year detailing what stocks they own as well as other financial obligations (OGE 450)

I am not sure if Congressmen have to fill out the same form but I imagine they do
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The Boehner/Teaparty House only has him working 126 days out of the year & his pay isn't high enough? :eusa_eh: :rofl:

Millionaire Georgia Republican Says His $172,000 Salary Isn't Enough For 126 Days Of Work -

Americans are struggling. As most Americans are fighting day after day to survive, the wealthy in this county have prospered, and that’s an understatement. The wealthy have fully recovered from the recession and have increased their wealth. No wealthy person has a right to complain about how much money they are making compared to everyone else, especially if those wealthy people are also politicians.

How many ordinary Americans would complain about a job that pays $172,000 to work only 126 days a year? Georgia Republican Congressman Phil Gingrey did exactly that. During a private meeting with fellow Republicans such as John Boehner to discuss exempting members of Congress and their staffs from having to enroll in Obamacare, Rep. Gingrey apparently whined about his salary, according to the National Review. He said while lobbyists can “make 500,000 a year … I’m stuck here making $172,000 a year.”

Instead of feeding at the public trough for doing nothing FOR his own country, maybe he should consider a full time job where he actually works for a living.
Very serious

President should be paid $1 million
Congress $400,000

CEOs can make additional money from speaking engagements and books too. Doesn't mean their salaries should be slashed

Many Congressmen become millionaires however, many have short careers and return to public life

We should pay our top representatives a competitive wage. $172k is a pathetic salary. School Principals make more

C'mon RW' are capable of critical thinking.
I would agree to $500k a year...maybe even $600k. IF - they make insider trading illegal for all federal employees. If they ban ANY AND ALL personal gains from campaign contributions - AND - all house and senate members are required to submit their finances for a mandatory personal audit by an outside firm.

Insider trading is illegal for all Federal Employees. In fact, they have to file a statement every year detailing what stocks they own as well as other financial obligations (OGE 450)

I am not sure if Congressmen have to fill out the same form but I imagine they do

U.S. Office of Government Ethics - OGE Form 450: Confidential Financial Disclosure Report

WHat?? Where have you been?
Insider trading is not illegal for House or Senate members. They can and do use information they are given in office and change their finances accordingly. How in the world could you not know this?
The Boehner/Teaparty House only has him working 126 days out of the year & his pay isn't high enough? :eusa_eh: :rofl:

Millionaire Georgia Republican Says His $172,000 Salary Isn't Enough For 126 Days Of Work -

Americans are struggling. As most Americans are fighting day after day to survive, the wealthy in this county have prospered, and that’s an understatement. The wealthy have fully recovered from the recession and have increased their wealth. No wealthy person has a right to complain about how much money they are making compared to everyone else, especially if those wealthy people are also politicians.

How many ordinary Americans would complain about a job that pays $172,000 to work only 126 days a year? Georgia Republican Congressman Phil Gingrey did exactly that. During a private meeting with fellow Republicans such as John Boehner to discuss exempting members of Congress and their staffs from having to enroll in Obamacare, Rep. Gingrey apparently whined about his salary, according to the National Review. He said while lobbyists can “make 500,000 a year … I’m stuck here making $172,000 a year.”

Instead of feeding at the public trough for doing nothing FOR his own country, maybe he should consider a full time job where he actually works for a living.

This kinda logic kills me. It seems obvious D voters would be bitching about salaries when they can't get out of an hourly wage state of mind.

At some point, you have to acknowlege that some of the highly influential jobs some people do aren't valued based on the amount of time those people take to do said job, or even the amount of physical effort required to do said job.

The only reason I couldn't necessarily sign off on paying politicians more money is because I can't imagine that you could ever hit the magical number. That number being the amount of money you'd have to pay a politician to satisfy him/her enough to keep them honest (i.e. not the whore of lobbyists and special interests). For some people, there's no such thing as comfortable enough to behave honorably, so any reasonable pay hike would ultimately be useless.
I hope your not serious.
Their base pay is a small-small portion of what they skim off of donations, speaking arrangements, corrupt inside information leading to golden windfall investments etc. etc.
There are a number of people who became millionaires while in congress. You cannot possibly do that at $172k salary

Very serious

President should be paid $1 million
Congress $400,000

CEOs can make additional money from speaking engagements and books too. Doesn't mean their salaries should be slashed

Many Congressmen become millionaires however, many have short careers and return to public life

We should pay our top representatives a competitive wage. $172k is a pathetic salary. School Principals make more

C'mon RW' are capable of critical thinking.
I would agree to $500k a year...maybe even $600k. IF - they make insider trading illegal for all federal employees. If they ban ANY AND ALL personal gains from campaign contributions - AND - all house and senate members are required to submit their finances for a mandatory personal audit by an outside firm.

Anyone who thinks those fucktards should get paid more is obviously not capable of critical thinking. They should get paid less.
Anyone who thinks those fucktards should get paid more is obviously not capable of critical thinking. They should get paid less.

Think further ahead.
RW'nger is not necessarily wrong here. In order to attract competent people, you have to have an attractive compensation package. Same as in the business world.
At $172k...what has happened is they are in fact encouraged to compensate their wages by other means. Many are illegal for you and me...but they are exempt.
We need to ban insider trading in Washington, we need to ban members from being able to invest money into companies they appropriate funds to!! Talk about conflict of interest!
Washington is completely corrupt by corporate and special interest because they are making $millions doing it.
It would be a faaaaaaaaaar better situation to ban all outside means of enriching themselves, and pay them a much higher wage.
That - my friend, is critical thinking.
C'mon RW' are capable of critical thinking.
I would agree to $500k a year...maybe even $600k. IF - they make insider trading illegal for all federal employees. If they ban ANY AND ALL personal gains from campaign contributions - AND - all house and senate members are required to submit their finances for a mandatory personal audit by an outside firm.

Insider trading is illegal for all Federal Employees. In fact, they have to file a statement every year detailing what stocks they own as well as other financial obligations (OGE 450)

I am not sure if Congressmen have to fill out the same form but I imagine they do

U.S. Office of Government Ethics - OGE Form 450: Confidential Financial Disclosure Report

WHat?? Where have you been?
Insider trading is not illegal for House or Senate members. They can and do use information they are given in office and change their finances accordingly. How in the world could you not know this?

Actually, I don't know that

Please back it up
Anyone who thinks those fucktards should get paid more is obviously not capable of critical thinking. They should get paid less.

Think further ahead.
RW'nger is not necessarily wrong here. In order to attract competent people, you have to have an attractive compensation package. Same as in the business world.
At $172k...what has happened is they are in fact encouraged to compensate their wages by other means. Many are illegal for you and me...but they are exempt.
We need to ban insider trading in Washington, we need to ban members from being able to invest money into companies they appropriate funds to!! Talk about conflict of interest!
Washington is completely corrupt by corporate and special interest because they are making $millions doing it.
It would be a faaaaaaaaaar better situation to ban all outside means of enriching themselves, and pay them a much higher wage.
That - my friend, is critical thinking.

Actually, that $172K involves more than just what a Senator or Congressman takes home. Because they wear the title Senator or Congressman, most would be willing to do the job for free.....just for the prestige
But that $172K also serves as a cap for all top Government executives. These are the people who are actually doing the work. The ones establishing economic and foreign policy. Experts in their fields who are really calling the shots behind the scenes....yet, they get paid less than a High School Principal
As in all things, you get what you pay for
Insider trading is illegal for all Federal Employees. In fact, they have to file a statement every year detailing what stocks they own as well as other financial obligations (OGE 450)

I am not sure if Congressmen have to fill out the same form but I imagine they do

U.S. Office of Government Ethics - OGE Form 450: Confidential Financial Disclosure Report

WHat?? Where have you been?
Insider trading is not illegal for House or Senate members. They can and do use information they are given in office and change their finances accordingly. How in the world could you not know this?

Actually, I don't know that

Please back it up

Proving the Sky is Blue | National Review Online
Anyone who thinks those fucktards should get paid more is obviously not capable of critical thinking. They should get paid less.

Think further ahead.
RW'nger is not necessarily wrong here. In order to attract competent people, you have to have an attractive compensation package. Same as in the business world.
At $172k...what has happened is they are in fact encouraged to compensate their wages by other means. Many are illegal for you and me...but they are exempt.
We need to ban insider trading in Washington, we need to ban members from being able to invest money into companies they appropriate funds to!! Talk about conflict of interest!
Washington is completely corrupt by corporate and special interest because they are making $millions doing it.
It would be a faaaaaaaaaar better situation to ban all outside means of enriching themselves, and pay them a much higher wage.
That - my friend, is critical thinking.

Actually, that $172K involves more than just what a Senator or Congressman takes home. Because they wear the title Senator or Congressman, most would be willing to do the job for free.....just for the prestige
But that $172K also serves as a cap for all top Government executives. These are the people who are actually doing the work. The ones establishing economic and foreign policy. Experts in their fields who are really calling the shots behind the scenes....yet, they get paid less than a High School Principal
As in all things, you get what you pay for

There are droves of more than competent folk who would do the job for nothing.
The Boehner/Teaparty House only has him working 126 days out of the year & his pay isn't high enough? :eusa_eh: :rofl:

Millionaire Georgia Republican Says His $172,000 Salary Isn't Enough For 126 Days Of Work -

Instead of feeding at the public trough for doing nothing FOR his own country, maybe he should consider a full time job where he actually works for a living.

This kinda logic kills me. It seems obvious D voters would be bitching about salaries when they can't get out of an hourly wage state of mind.

At some point, you have to acknowlege that some of the highly influential jobs some people do aren't valued based on the amount of time those people take to do said job, or even the amount of physical effort required to do said job.

The only reason I couldn't necessarily sign off on paying politicians more money is because I can't imagine that you could ever hit the magical number. That number being the amount of money you'd have to pay a politician to satisfy him/her enough to keep them honest (i.e. not the whore of lobbyists and special interests). For some people, there's no such thing as comfortable enough to behave honorably, so any reasonable pay hike would ultimately be useless.

Is that a "round-a-bout" way of saying you were wrong R-voter? Apology accepted :thup:

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